HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1992.12.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes DECEMBER tO I L992 COMI"IISSIONERS PRESENT :t{, AMOROSO J. EVANS D. MAYER E. O'DONNELL D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY MCDONNELL DORI S },{ORTENSEN, SECRETARY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: VISITORS: R. KARP (EXCUSED) IIIARTI KNIGHT, 455 CIIATHAM ROAD, BIJRIJ. NORREEN BULOTTI, 1346 COLI'MBUS AVE., BURL. 1. CALL TO PLEDGE TRATFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COI'{MISSION MINUTES DECEI'{BER 1O , L992 ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairnan Amoroso. OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Commissi.oner preger. ROLL CALL. Six Commj,ssioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1- ACTION 4.1.1 ITEMS. 2 3 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.L Minutes of November L2, 1992 approved assubnitted by the commission. Planning Commission Request to ElininateOn-street Parking on Burhray Road per Thelr Minutes of october L3, t9g2 There being no objections, a motion was made and seconded (Comn. O,Donne1l/Amoroso) to support the planning Cornmission,s request to elininate onlstreet parking on Burlway Road,. unanirnousJ-y approved. Letter from Norreen Bul-ottiLincoln SchooI Traffic regarding I"Is. Bulotti was present and read theresults of a door-to-door survey sheperformed in the area of LincoLn schoolrequesting suggestions to al,leviate thetraffic problen. Conm. Amoroso remindedMs. Bulotti of the letter sent to schooldistrict advising that parents need tobecome more safety conscious. Comm.Evans stated no response has beenreceived to date. I'1r. DelLalray statedthat it may take some time for thisproject to get organized. It sras novedand seconded (Conn. Mayer/ Sinonetti ) tocontinue the Linco]n school traf fi.csituation to the next meeting;unanimously approved by the Comrnission. 4.1.2 5 6 6.t.2 INFORMATTON ITEMS. FROM THE FLOOR. 8.1.1 4.L.2 7 Request for Traffic Signal at CaliforniaDrive and Sanchez Avenue currently there is a Yield sign at thislocation. There is no rnention of which way the Stop sign should be placed. Thiswill appear as a Discussi.on Item on the January Agenda. Pedestrian safety at california/Bellevue/Lorton Crossrralk (Meno fron CityClerk to city Council) Mr. Dellaway stated that there has beenonly one pedestrian accident here since1989. This will appear as a DiscussionItem on the January Agenda. Replace 24-Minute Parking Meter on Broadway near Galeria de Farsh (fornerlythe store front of a nail box business) comn. o'Donne1l stated that a z4-minuterneter is no longer needed here since thernail box business vacated. Mr. Dellalraywill arrange for its replacement. Chairman Anoroso acknowl-edged the newPo1ice Department liaison to the Cornmission, Sgt. Jerry McDonneIl. Chairman Amoroso,s tern expirednominations were in order from Commission. 8.1-.3 so the TNACTIVE ITEMS. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 6.1.3 Discussion involved the ne!, day care center being constructed at this location and the potential traffic problems. Mr. Dellaway hrill check building plans as to how this operation wiII work. This rril1appear as a Discussion Item on the January Agenda. Petition for Stop Sign at Ansel Road andFloribunda Avenue Motion hras made and seconded (Conm. O, Donnell/ Evans ) to nominate Comm. D. Preger as Chairman; unanimously approved by the Commission. Motion was then made and seconded (Comm. O'Donnell/ Sinonetti ) to norninate Comm. R.Karp as Vice Chairrnan; unanirnously approved by the Cornmission. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 7:40 p.n.