HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1993.09.09TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes SEPTEI.{BER 9 , L993 COI.{MISSIONERS PRESENT :AI,IOROSO EVANS KARP O I DONNELI-, PREGER SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELLAISAY, TRAFFIC ENGTNEER F. C. ERBACHER, CITY ENGINEER SGT. JERRY MCDONNETJ. DORIS I,{ORTENSEN, SECRETARY COI,{MISSIONERS ABSENT: D. I.{AYER VISITORS: M J R E D A DR. I{ARCO CHAVEZ, 1860 EIJ CAMINO, BITRL. STAN CARLSON, 1110 BAYSWATER, BI'RL. ELIZABETH CARLSON, 1110 BAYSI{ATER, B['RL. ,,OHN HOHIIIAN, 1185 UTLL,BRAE AVE., MILLBRAE GEORGE KEVRANIAN, 741 CALIFORNIA, BURL. ARPINE KEVRANIAN, 741 CALIFORNIA, BT'RI.,. MARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATIIAI,I, BT'RL. GERALD WEISL, 13 6 BLOOI.{FIELD RD . , B['RL . 1 2 3 4 TRAFFIC, SATETY AND PARKING COI,O{ISSION UINIITES SEPTEMBER 9, L993 CAL,L, TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairnan Preger. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FI,AG. CONM. OIDONNEII. ROLL CALL. six connissioners present. CITRRENT BUSINESS. 4.L ACTION ITEUS. 4.1.1 4.2 DTSCUSSTON rTEn{S. 4.2.L Irlinutes of August t2 , 1993 approved submitted by the commission. as Request to Consider Regrulating Parking forStreet cleaning Purposes (Beautification Commiss ion) comm. Evans stated that street Cleaning sj.gns are already on Burlingame Avenue. _Mr. De1la- t ay stated that to sign every city street iscostly and that there are signs also on Broadhray and its side streets. He suggestedthat the Conrmission consider the cost factor and respond to the Beautification Comrnissionthat this issue may be pursued hrhen we have suf f icient funds . FroITr the f 1oor, lils. Carlson suggested that the Beautification Commission do a feasibility study before pursuing. Also,there was sone discussion as to the need for more direction from the Commission as to whether they lrere requesting specific streetsor aIt streets to be signed. It was moved and seconded (conn. Evans/o I Donnell) that staff send a letter to the Beautification commission advising that (a) there are insufficient fundsto sign all city streets at this tine, and (b)to request further direction as to whether there are specific streets they would like tohave considered for signing; unanimously approved by the connission. Request for 4-way stop signs at Bayswater and Highland lilr. DeLLaway read his meno of 9 / 2 / 93 giving the required study data for a 4-lray Stop sign. 2 4.2.2 Traffic, gafety and Parxiag coDnissioD Agerda september 9, L993 4.2.3 There are 2-itay stop signs on flighlandatready. Staff cannot recommend installationof 4-way Stop signs since the intersection does not meet the warrants established by thecity. From the floor, I!tr. Hohman stated thathe works at this location and finds that visibility vari.es depending on what size ofvehicles are parked at this intersection. A1so, eastbound traffic tends to speed up to 40 and 50 n.p.h. to make the california Drivetraffic signal, and that there t ere 9 accidents at this location. sgt. ItIcDonneII stated thatthe PoLice Department has spot checked this location, and although eastbound traffic does speed up, it is not to 40 and 50 n.p.h. Mr. Erbacher has spot checked also and found dealership-related maneuvers are in the rnajority. conm. Karp stated that as the wairants confirm, there is not enough traffic activity to $rarrant a 4-way Stop sign. It hras moved and seconded (coNr. Karp/Evans) to nake this item an Action Item and further moved and seconded (Cornn. Karp/orDonnell) to deny this request; unanimously approved by the Commission. Request to change several l-Hour (Free) Paiking ltteters to 24-Minute Parking Meters and other Parking concerns on Broadway There vras some discussion as to whether businesses would want their custoners to pay for parking. From the floor, I'Ir. weisl stated that theytre only askinq that 5 meters (Nos. 27, 76, 75, 38 and 52) located at the corners be changed from 1-hour to 24-minute parking. These spaces vould be more