HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1994.07.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes JIILY L4, L994 COI/IMI SS IONERS PRESENT:EVANS KARP MAYER NORTON PREGER SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT: J R D iI D A COI.{MISSIONERS ABSENT : VISITORS: T. K. DELI,AWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SHELAGH GIROT, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY l,I. AIr{OROSO VERONICA UOSSELLO, 1353 BERNAL AVENUE, BI'RLINGAI,IE 1. 2. 3. 4. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COI{I{ISSION I,{INIITES JrILY 14, 1994 CALL TO ORDER. 7:02 p.m. by Chairnan Karp. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FI.,AG. Comn. Evans. ROLL CAIL. Six Commissioners present. CI'RRENT BUSINESS. 4.L ACTION ITE!.{S. 4.L.L Minutes of June 9, t994 approved as submittedby the Comrnission. 4.L.2 Hamilton Lane Parking concern It was moved and seconded (Conm. Evans/Norton)to renove this fron the Action Itens as this has been accomplishedl unanimously approved bythe Comnission. 4.1.3 Request for Directional Signs Shorring Flow ofTraffic at Southbound California and BroadwayIntersection It was moved and seconded (Conm. Evans/Norton)to send a letter to the applicant indicatingthere r.rould not be a sign placed at thisintersection as warrants do not show cause; unaninously approved by the Commission. 4 .2 DTSCUSSTON rTElrrS . 4.2.L Speed Control Humps I.T.E. Standards There was discussion whether, or not, there isa need for speed control hunps in Burlingame.This is offered as an alternative to stop oryield signs to slow the traffic down. Note was taken for future reference. It was rnoved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Norton)to remove this item from the Agenda iunaninously approved by the Commission. -2- rraffic, aafety ard Earti[g conmisaion JuIy 14, 1994 A police officer brought the message that Officer McDonnell wouLd not be available for this neeting. 4.2.2 Reconmendation to Institute Fees for creen Zone Additions, Maintenance and Removals This being absent Comm. Amoroso,s brainchild, it was noved and seconded (conn. Norton/ simonetti) to contj.nue this as a Discussionitem on the next agenda,' unanimously approved by the Comrnission. 5.INACTIVE ITEN{S. 1 Request for creen zone at 851 california Drive This iten lras tabled until the 4.2.2 Recommendation toInstitute Fees for creen Zone Additions, Maintenance and Renovals is acted upon. Notification will be nailed tothe applicant. It was moved and seconded (Co,nm. Norton/Simonetti) to act on this item on a future agenda r' unanimous).y approved bythe commission. 6. NEW BUSINESS. 1 Request for stop Sign and crosswalk at Bernal and HiIlside Intersection The applicant, veronica l{osselLo, was informed of the procedure followed by this connissioni that being an item goes from new business, giving the public an opportunityto comment on the issues. It then becomes a Discussioniten, and then an iten for action. tlr. Dellarray explained to the applicant; the volune oftraffic on both streets will be monitored; an accidentrecord fron the police departnent will be reviewed overthe last 3 to 5 years; each connissioner and staff willexanine and study the intersection; its visibilityicrosswalks; etc. Staff will then produce a report, atthe next neeti.ng, for the commission's consideration. The prerequisite is 300 vehicles per hour on the nai.nstreet, which is Hi11side, and 120 vehicles per hour forthe same 8 hour period on the side street. There has tobe 3 accidents per year over the last 3 years, up to 5years if it applies. Other things, such as visibility,are then taken into consideration. 5 6 -3- Traffic, saf€ty atral Parking cornmLgsioa The applicant $ras advised that witnesses or a petition would be welcome at the next conmission neeting. Theapplicant wiII be sent a notice when the next neeting is scheduled. This will be a discussion item at next meeting. 7.INFORMATION ITEI'{S. 7.L Chula Vista, proposed parking Lot The comrnission explored a small change in the tine allowed on each meter. It r,ras suggested the rnajority ofmeters have a 4 hour tine lirnit in order to assist employees and leave parking on Broad\,/ay for patrons. There are currently 40 spaces, and the increase wi]l beto an overall total of 61. It was moved and seconded (Comn. Norton/Evans) to have 10 spaces located on the south wa11 with 4 hour neters and the renainder with 2 hour netersi unaninously approved bythe Conrnission. 2 Staff reviewed a report on nicrowave and camerainstall-ations at the Broadway intersection to coordinateRollins Road \.rith Carolan and California along Broadway. The monitor, computer and microwave will be set up atcity haII, rrith nicrowave at the fire station and on thesignal pole at CaLifornia Drive along with cameras thatwill survey a 3600 area. Tining plans will be set and chanqes made as deternined necessary by the trafficpatterns. 3 A code enforcenent issue was brought to the attention ofthe cornuj,ssion; there have been some compLaints fron some merchants on Burlingame Avenue about the storage of oldappliances at General eppliance on Howard Avenue. Publicparking spaces in the rear are being used as storage ofoId appliances. 7.4 The next meeting will be set in August if there are enough items to warrant it. 8.FROM THE FLOOR. There vrere no public comnents. 7 7 9. ADJOITRNMENT. 7:35 p.m. -4- July 14, 19 94