HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1993.01.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes JANUARY L4, L993 COMI,IISSIONERS PRESENT :AI.{OROSO EVANS KARP I,TAYER O I DONNEI.,L PREGER SII{ONETTI STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY MCDONNEI.,L DORIS MORTENSEN, SECRETARY M J R D E D A COI,IMISSIONERS ABSENT: VISITORS: (NoNE) I,IARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAI,I ROAD, BT'RL. GERTRUDE Ii{,ATTK, 5OO ANSEL RD., BURL. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COUUTSSION I{INUTES JANUARY ]-4, L993 CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.n. by Chairnan Preqer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Cornrnissioner Evans. RoLL CALL. Seven Commissioners present. CIJRRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITE!{S. 4.1.1 4.2 DISCUSSION ITE!{S. 4.2.L Ir{inutes of December ]-O, L992 approved assubnitted by the commission. Petition for stop sign at Anse1 Road and Floribunda Avenue Conms. Uayer and Amoroso agreed that withthe Yield sign and road narkings that arein place, no stop sign seemed to benecessary. Conm. Iqayer noticed that atruck parked on the curve inhibited the view of cross traffic. It lras noted that none of the petitioners were present. Its/as moved and seconded (Comm.Sinonetti/Anoroso) to notice a select number of petitioners with the February Agenda and to nake this an Action Item onthe February Agenda r' unanimously approved by the Conmission. Ms. Mauk, a petitioner attending theneeting late, stated that in spite of theYield sign, traffic is too fast for aresidential area and that the sign israrely heeded uraking it hazardous forpedestrians and cyclists like herself.She was invited to attend Februaryrsneeting for discussion then. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 4.2.2 Pedestrian safety at Cal i fornia / Bel levue/ Lorton crosswalk Discussion ensued as to addinlt a cross- hatched crosswalk or a ffashing yellow light. It was agreed that the cross- hatched crossvalk is more attentiongetting. It was moved and seconded (comn. Karp/Anoroso) to move this iten to an Action Iten and to place a cross- hatched crosswalk at this site; unanimously approved by the Conroission. INACTIVE ITEMS . 5.1 Lincoln school Traffic (Norreen Bulotti letter) Mr. Dellaway stated that he contacted the Superintendent and the Principal who stated that no action has occurred by the PTA or parents as yet. There is a school council which nay be undertaking this issue as one of their projects. l,[oreover, the erincipal may be retiring shortly. 5.2 Reguest for Traffic Signa] at California Drive and Sanchez Avenue It was agreed that sincesti1l under construction, prenature. day care centeraction now would the any is be 5 3 Handicap Parking space - Post office - Lot E conn. Karp asked when this handicap space will be installed. Mr. Dellahray stated that it took several months to receive permissi.on from the Post office to cut into their railing to acconmodate a 9r x 5r handicap stall. A work order has been issued, and completion is expected in two or three weeks. 6 7 8 9 NEW BUSINESS. INFOR}IIATION ITEN,IS. FROI,I T}IE FLOOR. ADJOURNIi{ENT. 7.35 p.n.