HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1993.08.12TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes AUGUST L2, 1993 COMMTSSIONERS PRESENT:AMOROSO KARP MAYER PREGER SIIiIONETTI STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY IICDoNNELL DORIS MORTENSEN, SECRETARY COM}{ISSIONERS ABSENT: VISITORS: M R D D A GERALD WEISL, 135 BLOOMFIELD RD., BT'RL. DAVID ;I. HIJNTBACH, 2695 LOOMIS, SAN JOSE GARY PALMER, 101 CALTFORNTA DR., BURL. DR. MARCO CHAVEZ, 1860 EL CAUINO, BIRL. J. EVANSE. O I DONNEI.,L 1 2. 3. 4. TRAFFIC,SAFETY AND PARKING COMMTSSION MINUTES AUGUST L2, 1993 CAL,L, TO ORDER. 7:00 p.rn. by Chairnan Preger. PI.,EDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. KaTP. RoLL CALL. Five Comnissioners present. CI'RRENT BUSINESS. 4 . 1 ACTION ITEN,IS . 4.1.1 l,Iinutes of July I , 1-993 approved as submitted by the Commission. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEI{S. 4.2.t Request to slot, Down Traffic on Ray Drive sgt. McDonnell checked the records from Junet92 to June r93 vrhich shoqred only one speeding ticket. A speed survey was performed on ,fu1y 26 which shor.red the critical speed at 3 5 n.p.h. It was noved and seconded (Comm. Karp/uayer) to make this an Action rtem and further moved and seconded (comm. Karp/ Mayer) to disallow any further follow-up work to slow down traf f ic,' unanimousJ-y approved by the Cornrnission. 5.INACTIVE ITE}.{S. conm. Amoroso submitted a written review for the Rollins Road/ Adrian Road Area study. The review was discussed. Mr. Dellaway complimented comm. Amoroso for his endeavor andstated that for Rollins Road red zone requests, a policy is needed adopting a 4O-foot curb length for smaLl car only signsparking on left side of driveways and a 2O-foot red zone on right side; and for Adrian Road, a policy changing the parking from the west side to the east side of the road. cowan and cilbreth should be handled individually as requests are received. Conm. Amoroso requested aIl Cornmj-ssioners to annotate his written review and consider action to be taken at the next meeting. ft was moved and seconded (comm. l,!ayer/ Sirnonetti) that Items 5.1 through 5.6 remain as Inactive next meeting; unanimously approved by the Cornmission. 6. NEW BUSTNESS. 6.1 6.4 6 From the f1oor, Mr. Weisl stated that for the Howard/ Bloourfield area the sweeper arrives at 6:00 a.m. rr/hen everyone is still horne. The streets are vacated after 8:OO a.m.; couldnrt the sweeper arrive then? This will be a Discussion Item next neeting. 2 Request to change 1o-Hour Parking ltleters to 2- and 8-Hour Parking l{eters for Howard Avenue Businesses comm. Karp stated that this is a reasonable request. There seerns to be no reason for lo-hour meters on Hos/ard.It rras moved and seconded (comn. Dfayer/Karp) to nake this an Action Iten and further moved and seconded (comlrl. Mayer/Simonetti) to change Howard Avenue 1o-hour meters to 2-hour meters; unanimously approved by the Comrnission. 3 Request for 4-way Stop Signs at Bays!'rater and Highland Iur. Dellah/ay will have accident reports avaiLable at the next meeting and stated that cars approaching California Drive traffic signals from Bayswater tend to speed up for the green liqht. From the floor, Gary Palmer stated that this is a dangerous intersection for his enployees due to the speeders and parked cars which block visibility. David Huntbach stated that there lras an accident at this intersection a month ago and with the speeders it nakesthis a hazardous intersection. This r'ri11 be a Discussion Item next meeting. Request to Change Several l-Hour (Free) Parking ttleters to z4-uinute Parking Meters and other Parking concerns on Broadlray Request to consider Regulating Parking for street cleaning Purposes (Beautification Cornrnission) comm. Simonetti stated that this would mean posting nore sigTns throughout