HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1994.04.14r TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes (Revised) APRrL 14, 1994 COI.{MISSIONERS PRESENT:l,I. At{oRosoJ. EVANS R. KARP D. !.{AYERJ. NORTOND. PREGERA. SIUONETTI STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY UCDONNELL DORIS I,{ORTENSEN, SECRETARY COM}{ISSIONERS ABSENT: VISITORS: NONE ITIARTI KNIGHI , 455 CHATIIAM, Bt RL. ARIA KASUGA, 1418 ALVARADO AVE., BT'RL. KAREN UONSON, 2517 POPPY DR., BURL. JEROME GIRANANO, 1325 BT'RLINGAI,TE, BT'RL. ROSS ITARPER, 1O1O CADILLAC WAY, BT'RL. ROSE I{TROSNKOFF, 717 I{ALNUT, BITRIJ. TERESA ADAI,T, 1301 BITRLINGAME, BI'RL.N. CAPI,AN, 13 15 BIJRLINGAI.{8, BT'RL. STAN CLARK, 13 19 BITRIJINGAITIE, BIJRIJ. WILLIAI,{ CAPLAN, 1614 GRJANADA, BURL. JANET STEINER, 325 CLARENDON, BI'RTJ. I,IARYANNE ITAHN, 719 BT'RLINGAI{8, BI'RL. TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COUMISSION UINIITES APRrL 14, 1994 CALL, TO oRDER. 7:00 p.n. by Chairman Karp. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comn. NoTton. ROLL CALL. Seven Conmissioners present. CI'RRENT BUSINESS. 4 . L ACTION ITEN,IS . 1 2 3 4 4.1.1 lIinutes of March 10, 1994 approvedsubnitted by the Commission. as 4.1.2 Propose New Policy Charging Fee to Provide Green Zones Mr. Dellaway advised that staff is not infavor of this proposal. Staff suggests thatincreasing parking fees to generate more revenue for the city would be a better tay to charge fees. Comm. Evans suggested removingthis iten fron the agenda. Conm. Amoroso stated that requests for green zones only benefit the businesses requestingthen and feels the city tould recoup instal-latLon expenses for green zones by charging anannual fee, an installation fee, and subse-quently, a removal fee. IIe requested reuovalof iten from agenda untiL such time as hecould draft an ordinance. It was moved and seconded (Conn. Amoroso/Evans) to remove Item4.1.2 fron the Calendar for a period of three months for study; unanimously approved by the Comnission. Vehicles Parking in Rear Alley of 13oo Blockof Burlingame Avenue l.{r. De11alray stated that his March 22nd nemoto the commissj.on recommends installingparking meters on the south side of the aIley. From the floor: Burlingame Avenue lilerchants -Stan Clark, Burlingane Drug, #L3L9, nakesfrequent deliveries so need6 car close athandi customers access parkinq lot from reardoori a1so, everyday he gets four deliveries 2 4.1.3 April 14, 1994 at the rear door; metered parking takes upspace, Eio delivery trucks night use theparking lot or Burlingame Avenue instead.Jerry, Bon Appetit, #L325, customerg and employees use rear access and would like thecurrent parking arrangement to renain. Mark,Bon Appetit, stated that this alley was designed as a loading zone area. Those parkedin Lot J feed meters so park all day and the same situation would exist in the alley sincethere are not enough meter maids. Representa-tive fron #1301, Bay Viet, Federal, requestsstatus quo. Russ caplan, Topper, #L3L5,requests status quo since he move6 high value goods in this rrlou userr area and adding neters would make it a high use area adding more riskto his business. Bill caplan stated that withtruck deliveries, cars backing into parking spaces would be dangerous. Local resident tls.I{irosnkoff feels addinq metered parking spaces would be a safety hazard due to increased useof a1ley. comm. Karp advised that this issue arose when comm. Norton received several inquiries fronother Burlingame Avenue merchants as to uhythere was trfreerr parking in this aIley whosewidth is 2, of private property and 20, ofcity property. conm. Amoroso stated that the merchants postedItunauthorized Parkingrt signs on the rear oftheir buildings and park for free on citypropertyr' all citizens should have the sane access to city 1and. Conm. Norton suggested parking perrnits. DIr. Dellaway Etated that the adninistrative coststo issue permits would preclude this as analternate, and the city would probably receivea lot of requests for perrnit parking if thisltas approved for this case. Comm. Karpsuggested no parking be allorred; so noenforcement rrould be needed. conm. Amoroso suggested a loading zone. It hras moved and seconded (Cornn. Evans/Mayer)to recommend to city council to designate cityHalI Lane as a loading zone; approved by 6Commissioners, 1 abstained (Cornm. Karp). 