convenient for those vho make quick stops. Discussing the other parking concerns, ME. Dellaway stated that the hcap spaces will remaini Sergeant McDonnell advised that the meters in need have been repaired and that green meters are no longer manufactured. This will be an Action Item at the next meeting. Request for 1o-llinute Parking Zone at 74L Cal i fornia !1r. Del1al^Iay stated that the parking zone would be for 24 ninutes, not 10. Also staff will send a letter to neighboring businesses to poIl their parking needs before taking action. from the f1oor, Mrs. Kevranian stated 3 4.2.4 Iraffic, gafety aDd ParkLng Conmission Agelda september 9, L993 that the restaurant is not so much of aproblen as the auto shop which parks theirclientsr cars there most of the tine. Thiswill be an Action Item at the next neeting. 4.2.5 Request for Red zones at Tto Posta1 collection Box sites sgt. ltcDonneLl suggested trNo Parkingtr signs instead of red zones since you can legally stop but not park in a itNo Parkingrr area. Mr. Erbacher will send a letter to the Post officeadvising them to relocate boxes off of the walkr{ay to conply with the federal ADArequirenents. This will be an Action Item atthe next meeting. 4.2.6 comqercial/nesidential Parking at 1118 Majilla comm. Karp viewed this site and explained thatitrs a cornmercial/residential neighbor prob- len. The auto repair business has no on-siteparking so cfientsr cars are parked on thestreet. Noting that the petitioner Iras notpresent, conm. Karp reconmended that staff send a letter to the petitioner suggestingthat he attend the next meeting. Petitionercalled the secrelary on 9/tO/93 to requestthat this iten be continued to the Novemberrneeting. This will appear as an Action Itemat the November meeting. Request for Parking on East Side of California Drive (Behind 1860 E1 canino Real) 4.2.7 From the floor, Dr. chavez stated that all his neighbors agree that more parking is needed and acknowledged that crossing California as a pedestrian could be hazardous even though it'sa short distance. Mr. Dellaway stated thatthis would be a definite safety problemr' and although the street is wide enough to noveparking from the west side to the east side,the centerline would have to be moved over from Trousdale to Murchison; and crosswalks would have to be instaLled. comm. Karp feelsthat itrs too much of a safety hazard to approve this reguest. This will be an Acti.on Item at the next meetingr. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. Mr. Deltalray stated that now that corm. Amoroso has completed the survey for the Rollins Road/Adrian Road Area Study, it is 4 llraffic, aaf6ty aral PartiDg coru[ission AgeDda septenber 9, 1993 time to set gruidelines for parking reguests for this area keeping in mind police enforcement will be affected. comm. Evans suggested keeping Iten Nos. 5.1 through 5.6 inactiveuntil a policy is established. chairman Preger reconmended a study session to fornalize a policy. A special neeting willbe held on wednesday, Novenber 17, 1993 at 7 p.n. in Conference Room B (second floor) at city HaII. A reninder notice will be sent to Connissioners and staff. 6. NEW BUSINESS. 1 Request for a Bus Loading Zone at 1765 El Camino Real (frontage Area) After some discussion, it was moved and seconded (conn. orDonnell/Evans) to nake this a Discussion Itero at the next meetingp unanimously approved by the Conmission. 2 Request for Height Lirnitation on west side of Driveway at 1110 Bayswater From the floor, I,!r. carlson stated that t\ro vans and anotor home continually park on the west side of the driveway inhibiting visibility and requests a heighttinitation sign for this side of the driveway. This will be a Discussion Item at the next meetinq. 3 Requests the rrDe-monopolizationrr of Avis Employees Parking on co$ran Road Some discussion ensued regarding the parking situation atthis location which is standard public parking. Thiswill be a Discussion Item at the next meeting. 6 6 6 7 INFORMATION ITEMS. FROI,I THE FLOOR. ADJOIIRNMENT. 8:15 p.n.9 5