HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1991.01.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 1991 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: M. AMOROSO J. EVANS R. KARP E. O I DONNELL D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI, CHAIRMAN M. KOENIGS T . K. DEI,I,AWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGTS. GENE HARRIS & JACK VAN ETTEN MARIE GILBREATH SANDRA PAN, 2938 MARIPOSA DRIVE, BURLINGAME TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 1991 1 CALIr TO ORDER. 7:30 p. m. by Chairman Simonetti . . O t Donne1l.2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Corun ROLIr CALL. All Commissloners present except Comm. Koenigs. CI,'RRENT BUSINESS . Commissioner Ronald Karp was welcomed by a]-l to the Trafflc,Safety & Parking Commission. AIso welcomed was new staff member Sgt. Jack Van Etten. who is replacing Sgt. Gene Harris who has served on the TSP Commission for two years and this was his last meeting. Sgt. Harris was commended by the Commission for his l-nterest and dedication to the Commission. 4.1-Action 4.L.7 Items. Minutes for December mitted. Request for Loading zone Plaza Lane. In Back of Fox MaII, Thl-s request was looked at by Commission and staff. They looked at the fuIl length ofthe Fox MaII to try and find a suitablelocation for a YelLow Zone. Staff reported tothe Commission Fox MaII is onty about twentyfeet (2Or ) wide and there is no room for alegal loading space within the width of thelane. There j.s also private parking in back ofmost of the buildings and two (2) City parkinglots wherein there is no room for a loadingzotre. The Police Department allows trucks to unload within the twenty feet width of thelanei thls unloadlng is usually done before9:00 a. m. After discussion of this matter, Conmission unanimously decided there is no room along Fox MalI Plaza for a loading zone and that it would be best to continue with unloading along theIane. Staff will inform the City Manage! by 3 4 13, 1990 approved as sub- 4.]--2 memo of this denla]. . 4.1.3 McKinley School Traffic Committeers Proposal to make Paloma and Fal-rfietd One-Way Streets (Re- view of Improvements Already Installed). Staff reported to the Comnission that Principal Heron of McKinley School, had tatked with staff and had requested that this item be on the In-active ltems until they can have further meet-ings wlth parents to get their input. Commission unanimously approved this request.This item will be on the fnactive Items untildiscussion is necessary. 4.L.4 Request for Handicap Zone - 1OO1 Chula Vista. This location was visited by Comm. Preger andhe reported to the Commission he felt thisrequest for a handicap zone here is warranted. Commission motioned and seconded to grant thehandicap zone at this location. Vote wasunanimously approved. 5 4.2 Discusslon Items. 4.2.\ None. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5. r-. 1 NEVI BUSINESS. 6.1.1 INFOR"MATION ITEMS . FROM THE FLOOR. Request to Post "No Parking Either Fu11 Time or Peak Hour" to Provide Right Turn OntoCalifornia Drive North Side of Perninsula. 6 Request for Four-Way Stop Signs Seba st ianllr{ariposa . Intersection This item will be on the Agenda for a Discus-sion IteE for the February 14 meeting. 7 I 9 ADJOURNIT{ENT. 8:05 P. M. Comm. OrDonnell and staff will visit thisIocation and bring information to the February meeting.