3 lflaffic, Safety aral Parki[g coDnission Traffic, aafety ara ParLirg coDmisELor 4.2 DTSCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.L April 14, 1994 Additionally, it was moved and seconded (conm. Amoroso/Mayer) that the city Attorney be reguested to notify those responsible to remove the unauthorized parking signs on therear side of the buildings on the 1300 blockof Burlingame Avenue i unaniuously approved by the Connission. Review Request for safer crosswalk and a street L,ight at Recreation center - Burlingame Avenue at Anita Road sgt. ttcDonnell advised that there have been no accidents and feu complaints received by the P.D. for this intersection. llr. Dellaway stated that lre dealt with thisissue in L9a7 and there is no change. warrants are not sufficient to reconnend stopsigns on Burlingarne Avenue. cost for a stop sign is $4oo and for a street light, $41000 asstated in his April 14th report to the Comrnission. From the floor: !Is. Steiner, lrho represents 125 menbers of a mothers club, stated that before crossing the street, you must step into the street to see traffic vhich goes too fastfor this area. l{s. Hahn stated she has witnessed excessive speeding at Arundel Roadintersection. Ms. Mirosnkoff diaqranmed anevening incident when a westbound driver alnost struck three teens in the crosslralk dueto excessive driving speed and poor lighting. comm. Mayer observed this intersection and reconmends Stop signs, plus a Ishinyrr cross-walk for easy visibility at night. conm. Evans favors a street light since a Stop signis a constant traffic control. A flashing anber light costs $3,000 - a street light,$4r000. conm. Amoroso reconmends stop signs since the playground has been upgraded and isutilized by many sma1l children. AIso, thereare no Stop signs for two blocks east and twoblocks west of this intersection while other-wise every two blocks eastward, there is a Stop sign. 4 llraff ic, aafoty aDd ParkiDg conmissioD 4.2.2 5.INACTIVE ITEMS. April 14, 1994 cornrn. Karp suggested installing a street lightand reviewing the sltuation in the futurebefore installlng a Stop sign. It was moved and seconded (CoDn. Preger/Amoroso) to movethis to an Action Item next neetingr' unaniurously approved by the Conrnission. conm. Evans reconmends that all Commissioners observe this site before the next meeting. Request for 3-Way Stop signs at Quesada and Trousda 1e sgt. IlcDonnell referenced officer ShepleyrsApril 7th report which recomnends no Stopsign. From the floor: Ms. Kasuga stated she haschildren who attend BIS and Franklin Schoolsiand although the problen is only in themorning, turning left onto Trousdale is a veryhigh anxiety situation. Eastbound traffic onTrousdale proceed as if there were 3-hray Stop sigrns . Comm. Evans observed the site and stated thereis a problen all the tirne, not just in thenorning. Recommends Stop sign. There wassome discussion reconmending stop signs/crossing guards. This will be an Action Itemnext meeting. comm. Evans recornnended that a1l Commissioners observe this site before the next meeting. 5.1 Avis Enployees Parking on Corran Road 6. NEW BUSINESS. It was noved and seconded (Comn. llayer/preger) to removethis iten fron the Agenda i unanimously approved by the Commiss ion. Request for Green Zones and/or }leters on Cadillac Way Sgt. McDonnell advised that the p.D. is activelyenforcing the existing 2-hour neters. Comm. L{ayer reviewed si.te and spoke with the petitioner. 5 6.1 Traffie, 8af6ty and PalkiDg Connissior 6 -2 7.INFOR},TATION ITEI,TS. FROM TIIE FLOOR. ADJOURNI,IENT. 8:30 p.n. April 14, 1994 some for Amorosobe more Everyone in the area parks there a1l the time, several daysi and enforcement is needed. conm.stated that the reguest for green zones mustspecific - location, etc. from the ffoor: representing the petitioner, !tr. Harper advised that since enforcenent is underway now, the improvernent is terrific. He stated that perhaps that iswhat rdas needed. He will obtain more infornation regarding the green zones. This will be a DiscussionItem at the next meeting. Request for creen Zone at 851 California Drive Comm. Simonetti suggested staff send petitioner a Letteradvising of the study on green zones by Cornm. Amoroso andthat rre wiII get back to hin in 90 days. I 9 6