HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1994.03.10a TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes MARCH 10, 1994 COU},IISSIONERS PRESENT :AI.{OROSO EVANS MAYER NORTON PREGER STAFF PRESENT:T. K. DELI,AWAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY },ICDONNELL DORIS MORTENSEN, SECRETARY COUUISSIONERS ABSENT:KARP SIMONETTI M J D iI D VISITORS :I.{ARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAM, BIJRL. ARIA KASUGA, 1418 ALVARADO AVE., BURL. KAREN I.{ONSON, 2517 POPPY DR., BURL. R. A. 4.2.2 1 2 3 4 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COI{I,TISSION MINU:TES I!{ARCH 10, 1994 CALL To oRDER. 7:oo p.n. by Vice Chairman llayer. PLEDGE OF ALI.,EGIANCE TO THE FI.,AG. COMM. AMOTOSO. RoLL CALL. Five Cornmissioners present. CT]RRENT BUSINESS. 4 . 1 ACTION ITEI,IS . 4.1.1- uinutes of February 10, L994 apProved as subnitted by the Connission. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.L Request for Passenqer Loading zone at 30 Lorton comm. Amoroso pointed out that this is a new condo, U-shaped; and it appears only one vehicle parked there today; white zone would not provide risafer visibilitytr; service vehicles require longer parking times; and the garage could be used for treasier pick uprr of residents; therefore there is no need for a white zone. conns. Norton and Mayer agreed. It was moved and seconded (Cornm. Evans/ Amoroso) to nake this an Action Itemi unanirnously approved by the Commission. It r{ras subsequently rnoved and seconded (Conm. Evans/uayer) to deny this request for a passenger loading zone at 30 Lorton based on observations presented at this meetingr; unanimously approved by the Comnission. Propose New Policy Charging Fee Green Zones to Provide comm. Amoroso suggested a sample ordinance enacting a fee to those requesting a erreen zonelmeter since it is for their benefit. Per t1r. Dellar.ray, meters at green zones are only installed in the Business Districts. The fee should include installation costs of qreen zone/rneter and/or removal and an annual fee for maintenance. Iraffic, Aaf€ty aral Parftng CoD[l.3Eion 4.2.2(cont'd) 4.2.3 I,tarch 10, 1994 A1so, included should be a liniting of the sizeof the parking space and the amount of such spaces allowed per block; and only place zone/ meter in front of the petitioner's business. Mr. Dellaway stated that the greatest increased revenue could be obtained by increasing parking fees, e.9., lo-hour meters from $1 to 92. Green zones cost Less than $1,ooo a year. staff feels it is not feasible to present this sample ordinance to Council. Comms. Uayer and Norton felt that this ordinance would not be for the purpose of increased revenue, but to decrease the amountof requests for green zones. comm. Norton rrould like to deternine approval on a case-by- case basis rather than li.nit the aurount of green zones per block. comm. Anoroso requested staff to draw up a sampl,e ordinance and to make this an Action Item at the next meeting. Vehicles Parking in Rear Alley of 1300 Block of Burlingame Avenue Mr. Dellaway advised that about three years ago the City allowed No Parking signs to beinstalled on private properti,es behind the redline in the a11ey, most of which belongs tothe city. The red line is the demarcation betrreen City and private properties. comm. Norton stated that merchants on the 1200 block are upset about rrfreett merchant parking on the 1300 bIock. It was noved and seconded (Cornm. Evans/ Amoroso) to nake this an Actj.on Item; unani- nously approved by the conmission. It was then noved and seconded (Conm. Norton/Anoroso) that staff notify merchants on the 1200, 1300 and 14oo blocks of Burlingame Avenue that this item will be considered and will be an Action Item at the next rneetingr' unanimously approved by the Commission. INACTIVE ITE!,{S . 5.1 Avis Ernployees Parking on Cowan Road No update on this item. 3 5. Traffic, Safety anal ParI(iDg conmission I!{arch 10, 1994 6. NEW BUSINESS. 1 Review Request for Safer crosswalk at Recreation center - Burlingane Avenue at Anita Road comm. Evans stated that additional speed signs were installed t!,ro years ago for the original request. lIr. DelLaway stated that the estinate for a street light is $5-6rooo. Although a Stop sign would help, two years ago it didn't meet the City's warrant requirements for one. A flashing arnber light would cost about $3,000. 6 comm. Amoroso observed the site which includes a children's park and recommends signals because of the bushy trees which inhibit visibility and believes at night the situation is worse. For two blocks east and two blocks west there are no traffic control signs. comm. Evans stated that he rrouLd Like to observe the site, too. sgt. McDonnell advised that this is not a hiqh complaint area, nor have there been any auto accidents other than an occasional parked car gettinghir. This will be a Discussion Item at next meeting. It Iras requested that staff acquire street lighting costs for next meeting. Request for 3-way stop signs at Quesada and Trousdale sgt. McDonnell noticed no problems at this site and stated that there has been only one accident (5:45 p.n.) and only a few citations given out. He also noticed traffic increased at Sequoia (a 4-way stop sign) during school time. 4 6.2 From the floor, Mesdames Kasuga and l,fonson spoke about the problem of having only two stop signs uhich causes traffic to back up to Burlingame Intermediate school (BIs), especially between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m. when traffic is heavy for nearby BIS and Franklin school. this is a 3-way intersection with a stop sign on Quesada and on eastbound Trousdale. Traffic on ouesada turning left (westbound) onto Trousdale must wait for the westbound Ianes to clear which causes eastbound Trousdale traffic to proceed awkwardly since those on Quesada must also stop and then proceed only when the hrestbound lanes are clear. The resulting backup is why the 4-way Stop signs at sequoia are considered the rrfast track. rl Irlarch 10 , 19 94 Comm. Evans observed the site at 6 p.m. and noticed the awkwardness turning left onto Trousdal-e, $estbound; horrever, there are already so nany stop sigms on Trousdale, he won't reconmend one here. Comm. Amoroso observed the site at 3:30 p.m. and agreed that there is a problen at this location. It was moved and seconded (conn. Amoroso/Evans) to move this to a Discussion Item at the next meetingr' unanimously approved by the Conmission. comm. Evans reguested sgt. IlcDonnell observe at about 8:15 a.m. 7.INFOR}.{ATION TTEMS . 7 7 .2 8.FROM THE FLOOR. 9. ADJOITRNMENT. 8:00 p.n. 1 conm. Amoroso commented about the Broadvray/californiasignals. l{r. Dellaway advised that RToP funds of $154,000 are to be used to interconnect California/ Rollins/Carolan by nicrowave. comm. Mayer requested that the Secretary contact the chanber of commerce as to why they do not include this comnission's neeting date in their published calendar of events since they receive the Aqenda nonthly. 5 [raffic, aafety and Parking conmission