HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1993.04.08a TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes APRrL 8, 19 93 COMUISSIONERS PRESENT:AI,{OROSO I{AYER O I DONNELL PREGER SII,TONETTI STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY MCDONNELI, DORIS MORTENSEN, SECRETARY EVANS KARP VISITORS: Ir{ D E D A COITO{ISSIONERS ABSENT :J R I{ARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAU ROAD, BURL. I.{ARK STRE!,! , 2 3 2 ART NDEL ROAD , BITRL . v 1. 2. 3. 4. TRAFT'IC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMUISSION I.{INTITES APRrL 8, 1993 CALL TO ORDER. 7:OO p.n. by Chairnan Preger. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FI,AG. Cornrnissioner oiDonnell. ROLL CALL. Five Connissioners present. CT'RRENT BUSINESS. 4.L ACTION ITE[!S. 4.1.1 Minutes of February 11, 1993subnitted by the Conmission. approved as 4.2 DISCUSSION TTEUS. 5. INACTTVE ITEI{S. 5.1 Lincoln School Traffic No correspondence received from schoolThis is to remain as an Inactive rtem. personnel . 2 Request for Traffic Signal at Californi-a Drive and Sanchez Avenue 5 Comn. Preger stated that enrollnent is startingnext week; therefore, it was rnoved and seconded(Conms. Amoroso/O I Donnell) to nove this itern to aDiscussion Item at the next neeting; unaninouslyapproved by the Conmission. 6. NEW BUSTNESS. 6 1 Request for Two Handicap parking Spaces at 1336 N.Carolan Conms. Mayer and otDonnel-l each surveyed this siteand saw nine (9) parking spaces al-ready provided onthe property with one (1) space designated forhandicap. It was suggested that tha propertyowner/tenant provide a second such space on thiproperty for the tenants sj-nce any of the otherbusinesses in the area would be atLe to use theCity-provided handicap spaces. It r{ras moved andseconded (conms. uayer/otDonnell) to roake this anAction ftem and that Staff compose a responseletter explaining the above suggestion; unaninouslyapproved by the Cornmission. \,.-. Page 2 6.2 6-4 Request to Change Directional Arrows in westbound Lanes on Holsard Avenue at California Drive 6 Mr. lt[ark Strem, petitioner, was present to explainhis view that through traffic in the left lane nustwait for those turning left before proceedingthrough the intersection, and he feels throughtraffic should come fron the right Lane. Mr.Dellalray explained that through traffic in theright lane waiting at a red light holds up thoseturning right. Conm. Uayer suggested that tr[r. Dellaway and Sgt.McDonnell separately survey the situation at thisintersection and report their findinqs at the next meet j.ng. It was noved and seconded (Conms. Simonetti/OrDonnell) to move this to a Discussion Item at thenext qeeting; unanimously approved by the Comnission. 3 Request for Four-Way Stop Signs at Bayswater andArundel Petitioner Mark Strem was present and stated thathe felt this intersection i.s dangerous because theview of cross traffic fron Arundel is inhibited bycars parked on Bayswater. Discussion ensued: thereare Stop signs now on Bayshrater; warrants are notsufficient for four-way Stop signs at this inter-section; red zones on each corner of Bayswater area consideration to increase view of cross traffic. It was moved and seconded (Conms. ltayer/Sinonetti)that Mr. Dellaway survey this intersection for redzones and to nake this a Discussion ftem at thenext. neeting; unanimously approved by theConniss ion. Request to Relocate Two Existing parking Spaces at321-333 California Drive to South End of iropertyto Accommodate Valet Service Ur. Dellaway disp].ayed official plans for thislocation and explained the Va1et Servj-ce userequest. Such use is on the planning Commissionagenda for approval. Comm. I{ayer surveyed thissite and could not see to vhere the two parkingspaces rrould be relocated. Comm. OrDonnel1suggested leaving in place the southern nost spaceand movi.ng only the other space. Page 3 7.INFORMATION ITEI,IS . 7.L 6 !tr. Deltaway stated that there are two issues toconsider: 1) the physicat ability to relocate the spaces; and 2) the precedence for preferential parking. It was moved ancl seconalecl (coroms. Sinonetti/ Amoroso) to make this a Discussion Item at the next :neeting; unaninously approved by the Comrnission. 5 Request for Green Zone at 1368 Rollins Road This request was received too late for previewing by the Conrnissioners i therefore, it was moved and seconded (Comms. Sinonetti/Uayer) to rnake this a Discussion Item at the next neeting; unanimously approved by the connission. conm. Amoroso asked about the status of the requestfor a stop sign at Ansel and Floribunda. I,[r. Del- Laway stated that Police Dept. nonitoring wiII be reported again in three nonths to the city Council and that a work order was issued to install twoadditional 25 n.p.h. signs and road markings as approved by the city council. 2 conm. Preger asked who is responsible for railroadgrade crossings in need of repair, specifically,Broadrray. llr. Dellarray explai.ned that the citywill be subnitting an application to caltrans for rubberized covering of the crossings at Broadway and oak crovei horrever, it will take about thro years to inplement the request. FROI,I THE FIOOR. ADJOURNI,IENT. 7:40 p.n. 7 8 9