HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1992.01.09TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 9, 1992 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VfSITORS: AMOROSO T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGR. SGT. JIM ELDREDGE MARIE GII,BREATH, SEC. MARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAM ROAD ROBIN GELLER, TWO TOWNSEND ST. #1-507, SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94107 NORM WEII,, 1512 ROLI,INS ROAD, BURLINGAME DONALD BERG, 82O ALPINE AVE., BURLINGAME PIERSON FORBES, 25O EXEC. PK. BL. #3300, SAN FRANCISCO 94L37 J R E D A M EVANS KARP O I DONNELL PREGER S lMONETTI 1 2 3 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 9, L992 CALL TO ORDER. 7:O0 p. m. by VJ.ce Chairman, D. preger. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Commission R. Karp. ROLL CALL. Chairman Amoroso was absent due to l,11n6ss. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.L Action Items. 4.1.1 Minutes of December \2, L99l corrected toread Simonetti in ltem 6.2.2. 4.L.2 Request for 24-Minute parking Zones RoL li.ns Road . 1835 Request for Parking Zone for 1835 was grantedby the Commission. When therers a nesr tenantfor L877 Rollins Road, staff wi1l check withthis tenant to see if the existing parking zoneis needed. 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2.L 4.2.2 Speeding Cars - A1pine and Carolan Avenue. After some discussion by Commission, it wasnotioned and seconded (Comn. Karp/Simonettl )to post 25 miles per hour sign and 25 mph roadmarkings northbound at the entrance to afpine.Motion unanimously approved by the Commlssion. Request for Sign Limiting Height of VehiclesParking - L572 RoIIins Road. Mr. Norm Wei1, representing Gourmet Express,spoke to the Commission regarding this com-panyrs request for a sign limiting the heightof vehicles parked in front of their businessat L572 Rollins Road. His concerns involvetrucks leaving their trailers parked in frontof their building thereby blocking the wiew ofvehicles exiting their driveway. Also, ofnumerous "close ca1ls" between vehicles exitingfrom their driveway. He is requesting limitingthe helght of vehicles parked south of thedriveway. INACTIVE ITEMS. s-1-1 NEW BUSINESS. 6.1.1 INFORMATION ITEIT{S . T.L.L None. FROITI THE FLOOR. 8.1.1 None. ADJOURNMENT. 7:40 p. m. After some discussion, staff recommended to the Commission that they give some consideratlon toinstalling sign timit signs for 4O feet onsouth side of the driveway. It was then motioned and seconded (Comm. Evans/Karp ) thatthls item be moved to an Action ltem and thatstaffrs recommendation be accepted. This was unanimously approved by the Commission. Request for "No Parking" on Both Sides of Driveways - 1645 Rollins Road. 6. None- Request for Two-Hour ParkLng - 11OO TrousdaleDrive. Sgt. Eldredge told the Co@LssLon that cou-nuters are abusing the parklng Ln this area. Thia l,tem wLll be under DLscusgLon lteus forthe February L3, L992 meetLng. 7 I 9 5. 4.2.3 Mr. Pierson Forbes, representing SlmeonProperties, Inc. gave map Lllustration beforethe Commission. Commission reconmended thatfor the three (3) driveways, that one side ofthe driveway be a red zone for twenty feet andthe other side of the driveway be posted forhelght Limitl,ng signs. Motlon made and seconded (Comm. O'Donnelt/Karp)to move this item to an Action Item; unanimous-Iy approved by Commlssion.