HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1994.06.09TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKTNG COMMISSION Minutes JI,NE 9, 1994 COIO{ISSIONERS PRESENT :AI{OROSO EVANS KARP I.IAYER NORTON SII{ONETTI STAFF PRESENT: COI4MISSTONERS ABSENT: D. PREGER VISITORS:IiARTI KIIIGIIT, 455 CHATIIA]I, BITRL. u J R D J A T. K. DEI,I,AWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY IICDONNELL DORIS UORTENSEN, SECRHTARY 1 2. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING CO!,I,TISSION TTINUITES JI,NE 9, 1994 CALL TO OPDER. 7:03 p.m" by Chairnan Karp. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Chairman Karp. ROLL CAL,L. Six Connissioners present. CT'RRENT BUSINESS. 4.L ACTION ITffS. J 4 4.1.1 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEN,IS. 4.2.L Hanilton Lane Parking Concern llinutes of Irlay L2, L994 approved as submlttedby the Cornrnission. Conm. I{ayer reconmended sending the petitionera letter suggestj.ng that he discuss theparking problen with his neighbors to he].palleviate the problen of parked service trucksor neighbors, cars inhibiting turn-arounds inthe cul-de-sac. It was noved and seconded(comm. Uayer/Sinonetti) requesting staff tosend a letter to the petitioner naking theabove recoumendation i unanimously approved bythe Conmission. This wil-t be an Action Itenat the next meeting. 5.INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 Request for Green Zone at 851 California Dririei 6. NEW BUSTNESS. 6.1 Pending action on Cornm. Amorosor 6 request to establishfees ior requests to install/maintain/renove green zones,this iten wiII renain inactive. Request for Directional Signs Sttowing Flow of Traffic atsouthbound California _and Broadway Intersection !1r. Dellarray stated that there are enough signs at thislocation. Conm. Amoroso said there are no oveihead sigmsin the southbound lanes as suggested by the petitioner.Sqt. ![cDonnell stated that not nany tickets.are given outfor southbound traffic. It was noved and Eeconded (Conm.sinonetti/uayer) to nake this an Action iten at the nextmeeting. 2 lfraf f Lo, 6.2 aaf.ty anal Parking Coutll.esLon Speed Control Eumps - I.T.E. Standards June 9, 1994 l(r. Dellaway distrlbuted a meno discussing humps as anal.ternative for traffic control devices, such as Stop sigms and Yield signs. This rrill be a Dl-scussion iteu atthe next neeting. 7. INFORMATION ITH,IS. 7.L comm. Amoroso asked that his recommendation to institutea program for petitioners to pay for the addition,naintenance and renoval of a green zone be placed on ttreAgenda. this vil.l be a Discussion iten at the nextmeeting. FROI,I THE FI-,ooR. ADJoITRNI{ENT. 7:20 p.m. 8 9 3