HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1994.12.08TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes DECEMBER 8, 1994 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT :M. AMOROSO J. EVANS R. KARP D. MAYER D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: J. NORTON VISITORS: FRANK C. ERBACHER, CITY ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY IERRY McDONNELL, TRAFFIC SERGEANT MARION SPADONI, 1557 RALSTON, BURLINGAME TIM BROSNAN, 1558 RALSTON, BURLINGAME* JERIANN & HANK FLERES, 1552 RALSTON, BURL. CLARA WHITE, 1532 RALSTON, BT'RLINGAME* JACK ODEN, 1533 RALSTON, BURLINGAME* JOAN & LOU BADET, 1540 RALSTON, BURLINGAME* DAVE LOMBARDI, I52I RALSTON, BURLINGAME WALTER SJOSTROM , I'I2RALSTON, BURLINGAME STEPHEN CORRAL, I47L EL CAMINO #3, BURL. JIM STEWART, 2210 RAY DRIVE, BURLINGAME * See Item 4.1.2, last paragraph \ -1- 1. 2. 3. 4. Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission December 8, 1994 Minutes of November 1.0, 1994 approved as submitted by the Commission. Public Hearing on Eliminating 2-Hour Parking Limit on Ralston Avenue between Occidental Avenue and El Camino Real Mr. Erbacher explained that although this item was approved at the November meeting, public notices were posted two weeks ago and again last week to advise interested parties of the public hearing enabling all interested parties to express their concerns on this proposal. From the floor (10 citizens in attendance), Mr. Lombardi advised that concerned neighbors met last week to discuss this issue: Removing the signs would have a terrible impact, there are too many transients now and the street would become one long parking lot; however, contractors should not get ticketed while working on their houses. Mr. Oden suggested permit parking for residents and opposes sign removal since Burlingame Avenue employees already park on Crescent. Mr. Lombardi feels restrictions are necessary; need enforcement and help for residents. Comm. Amoroso stated that their concerns were the same as the commission's regarding transient parking; however, the petitioner and supporters felt just the opposite and had been made aware of the potential problems removing the signs could cause. Mr. Erbacher explained that parking permits at $2 per car are available to contractors who obtain a Building or Public Works permit. Parking permits are also available for special events such as wakes and weddings. Residential permit parking would have its problems, e.g., how many cars per household - some have 5 cars. Sgt. McDonnell stated that a permit process is an excellent idea to consider. He has seen it work in other cities. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Mayer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Commissioner Amoroso. ROLL CALL. Six Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.t.t 4.t.2 v -2- Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.t December 8, 1994 It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Evans) to rescind the motion of November L0, L994 to eliminate the 2-hour parking signs on Ralston Avenue between El Camino Real and Occidental Avenue and to make this a study item for permit processing in neighborhoods with time restrictions; unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Erbacher stated that this item will not go before the City Council. If anyone wishes to appeal the new motion, they should address this commission or the Public Works Departrnent. Comm. Evans and Karp were concerned about how many neigh- borhoods would be affected and the feasibility for the City to implement such a plan, e.g., cost, etc. Mr. Erbacher will provide the commission with further information at the January meeting, including the number of spaces permittable. He asked that citizens interested in attending future meetings discussing residential permit processing to note it on the sign-in sheet. Request for Stop Sign on Quesada, Southbound, at Ray Drive and on Ray Drive, Eastbound, at Quesada From the floor, Mr. Stewart observed speeding traffic during the morning and evening commutes which is a hazard to children. He feels a Stop sign on Quesada at Ray and on Ray for eastbound traffic would decrease the hazard. This area seems to be a thoroughfare and people race through it. Mr. Erbacher stated thatZ-legged Stop signs, as proposed, on a 3- way intersection is not a good idea nor are 3-legged Stop signs on a 4-way intersection. Further, if a Stop sign is only needed for a short period of time of day, the rest of the time drivers won't perceive the real need for it and "California" stops become commonplace. From a traffic engineering standpoint, a traffic control device is needed that will alleviate the current problem without causing a different problem. Sgt. McDonnell advised that the City has received a radar trailer that records the time and speed of cars which can be used for this location. Although it can monitor traffic, radar can't be enforced with motorcycle officers at this location since it hasn't been surveyed. They will try to monitor this location at least twice before the next meeting and will provide data then. -3- \- Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission December 8, L994 It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Evans) to make this an Action item at the next meeting; unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2.2 Request for Crosswalk and Speed Bumps at the Intersection of Ray and Devereux Drives From the floor, Mr. Stewart also addressed this item stating that because of the speeding problem on Ray, he feels a crosswalk is necessary bu! not speed bumps. Mr. Erbacher stated that this is a difficult intersection. As part of the City's Sidewalk Program, we are placing a handicap ramp on either side of Ray and on the west side of the Devereux/Ray intersection which would be on the opposite side the petitioner is asking for. The best places to cross are at intersections, but crosswalks give a false sense of security. A better location for crossing is at the crosswalks at Devereux and Bernal. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Evans) to move this to an Action item next month; unanimously approved by the Commission. Comm. Preger asked about the use of speed humps at this location. Mr. Erbacher advised that proper signing and visibility play a part in the use of speed humps; but since this location is narrow and winding, it is not a good location for them. INACTIVE ITEMS NEW BUSINESS. Request Repaint and Extend Green Zone between 1501 and 1505 Bayshore on Mahler Commissioners will view this site and make this a Discussion item next month 7. INFORMATION ITEMS Comm. Amoroso asked about the tree roots growing into the street area on Easton which narrow use of the street. Comm. Evans asked that a letter be sent to the Beautification Commission regarding this problem. Mr. Erbacher will prepare a letter for Chairman Karp's signature to the Beautification Commission regarding this situation. 5 6 6.1 7.t -4- \- Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission December 8, L994 Sgt. McDonnell announced that this is his last commission meeting. The new P.D. liaison will be Sgt. Eric Haseleu who will attend the next meeting in 1995. 7.3 Mr. Erbacher, in referencing the study in Item 4.L.2 above, explained that since the City is lightly staffed, we now rely on the commissioners to perform these studies. Comm. Evans stated that they need to know if the City will be able to handle such permit processing before considering its feasibility. 8. FROM THE FLOOR. 8.1 Mr. Lombardi stated that the condition of the parking lot located at Ralston and El Camino Real is terrible: broken fence, no landscaping, debris from bus stop. Mr. Erbacher will contact the Park Department to attend to this problem. 8.2 Ms. Fleres advised that a 2-hour Parking sign on the 1500 block of Ralston is bent in half and in need of repair. Mr. Erbacher will notify the Street Department to repair it. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:20 p.m 7.2 \- -5-