HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1993.10.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes ocToBER L4, 7993 COMMTSSIONERS PRESENT:EVANS }.{AYER O ] DONNEI.,L SIUONETTI STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER OFFICER JEFF DAHI.,STROI,T DORIS MORTENSEN, SECRETARY COMIIISSIONERS ABSENT 3 AIr{OROSO KARP PREGER J D E A u R D VISITORS:DR. UARCO CHAVEZ, 1860 EL CAI,ITNO, BURL. STAN CARLSON, 1110 BAYSWATER, BI'RL. ELIZABETH CARLSON, 1110 BAYSWATER, BIJRL. MARTI IWIGHT, 455 CHATHAI.I, BITRL. PETER SCIIRAGER, BOX 49, BT'RL. CHARLES TAYLOR, 104 ESPLANADE, PACIFICA GERALD W8ISL, 136 BLOOMFIELD RD., B['RL. 1 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COI.&IISSION }IINUTES ocroBER L4, L993 CALL To oRDER. 7:00 p.m. by Conrn. orDonneLl who took the chair in conms. Karp and Pregerrs absence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. SiMONEtti. RoLL CALL. Four Commissioners present. CIJRRENT BUSINESS. 4.L ACTION ITEMS. 2 3 4 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 Mj-nutes of september 9, 1993 approved subnitted by the Connission. as Request to Change Several l-Hour (Free) Parking Meters to 24-Minute Parking l{eters and Other Parking Concerns on Broadway Fron the f1oor, Mr. Weisl stated the merchants want tteter Nos. 27, 76, 75, 38 and 62 changedto 24-ninute meters. Also, he would Like the 24-minute meter poles to be painted green andto replace illegible 1-hour free parkingt signsinside some of the rneters. ltr. Dellalray stated that the 24-minute poles vill not bepainted, but the curblj.nes will be painted greenr' and the 1-hour free signs will be replaced as needed. It was moved and seconded (Comn. Uayer/Evans) to change five meters (#s above) to 24-ninute ureters on Broadlrayi unanirnously approved by the Cornmission. Request for 10-Minute Parkinq Zone at 74L california comm. Mayer stated the zone would be for 24 minutes rather than 10. tlr. Della\tay stated that four businesses responded to his letter asking for their comments on this request and recommended that thro 24-ninute parking zones be granted from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. since the petitionerrs business j.s closed after 6:00p.m. It $/as moved and seconded (conm. Evans/ Sirnonetti) to grant two 24-minute parking zones from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.n. in front of 741 California Drive; unanimously approved by the commission. 2 Traffic, aafety ara Parking Conmission 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.L October L4, L993 Request for Red zones at Ti/o Postal collection Box Sites Mr. Dellaway stated that the boxes occupy thebulk of the sidewalk area and per ADA standards, this is not enough roon for wheelchair access. Staff will send a follow- up letter to the Post office since no response was received to the City Engineerrs letteradvisinq them that they must meet ADA standards. This will renain as an Inactive iten until the Post office responds. Request for Parking on East Side of CaliforniaDrive (Behind 1860 EI canino Real) From the floor, Dr. chavez spoke to the tenants and in response to the safety issue,they said they would be glad to park on theeast side if a11owed. !Ir. Dellaway statedthat due to no sidewafk on the east side, 10feet of roadway would have to be marked offfor parking aLong the east side and reiteratedthe safety issue of crossing here as discussedlast month by comms. Karp and Simonetti. It was moved and seconded (Comn. Mayer/Sinonetti)to deny this request; approved by the Commis-sion by 3 Yeas with corm. Evans abstaining. tr'rom the floor, tenants asked the Commissionfor ideas to alleviate the parking problem.Officer Dahlstron suggested parking at BurLingame P1aza's frontage road. He statedthat California Drive has a 1ot of traffic andwith the speed and visibility factors,pedestrians crossing here is hazardous. Request for a Bus Loading Zone at L766 El Camino Real (Frontage Area) Comms. Mayer and OrDonnell surveyed this site and sal^, eighteen 2O-foot buses arrive at aboutthe same time and have problems with parkingrspace. These buses transport 135 mentally handicapped adults. From the f1oor, charl,es Taylor stated that theparking spaces in front of Poplar Center arefor 2 hours so when the buses arrive for onLy two hours each day, between 8:00 and 9:O0 a.m.and again between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., thecluster of buses is staged nearby until a 3 Traffic, Safety anat Parking coDmissLon october L4, 1993 parking space is available to provide enough space to board (or drop off) passengers. Thecenter only needs enough space for two or three buses at a tiroe, fron the 2-hour parking space in front to 150 feet going tohtards Trousdale Drive. Mr. Dellaway recommended posting a Bus Loading Zone siqn for the hours as stated above to aIIow automobile parking for the remainder ofthe day. It r'ras rnoved and seconded (Conn. simonetti/Mayer) to nake this an Action itemi then it was noved and seconded (conm. Evans/Sinonetti) to approve this request for the times of 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.i and 3:00 and 4:00p.m.; unanimously approved by the Commission.I{r. Dellaway stated that this zone will have a white curbline. 4.2.2 Request for Height Lirnitation on west Side of Driveway at 1110 Bayswater From the floor, Mr.& Mrs. carlson stated that visibility is poor on the west side when exiting driveway due to vans, etc. parking there. comm. Mayer recommended a lo-foot red curbline. Mr. Dellahray said this is a gTood idea. It was noved and seconded (comm. Mayer/ Evans) to make this an Action itern; then it was moved and seconded (com[. Mayer/ Evans) to approve a lO-foot red curbline on west side of driveway; unanirnously approved by the Commission. 4.2.3 of Avis comm. Evans feels this request is too general and suggested staff contact the petitioner. Mr. De1lar'ray stated that we did send them a copy of the Agenda; however, they were notpresent. It hras moved and seconded (Comn. Evans/simonetti) to rnake this an Inactive itemuntil we hear further frorn thenl unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Dellavray will send petitioner a letter. 5 INACTIVE ITEMS. comm. Evans stated that Itens 5.1 through 5.6 shall renain Inactive until the special neeting scheduled for November 17to effect a standard policy for this area. ften 5.7 is continued to the Novenber meeting at the petitionerrs request as an Action item. Requests the rrDe-nonopolizat j.ontr Enployees Parking on co$ran Road 4 lfraffic, Safety and Parking coDmission 6. NEW BUSINESS, October 74 , 7-993 6 6.1 Request for speed Bunps on oak Grove by Tennis courts officer Dahlstrom stated that this area is targeted for speed checks and that several citations have been issuedfor speeds over 30 n.p.h. The police are maintaining high visibility. It was moved and seconded (comm. Mayer/ Simonetti) to make this an Action itero; then it was moved and seconded (Mayer/sinonetti) to deny this requestfor speed bumps i unanimously approved by the Conmission.ltr. Dellaway stated that he will send a letter to thepetitioner advising that this reguest is denied and that the police are rnaintainlng high visibility to discourage speeding. 2 Request to Change 2-Hour Parking Spaces to 4-Hour spaces on 200 Block of California Drive Mr. De1la$ray recommends changing four 2-hour parking spaces to 4-hour in front of Mike Harvey Honda since the dealer is parking his own cars there to attract customers. It \^/as moved and seconded (conn. uayer/Evans) to make this an Action itern at the next meetinq; unaninously approved by the Cornmission. INFORUATION ITEMS. FROI,I THE FLOOR. ADJOITRNIIIENT. 7.47 p.m. 7 I 9 5