the city which would be overwhelming.sgt. McDonnell stated that Broadway and Burlingane Avenue business areas are already posted. Mr. Dellaway stated that the handicap zones rirere requested by the Broadway lvlerchants Assn., and there is now the rninimun number required to qualify for federally- funded projects. Most h-cap spaces are located near the h-cap ramps at block corners. Comm. Simonetti noticed that some of the meters are o1d and hard to distinguish that there is 1-hour free parking. comm. Amoroso suggested charging the merchants for requested green or 6 ql, white zones since these zones are for the merchants i benefit. Mr. Dellalray stated that the city councilprefers that the city pay for these zones which is a minimal cost. The petitioner, Gerald Weisl, stated that due to the economy, Broadqray merchants are struggling for business and need l-hour 'rfreerr meters marked clearLy so people dontt think they have to pay and nore 24-minute ttg;eenir meters, especially at the corners. He also discussed removing/reJ.ocating h-cap spaces to acconmodate more 24- minute spaces. A1so, some meters are in need of repair. Repair Irleter Nos.Change to 2 4-Ittin Ueter Nos. 80 & 90 - Too high 80 &. 24 - Mechanisn missing36 - Graffiti33 - wobbly 27, 38, 62, 75, 76 A1so, Mr. Weisl requested that curbs and crosswalks berepainted and a red zone installed at the alleyway nextto AVR Realty since cars park there frequently for short stops . Mr. DeLl,away and Sgt. l,IcDonnell will review and respondto these reguests. This will be a Discussion ftem next neeting. 6.5 Request for 1o-Minute Parking Zone at 741 California This location has unlimited parking. Conm. t{ayer rrilL survey the site and report back at the next neeting. This wilL be a Discussion Item next neeting. 6.6 Request for Red Zones at frro Postal Collection Box Sites Comm. Mayer !'rilL survey the site and report back at thenext neeting. fhis will be a Discussion Iten next meeting. 6.7 commercial Employees/clients Parking at 1118 Majilla (aresidence) and immediate vicinity Comm. Karp stated that this street is zoned for cornmercial as weII as residentiat and that the nearbyauto repair shop personnel park their cLientst cars in th j-s vicinity. This will be a Discussion Item next neeting. 6 8 Request for Parking on East Side of california Drive (behind 1860 El Canino) between Trousdale and lilagnol ia Comm. Karp stated that to al-J-ow parking on the east side of california Drive would be hazardous for pedestrians crossing to and fron their parked vehicles, and thecenterline !'rould have to be moved over. Saf ety-r./ise, this is not a good idea. Petitioner was present and stated that 200 feet north, in Mi1lbrae, parking is allowed on both sides of the streetas well as near the intersection of oak crove and California vhere pedestrians nust cross 4 Ianes to get totheir parked vehicles as opposed to 2 lanes at this site and parking vould only be durinq business hours. It was moved and seconded (conn. simonetti/Mayer) to lTrovethis item to a Discussion Item at next meeting; unanimously approved by the Comrnission. 9 Parked vehicles on North Side of oak Grove at Neuchatel Inhibit visibility Comm. lttayer stated that there is a Stop sign at Neuchatel now and that there was nothingr further to be done. It was moved and seconded (comn. Mayer/Karp) to move thisitem to an Action Iten and further noved and seconded (comn. Mayer/ Siroonetti ) to deny this request; unaniroously approved by the Cornmission. INFORMATION ITEMS. Conm. Amoroso thanked the Secretary for her prornptness andexpertise in typinq his review of the Rollins Road area. It was noved and seconded (comm. sinonetti/Mayer) to cornmend Doris llortensen for her r,rork r' unanimously approved by the Commission. FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOIJRNMENT. 8:17 p.n. 6 9 7