HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1991.02.14J- TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, t99t COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: M. AMOROSO J. EVANS R. KARP E. O I DONNELT D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI,CHAIRMAN M. KOENIGS T. K. DEILAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JACK VAN ETTEN MARIE GILBREATH, SEC. RICHARD AND MERCEDES KERWIN 1].07 CALIFORNIA DRIVE TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY L4, L99L CALL TO ORDER. 7:3O p.m. by Chairman Simonetti. PLEDGE OF ALIJEGIANCE TO TITE FIAG. comm. M. AmoToso. ROIJIJ CALL. A11 Commissloners present except Comm. Koenigs. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.L Action Items. 4.7.L January L0, l99L Minutes corrected to reflect Commissioner Koenigs as absent instead of Com-missioner E. OrDonnelli Minutes were thenunanlmousty approved by the Commission. 4.2 Discussion ltems. 4.L.2 Request for Four-Way Stop Signs - Inter-section Sebastian,/Mariposa. Staff reported to the CommissJ-on regardingwarrants goLng back to 1978 lrith onJ.y oneaccident at that time; nothing in 1988, 1999 or199O; accidents are minimal at this intersec-tion. With 85 vehicles for an 8-hour periodtraveling through this intersection, it doesnot meet the warrants and staff is unabte toreco nend the requested Stop signs. Commis-sioner OrDonnell stated that he has travelledthrough this area and thinks the 4-way Stopsigns should be at this intersection. After some discussion, Commission declded they shoutdlook further at this intersection and each tobrlng back comments to the March 14, meeting,regarding this request for Stops signs at thisintersection. This item willAction Items. be on the March Agenda under 4.2.2 Request Installation of parking Meters -Broadway to Carmetita - LOd, for 24-Minutesi25d for L-hour (Kerwin Galleries). Richard and Mercedes Kerwln of Kervrin Gatleriesattended the meeting. Mr. Kerwin spoke to theCommisslon on how his next door neighbor ( autobody repair shop) monopolizes the parking on 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.1 5.L.2 NEW BUSINESS. 6. r..1 INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.L.1 7.L.2 FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT. 8:2O p the street during business hours. AIso, howthis is affecting his business since there are no parking spaces for his customers. Staff suggested that a survey be made of this area to see what the other people would like in the way of meters; whether one-hour or 3O- minutes. After some discussion by Commission, Chairman Simonettl requested staff to take a verbal survey of the area. commissioner Preger offered to conduct the survey with a staffprepared survey sheet. This item wilL be onthe March Agenda under Action Items. Request to Post "No Parking Either FuIl Time or Peak Hour" to Provide Right Turn OntoCalifornia Drive North Side of Peninsula- Request From Saturn of Burlingame at 198 Calj-fornia Drive to Remove Meter Posts Along California Drive. Some discussion regarding lncreasing the green time for the signals on California at Broadway. Commission discussed changJ.ng meetlng time from 7:3O p. m. to 7:OO p. m. for the Traffic, Safety & Parklng Commlsslon. A vote was taken and they voted unanimously for the 7:OO p. m. ti.me. Chairman Simonettl wi-I1 send Letter to Mayor cloria Barton noting this change. The March 14, 1991 meeting will commence at 7:00p. m. 8 9 m \ 5. McKinley School Traffic Committee's Proposal to Make Paloma and Fairfleld One-Way Streets (Re- view of Improvements Already Installed). After some discussion, Commission decided toput this on the March Agenda under DiscussionItems. CommissLoner OrDonnell conducted a survey with staff prepared questionnaire. 7.