HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1991.03.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 14, 1991 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: AMOROSO EVANS KARP KOENIGS O I DONNELL PREGER SIMONETTI,CHAIRMAN T. K. DEtLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT JACK VAN ETTEN MARIE GILBREATH, SEC. RICHARD T. KERWIN (KERWIN GAI]LERIES )1107 CALIFORNIA DRIVE GEORGE CORDENAS (UNITED TRANSMIS- sroNs) 1131 CALTFORNIA DRM TONY VENTI ( SATURN OF BURLINGAME )198 CALIFORNIA DRIVE M J R M E D A 2 3. 4 1 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 14, 1991 CALL TO ORDER. 7:OO p. m. by Chairman Slmonetti. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. AmoToso. ROLL CALL. ALl Commissloners present. CT'RRENT BUSINESS. 4.L Action Items. 4.1.1 February 1-4, l99L Mlnutes approved as sub-mitted. 4.r.2 4-2-2 Request for Four-Way Stop Signs Sebastian/Mariposa. Intersection After discussion of a four-way Stop sign atthis location, since there are not warrants tojustify installing Stop signs, it was suggestedby Comm. Evans to install caution/slow signs atthls SebastLan/Marlposa intersection. Commis-sion voted unanimously to approve this. Request Installatlon of Parking Metersto Carmelita - LOA for 24-Minutes; 25d,hour ( Ker$rin Galleries ) . Broadwayfor one- Comm. Preger left survey teaftets with eachbusiness on Catifornia Drlve from Broadway toCarmellta Avenue to get lnformation from each one as to their preference regarding therequested parking meters. OnIy four of thesesurvey sheets were returned wl.th varied re-quests . After some dlscussion, staff suggested to the Commission that they consider Mr. RichardKerwin's (Kerwin Ga].lerles) request for a one-hour parking meter at hls business locatj.on. Commission unanimously recormended the instal-lation of one-hour meters along the r.rest sideof California Drive from Carmelita Avenue to Broad$ray. 4.2 Discussion ltems. 4.2.7 5.INACTIVE ITEMS. Request From Saturn of Burl,ingame -198 CalLfornia Drive to Remove Meter posts Along Callfornia Drive. Tr"relve responses $rere received from the surveyisix requested meter posts be removed; sixrequested they be retained. Mr. Tony Venti, representative from Saturn ofBurlingame, spoke to the Commission regardingcars parking in front of 198 California Drivefor the day, rnost of these are people workingfor merchants in the area. He requested thepoles be removed because he thought they were uns ight].y. Commission to get direction from City CouncilregardLng meter posts, whether to instatlparking meters or be to remove the meter posts. This item will Action Items.on the April 11 Agenda under Request to Post "No Parkj-ng Elther Fu11 Time orPeak Hour" to Provide Right Turn OntoCal-ifornia Drive North Side of Peninsuta. Staff requested to Commission that this item be removed from Inactive Items and placed underDiscussion Items on the April Agenda. This wasunanimously approved by the Commi.ssion. McKinley School Traffic Commj-ttee's proposal to Make Paloma and Fairfield One-way Streets ( Re-view of Improvements Already Installed). 5.1.1 5.L.2 However, the Commission favored installing one-hour meters along California Drive from Broadway to Carmelita Avenue. Commissioner OrDonnell- distributed surveysheets to twelve business addresses from Howard Avenue to Peninsula Avenue along CaliforniaDrive. Commission decided to remove this item from theInactive Items and from the Agenda due to lackof response from McKinley School . Request For Two-Hour Parking Spaces 10O7 and 1025 Rollins Road. 6 NEW BUSINESS. *6.1.1 *6.7.2 Request Tr.ro-Hour Parking to the Rear of 1O07 and 1O25 Roltins Road; West Side ofCarolan Avenue be Extended Beyond 7:00 p. M.10:00 P. M. to *6. 1 .3 INFORMATION ITEMS. FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT: 7:52 p. m. *chalrman Simonettl wiII request that Mike !?*.y send a representative to the April 1,1 meeting to inform or clarify to the Com-nission just what he rrrants wlth the three aboverequests. These three items wil]. beon the April Agenda under Dlscussion ltems. 7 I 9 Request Removal of Red Line Curb - 200california Drive.