HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1992.11.12CO},1},1I S S IONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: COMI'{TSSIONERS ABSENT: VISITORS: TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMTSSION I{INUTES NOVEMBER L2, t992 T. K. DELLA}7AY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER OT'FICER TOM ICKES DORrS MORTENSEN, SECRETARY D. r'{AYER (EXCUSED) MARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAM ROAD, BURL. KATHERINE T. CUSHING, ]-6]-2 DEVEREIIX, BIJRL. ROSEMARY CHEN, ].612 DEVEREUX, BURL. GEORGE CHRISMAN, 1608 DEVEREUX, BURL. DOROTHEA CHRTSMAN, 1608 DEVEREUX, BURL. GARY REICHARD, 1604 DEVEREUX, BURL. M. AMOROSO J. EVANS E. O I DONNELL D. PREGER R. KARP A. STMONETTI 1 2 3 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER L2, ]-992 CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.n. by Chairnan Amoroso. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Commissioner Simonetti. ROLL CALL. Six Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSTNESS. 4.T ACTION 4.L.L rTEMS . I"linutes of Septenber lO, 1992 approved assubmitted by the Commission. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.L INACTIVE ITEMS. NEW BUSINESS. Council Letter Dated Septenber 1G,Regarding Councilmember Attendance commission Meetings conm. Amoroso read letter froma1oud, and all- Comni-ssioners acknovrledged receipt of a copyIetter . L992 at Councilpresentof the 5 6 6.1.r-PJ.anning Cornmission Reguest toon-Street Parking on BurlwayMinutes of October L3, L992 Elirninate Road Per Comm. Amoroso noted the constructionoccurring at this site and that there isno roon for parking. Mr. Dellaway statedthat Alamo Rent-A-Car is paying forreconstruction of the road which may be aprivate road one day. AIso, there arerrNo Parking" signs already posted on bothsides of the street hrith portions zonedred. Mr. De]laway said that the planning Commission requests that this Conrnissionapprove elimination of on-street parking. 6.L.2 Burlingame SchooI DistrictAlleviate Safety Problem School on Devereux Drive Request toat Lincoln Comm. Amoroso visited the site and compared it to McKinley School-ts problem. Comn. OrDonnell lras on site at 2 p.n.stating that there was no room to pass onthe street. several Devereux Driveresidents in attendance related theirexperiences with the probl-ems of parentsparking i11ega1Iy while picking up ordropping off their children. AIso, carsconing down from upper Ray park speedthrough this area causing potentialcollisions with residents trying to backout of their driveways. Discussion ensued between the commissioners, officerIckes and the residents about possible solutions. I,1r. Dellaway read al"oud an articleprovided by Marti Knight fron the SanUateo-Foster City School Districtrsnewsletter instigating traffic rrticketsrl issued by the Schoo1 Board to raise saf ety ar/'rareness among traf f ic violators.Both Officer Ickes and Mr. Dellaliayconcurred that police enforcement isunpopular and that a major part of theproblem is the parentst attitudes. Comm. Karp recomnended that the schoolinitiate communication to the parents tohelp resol-ve the problern. Comm. Anorosostated that there is no reaL solutionexcept (1) to educate the parents and (2)to have the School District tag violatorsto raise safety ar^rareness. Marti Knightstated that she will send a copy of thetraf f ic 'rticketrr to the Burtingane schoolDistrict and to the erincipal of LincolnSchool. comm. Evans suggested that theclty write a letter to the BurlingarneSchool District advj.sing that theCommission discussed the situation and recommends that the Di-strict cornrnunicate It was moved and seconded (Comm.simonetti/Karp) to make this an Action Item on the December Agenda; unanimously approved by the Commj,ssion. Mr. Dellawaywill advj,se the Planning commission ofthis notion. 7.INFORMATION ITE}{S. the problern to the parents and advj.sethem of the residentst cornplaints,Officer Ickes wilL look into enforcementof the speed limit and Lega1 parking whenforces are available. It v/as rnoved and seconded (Comm. Evans / S inonetti ) that the Traffic Engineer write to the Burlingane school District and the Principal of Lincoln School with a copy to the P.T.A. advising them that this conmission has discussed the safety problem and the possible solutions and that the schooL communicatewith the parents to help resolve theproblem; unanirnously approved by the Commission. Reappointnent of Commrs. Amoroso and Preger to 3-Year Terms Comm. Simonetti extended congratulationsto Commrs. Anoroso and Preger for theirreappointment. AII Commissioners concurred. 7.L.L FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT. 7i30 p.n. 8. 9.