HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1993.06.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes JrrNE 10, 199 3 COI.{MISSIONERS PRESENT:AI,TOROSO EVANS KARP I.{AYER PREGER SII,TONETTI STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY MCDONNELL DORTS }{ORTENSEN, SECRETARY COM!.{ISSIONERS ABSENT: E. O I DONNELL }T J R D D A VISITORS:ELIZABETH CARLSON, 1110 BAYSWATER, BT'RL. STAN CARLSON, 1110 BAYSWATER, BT]RL. DONAID PERRY, 10 MARIA LINDA CT., HLSBORO. R. M. NEM{AN, 1110 BAYSWATER, BI'RI.,. P. BAUGH, 1110 BAYSWATER, BI'RL. .IOHN WIEGAND, 1110 BAYSWATER, BI'RL. LOUISE KAPPEN, 1443 FLORIBUNDA, BURI.,. LEONARD J. SBROCCO, 824 COWAN, B[RL. 1 2 3 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMI'{I S S ION I,!INUTES Jt NE 10, 1993 CALL TO oRDER. 7:00 p.n. by Chairnan Preger. PLEDGE oF ALIEGIANCE To THE FLAG. Sgt. McDonnell. ROLL CAL,L. Six Conmissioners present. CI'RRENT BUSINESS. 4 . ! AcTIoN ITEI'{S . 4.1 as 4.L.2 Reguest for Green Zone at 1368 Rollins Road conm. Karp restated his feelings about the checkerboard effect of green and red zones in this area and suggested setting standards for parking zone requirements since the use is changing in this area. Mr. Dellaway agreed; however, he saw no problem with this request. It was moved and seconded (conms. Karp/Evans) to approve this requesti unanimously approved by the commissi.on. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 1 Minutes of lfay L3, 1993 aPProved submitted by the cornrnission. 4.2 1 Request for Red zone at 1655 Rollins Road comm. Mayer stated there is a visibility problern here and a red zone is needed. comm. Anoroso stated that Rollins appears to be a problem for everyone and aqreed with comm. Karp that a studY is needed to deterrnine conditions for parking standards on Rollins and on Adrian, too. It was moved and seconded (conns. Evans/Mayer) to nake this an Action Iten and further moved and seconded (Conms. Evans/Uayer) to approve this request; approved by the cornmission with a vote of 5:1 (Amoroso declining). 4.2.2 4.2.3 Request No Parking, Except Sundays andHolidays, on westbound Side of carnelita betlreen EI Canino Real and california Drive comm. Amoroso stated that this request would deprive parking for residents on one side and suggested denying this request. HeightIinitation signs ltere also discussed. Petitioner Donald Perry Lras present and stated that parking is unlinited during the day on both sidesi but when cars from both directions try to pass each other, one carnust give rray to the other. comm. Irlayer stated that many streets in Burlingame havethis sane situation. Mr. Dellaway stated that this Commission and the city Council I ould have to hold a public hearing for the residents to approve any change. The suggested change coul-d resuLt in a higher traffic flow to California Drive which night thereby require adding traffic signals at the California Drive intersec-tion. Therefore, staff cannot support this request . It r.ras rooved and seconded (Conms. Evans/ Simonetti) to make this an Action Item and further moved and seconded (comms. Evans/ Si.nonetti) to deny this request; unanimously approved by the Comrnission. Request for Green zone at 1570 Gilbreth Road comm. Karp suggested naking this an inactive iten until a formal study of the Rollins Road area be completed rather than reactingto every such request. Itr . DeIla\./ay sugrgested that the Connission perform the study. There tas qeneral consensus thatthis comnission will perform a 3-month study (RolLins Road/Adrian Road Area study) of the parking needs in the area east of california Drive and north of Broadway. It was moved and seconded ( conms. Evans/ Simonetti) to move this iten and Item 4.2.4 Lo inactive status for three months pending the resultsof the new Commission study; unaninously approved by the conmission. Itr. Dellawaywill advise petitioners. 4.2 4.2 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 4 Request for Red Zone on Creek Side of 1510 Rollins Road As noted above (Item 4.2.3), it was movedand seconded (Comms. Evans/Sinonetti) to rnove this to inactive status r' unanimously approved by the Coromission. 5 Request for stop Sign at Bayswater and Lorton and Red Zone at 1110 Bayswater Mr. Dellaway stated that visibility is bad here and that a red zone is appropriate; ho$rever, there are not enough warrants to support placernent of a stop sign. comm. Iilayer reported that the city tree on theright needs trimning to enhance visibility. Petitioner Elizabeth carlson was present andstated that her concerns are safety- motivated since there are nany children who use this intersection to get to school and that she had witnessed nany near-misses. Chairnan Preger explained the purpose of awarrant. llr. Dellalray stated that visibil- ity is good here and that the intersectiondoes not meet the volume or accident warrants established by the city for the installation of Stop signs. The volume oftraffic here at 4,000/day is low compared to 18, ooo/day at California Drive. comm. Amoroso further explained the need for warrants stating that unnecessary stop signs become ignored eventually,' then traffic flow slohrs dovrn and people start ignoring the s igns . This r{ril1 neetingT. appear as an Action Item next 5.1 Lincoln school Traffic conm. simonetti stated that nothing has been received on this iten. It hras moved and seconded (Comms. Evans/simonetti) to remove this item from the agendai unaninously approved by the Commission. 6. NEW BUSINESS. 6.3 Request for Extension Floribunda This itern will appear meeting. 6.1 of Red Zone at 1443 conm. ltayer suggested approving this request since you canrt see cross traffic fron the driveway whena car is parked here. It rras noved and seconded (conms. Simonetti/ Mayer) to make this an ActionItem and further noved and seconded (Mayer/Evans) to approve this reguestl unanirnously approved by the Conmission. 6.2 Request for Green Zone at 824 Cowan Road conm. Simonetti suggested noving this to inactive status along with Itens 6.4 and 6.5 to be includedin the 3-month Rollins Road/Adrian Road Area study. Petitioner Sbrocco was present and felt this iteru should not be part of the study since this was notin the Rollins/Adrian area; however, comm. Karp explained the actual area of the study and that an agenda and survey is forthcoming to tenants of thearea, including I,[r. sbrocco , Request to slow Down Traffic on Ray Drive It was suggested this reguest night be related to the Lincoln School issue (see Iten 5.1); however it was clarified that Lincoln School is on Devereux. as a Discussion ftem next 6 6.4 Request for Red zone at 1832 RoLlins Road As noted above (Iten 6.2), this was moved toinactive status and included in the RoIIins Road/Adrian Road Area study. 5 Request for Posting of Height Limitation signs at 1649 Adrian Road As noted above (Item 6.2), this was moved to inactive status and included in the Rollins Road/Adrian Road Area Study. Mr. Dellaway asked the Cornrnission to consider in their study the possibility of allowinq parking on the east side and no parking on the west side of Adrian Road. sgt. McDonneII requested that the Commission also consider that much of the truck traffic rely on space for backing out of loading dock areas. The Police Dept. will monitor the traffic in this area and report back at the next neeting. INFORMATION ITEMS. FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOITRNMENT. 7:47 p.m. conm. Amoroso requested staff support for theirstudy in terns of various supplies that may beneeded. Conm. Karp requested staff direction andassistance as the study progresses. Commissionerswill bring items to be included in the study agendato the next meeting. 8. 9.