HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1991.08.08TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 8, 1991 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: \_ vrsrToRs: AMOROSO O I DONNELL PREGER SIMONETTI T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGR. SGT. JlM ELDREDGE JUDY MALFATTI, CfTY CLERK MARTHA REYNOLDS, (HOME) 232 EATON ROAD, SAN T,IATEO, 1705 MURCHISON DR., BURLINGAME ( woRK ) DAVID & TJESTJIE BISETI-I{YT'IE, 1224 FLORIBUNDA AVE. #2, BURLINGAME, CA. M E D A J R M EVANS KARP KOENIGS TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKTNG COUMISSION !,TINI.'ITES AUGUST 8, I99L 1. CALL To oRDER: t 7:05 p.n. by Chairman Sinonetti. PIJEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE To THE ELAG. Conmissioner Preger. ROI.,L CAI.,L:PTesent: AMOROSO, O I DONNEI,L, PREGER, SIMONETTI Alrsent: EVANS, KARP, KoENIG ACTION ITEIIIS: 4.1 Minutes of July 11, 1991 were approved. 2 3 4 4.2 Request for stop sign - Primrose Road/Floribunda staff reviewed last neeting discussion and commissioner review of this areal he read accident report from 1979 to present and there vras less than one accident per year and those accidents were with parked vehicles; suggrested 25 mph siqns be installed since speeding seemed to be the problemi handicap ramps v/i1l be installed in the sidewalk program this year. Leslie Bisetti-wy1ie, L224 Floribunda, told of danqer crossing street for her children, she wanted a stop sign installedr' she was satisfied that handicap ramp would be installed; she said east bound traffic on Floribunda is the probleD. C. OrDonnell asked if one stop sign could be installed at the yield sign area. Staff recorninended allowing the yield sign and speed linit signs sone time in operation to see if they helped; Police can try using radar enforcement on the street. C. orDonnell noved to instalf a stop sign. The motion died for lack of a second. c. Preger moved to install 25 nph speed linit signs. Seconded by c. Amoroso, carried 3-1, c. orDonnell voting no. 4.3 Requests for Green Zone, Red Zone, Maj illa/California c. Amoroso had looked at the area, a red zone would overlaponto private property, he recommended red tips at the driveway. c. Amoroso moved to install 2 foot red zone on eachside of applicant's driveway on Majil1a. seconded by c. Preqer, carried 4-0. c. Amoroso noted commission had already approved one green zone for this area. Police said green zones are very difficult to enforce because it is hard to get meter maid there every 24 minutes. c. orDonnell moved to deny the request for another green zone. Seconded by C. Amoroso, carried 4-0. 4 4 Request for Stop Signs at Crossrralk Midway Between Itlurchison and Trousdale ln Staff had surveyed the area, speed is not problem but largetrucks parking there may be; pedestrians seem to cross thestreet everylrhere, donrt use crosswalki crosshralk vas notmarked, have now instatled pedestrian crossing signs and havecross hatched the pedestrian crossing; he suggested theserenedies be allowed to remain for a time rather thaninstalling stop signs, there are no warrants for stop signs. tlartha Reynolds, employee at gIA, said her office looks outonto the area discussedi pedestrians have no problen withtraffic heading north, but t4affic heading south cannot beseen if a truck is parked at the pedestrian crossingl she suggested a red zone north of the pedestrian crossing sinilarto the one to the south. c. orDonnell moved to install a red zone for 20 feet north ofthe pedestrian crossing on the $rest side of Magnolia. Seconded by C. Preger, carried 4-O. INACTIVE ITEXITS - None. 7.INFORMATION ITTN,IS - None. 8.FROM THE FLOOR - None. 9. ADJOITRNMENT - 7244 p.m. 5. 6.NEW BUSINESS - A letter from Susan Brohm asked for a red zone on both sides of the driveway at l-525 Ro1lins. Setfor discussion at the next meeting.