HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1991.06.13COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 13, 1991 M. AMOROSO J. EVANS M. KOENIGSE. OIDONNELTD. PREGERA. SIMONETTI,CHAIRMAN R. KARP T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JACK VAN ETTEN MARIE GILBREATH, SEC. I,ESLIE BISETTI-WYI,IE 1224 FLORIBUNDA AVE. #2 RICK AINSWORTH 1105 CAPUCHINO AVE. #38 TOM MACKIN, 195 CALIFORNIA DRIVE CAROL A. TANZI, 1528 COLUMBUS 1. 2 3 4. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 13, 1991 CALL TO ORDER. 7:0O p. m. by Chairman SimonettL. PL,EDGE OF ALTEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. (Did not pledge allegiance due to not having a ftag in Conf. Rm. A). ROLL CALL,. AII present er.cept Comm. R. Karp. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1. Actlon Items. 4.1.1 4.L.2 May 9, 1991 Minutes approved as submitted. Request from Saturn of Burllngame -198 California Drive to Remove Meter posts, replace the meters along Catifornia Drive. Commissioner Koenlgs did a survey of this area.Out of the survey sheets returned to staff,four buslnesses wanted meters; five did notwant the meters. Representative Tom Mackin of Saturn, spoke tothe Commission regarding cars parking in frontof 198 California for the day, the same carsday-after-day. He stated that he needs streetparkLng for his customers and hels provided offstreet parking for all employees of Saturn. Heis in favor of the parking meters belnginstalled here. Staff suggested to the Commission that two-hourparking meters could be considered l-n front ofSaturn, and also consider two-hour parking forthe side streets. or After some discussion, it was motioned andseconded by Commlssioners Evans and preger thatthe Commission accept staffrs recommendatj.on toinstaLl meters in front of Saturn, and two-hourparking for the side streets. This was un-animously approved by the Commission. 5. 6. 4.2 Discusslon Items. 4.2.L None. INACTM ITEMS. None NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 (a) 6.L.2 6. 1.3 Request for Handlcap Ramp - Southeast Corner Prlmrose Road/Floribunda Avenue. Ms. Benetti addressed the Commlsslonregarding her concerns of no handlcap rampat the southeast corner of the subJect 1o- catlon. She sald that many of her frlends who come to vlsit are handicapped inyrheelchairs and they wish to go to the LLbrary or the Avenue and have to cross this area. After 6one dlscussion the Commisslon askedstaff to bring to the JuIy meetlng areport on the accidents of this location.- This item will be on the July Agenda under Dlscusslon Items. (b) Request for Stop Sign - Primrose Road/ Florlbunda Avenue. Staff will provide traffic volume, accidents and warrant data. (a) Request for 3o-MLnute Green zone - 891 Callfornla Drive (Sa1ty Dryer Ltr. ) (b) Request for 3O-MInute Green zone - Southwest Corner MaJ i11a/California Drive. (c) Request for Red Curb - South side of MaJilla in 11O0 Block. Commission to look at this location before JuIy meetlng. WtIl be on Agenda under Discussion ftems. Request for Three-hlay Stop signs or SignalLights - carmellta/CalLfornia Drlve. Mr. Ainswolth spoke to the Commission and described a serious accldent which happened at this focation recently and how the pedestrian almost became a fatality. He requested that a signal 7. I 6.L.4 INFORMATION ITEMS. FROM THE FLOOR. Iight or a Stop sign be installed here.After aome discuseLon, CommLssioner Evans rr111 look at this locatlon and brlng back Lnformatlon to th6 July meetlng. StaffyrIll provlde warrant data. Thls ltem rdill be on the July Agenda under DLscusslon Items. Requeat for stop signs - Croaswalk on Magnolia Avenue betneen Murchlson Drive/ Trousdate DrLve. This item will be on the JuIy Agenda under DiscussLon Items. None Sgt. Van Etten i.nformed the Commissl-on ofhis Job promotion to Commander and this would be hLs last meeting to attend, andSgt. Jim Eldredge will be attendlng future meetings.Sgt. Van Etten was congratulated on his promotlon wLth many good wishes from thethe Commission and staff. 7:4O p. m. The Poll.ce Department did Eome traff,lc checks here and found that vehicle spe€ds ar€ not a problem. They found pedestrians were J afTt'talklng, nostly south of thecrosswalk. They also found there were nopedestrian warning signs ln the mid-block and recommended that these signs be posted c].ose to the crosswalk on MagnolLa Avenuei also, that the crosswalka be crosshatched ln order to become more vl.s1ble to motorists. 9. ADJOURNMENT: