HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1993.07.08TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes JIrr.,Y 8, 199 3 CO}.{MISSIONERS PRESENT : STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: T. K. DELLAWAY, TRATFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY MCDONNELI., JUDITH UAI.JFATTI, CITY CLERK KARP MAYER ELIZABETH CARLSON, 1110 BAYSWATER, BI'RI.,. STAN CARLSON, 1110 BAYSWATER, BI'RTJ. DONAIJD PERRY, 10 MARIA LINDA CT., HLSBORO. I.{ARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAITT RD., B['RL. M J E D A AI,IOROSO EVANS O I DONNELL PREGER SIMONETTI R D COI{MI SSIONERS ABSENT : 1 2 3 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMI,IISSION I,IINUTES JI,LY 8, 199 3 CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairnan Preger. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FI,AG. RoLL CAL,L. Five Connissioners present. CT'RRENT BUSINESS. 4 . L ACTION ITEN,IS . 4.1.1 4.L.2 Minutes of June ]-o, L993 approved as submitted by the Cornmission. Request for stop sign at Bayswater and Lorton and Red Zone at 1110 Bayswater Mrs. carlson thanked the city for trimrning a tree that blocked sightline at corner; she felt a four-way stop sign was needed on Bayswater and Lorton, there are stop signs on Lorton at that intersection. Conmission noted in 1987 this was considered and denied. Mr. Carlson said there was a bad accident at that corner a couple months ago. Staff pointed out the intersection does not meet warrants for stop sigm, traffic is very 1i9ht. Regardingthe request for a red zone, Mr. carlson said someone parks a large van at their driveway and it blocks view when exiting driveway. Staff suggested a height limit sign toprohibit vans and trucks parking there. Commission moved to deny the request for stop signs. Seconded and carried unan j,mously. Comrnission moved to install height linit signs for 40 feet past driveway of 1110 Bayswater 'Seconded and carried unanimously. 4 .2 DISCUSSION ITNIIS . 4.2.L Request to slow Down Traffic on Ray Drive Po1ice wiII be conducting a radar survey oftraffic on Ray Drive,' accident report was notyet available; these reports will be presented at next meeting. cornmission moved, seconded and approved continuing this item to the next meeting. 4.2.2 Request No Parking, Except sundays andIlolidays, on westbound Side of Carnelita betvreen E1 camino Real and California Drive Mr. Perry rras present. Conmission brieflydiscussed, then moved, seconded and unaninously carried a notion to deny the request. 5.TNACTIVE ITruS. 6.NEVI BUSINESS. 5.1 Request for Red Zone at 308 Burlingame Avenue comm. simonetti had viewed the area which is across thestreet from a church. After brief discussion it was moved, seconded and carried to deny the request. INFoRI,IATIoN ITEI.{S. 1 conm. Amoroso discussed his observations of the Rollins Road red zonesi he had viewed the area from Broadr{ray toMillbrae city linits and counted 83 driveways, rrhich all have two feet of red zone on each side; first block ofRollins is all red zone because of width of streeti at l.780 there is a 4o-foot red zone and at L'7oL, a 1o-foot red zonei there are not many green zones; he observed lots of trucks/trailers parked there. He suggestedsightlines to the left of driveways be preserved sincethat would allow exiting traffic to see oncoming traffic. He suspected most of the truck parking hras not related tothe business at the site where they parked. Perhaps narking and sending a notice to businesses about parking would he1p. one place he sal, a height linit sign which 7 Conmission acknowledged the inactive itens. l,Ir. Dellawaypresented air photos of the Rollins Road area to conmis- sioners. 7 night help other areas. He had not viewed all the sidestreets yet; suggested Adrian Road be used for truck parking on east side freeway frontage rrhere trucks wouldnot bl,ock any driveways or sightlines. staff noted parking on east side of Adrian would result in pedestriantraffic crossing that street, and that big trucks night have sone difficulty in parking there. conm. Amorososaid he would continue with his study and prepare areport for next neeting. 8.FROI,{ THE TLOOR. 6 1 There rrere no conments fron the floor. conmissioner Evans said he would be absent fron next meetinqr. 9. ADJOTRNMENT. 7:40 p.m.