HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1992.04.09TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 9, ]-992 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: AMOROSO EVANS KARP MAYOR O I DONNELL PREGER S IMONETT I T. K. DELLAWAY, SGT. ELDREDGE MARIE GILBREATH, DORIS MORTENSEN, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SEC. sEc. M J R D E D MARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAM ROAD ENID MANCREIF, 7OO PENINSULA AV. l_ 2 3 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 9, ].992 CALL TO ORDER. 7:OO p. m. by Chairman Amoroso. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Commissioner Simonetti. ROLL CALL. A11 Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. Commissioner David B. Mayer was j-ntroduced and welcomed to theTraffic, Safety and parking Commission. 4.1 Action Items. 4. 1. r.Minutes of March 12, 7992 approved as submittedby the Commisslon. 4.7.2 Request to Change Parkj.ng Time on peninsula Avenue Street Parking Sign to Earlier Time -7OO Peninsula Avenue (Excursions in Learning). Sgt. Eldredge commented that in making thischange in the parking time, could create aproblem of inconsj.stency. After some discussion by the Commission, it wasmotioned and seconded (Comm. Mayor/Simonetti )to have the Police Department take a survey oftraffic of this area and report back to theConmission. The Traffic Engineer wi].I supplytraffic counts. This j.tem wi 11 beAction Items.on the May Agenda under 5 INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1.r. NEW BUSINESS. 6. r-. 1 Traffic Hazard Carolan Avenue for Vehicles Traveling South onfrom Cadillac Way. 6 None . After some discussion by the Commission, thisproblem seems to have cleared and nothing willwill be decided at this time. Motion was made and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/O I Donnel l ) to move this item to the Inactive Items; un-animously approved by the Commission. This area will be monitored by the Police Depart ment . 6.1.2 Inquiry back of for Handicap Ramp - Lorton Avenue inPost Office ( Cornm. Karp). 7 INFORMATION ITEMS. After some discussion, motion was made and seconded (Comm. Karp/Evans) to install ahandicap ramp on Lorton Avenue; unanimously approved by the Commission. This item wilt be on the Inactive Items untilthe Post Offlce has installed the ramp, theninstallation of the handicap ramp $ril1 be made. Comm. Mayor expressed a traffic concern at thecorner of Easton Drive and Balboa Avenue, thata Stop sign is needed at the Easton corner forboth directions because of the huge trees herethat are blocking the view, making it necessaryfor vehicles to slowly creep out into EastonDrive . Commission requested staff to check recordsregarding accidents and warrants for this area. 7.L.1 I FROM THE FLOOR. 8.1.1- ADJOURNMENT. 7 225 p m Marie Gilbreath, Secretary to the Traffj.c,Safety & Parking Commission, has served in thiscapacj.ty for ten years, is reti.ring May L, 1992from the City of Burlingame after sixteen yearsof service, was given a cemmendation by the Commission for her service. Doris Mortensen$riIl now serve in this capacity commencing withthe May L4, L992 meeting. 9