HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1994.02.10TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes FEBRUARY LO, 1994 COI,{I4I S S IONERS PRESENT:l{. AI.IoRosoJ. EVANSR. KARP D. I,{AYERJ. NORTOND. PREGER A. SIMONETTI STAFT PRESENT:T. K. DEI-,I,AWAY, TRAFFTC ENGINEER SGT. JERRY IICDONNELL DORIS I,IORTENSEN, SECRETARY COI,{MISSIONERSABSENT: NONE VISITORS:Ir{ARTI KNIGHI , 455 CIIATHAM, BIRL. 4.1.1 1 2 3 4 CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.n. by chairman Preger. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Conm. KaTP. RoLL CALL,. seven Conmissioners present. CI'RRENT BUSTNESS. 4.L ACTION ITEN,IS. Minutes of January L3, 1994 approved subnitted by the Comrnission. AS 4.L.2 Request for Green zone at 850 Mitten Road comm. Amoroso viewed the site, saw no one parked there and feels petitioners requestinggreen zones should pay for the cost to thecity of providing them. Sone discussionensued. ft was noved and seconded (conn. Evans/sinonetti) to grant petitioner two 20-foot spaces as reconmended by staff; unanirnously approved by the comnission. 4.1.3 Noninations/Election of 1994 Chairman and vice cbairnan It was moved and seconded (conn. Sinonetti/ Amoroso) to nominate Comm. Karp as 1994 Chair- man and conn. Mayer as 1994 vice Chairnanr' unaninously approved by the Coumission. 5 . INACTIVE ITEI,{S . 5.1 Avis E:nployees Parking on Cowan Road Comm. Irlayer asked about the new parking lot for Avisemployees. !Ir. Dellaway stated that there is a proposal from Avis to open a facility at Bayshore/Stanton. TheCity has informed them of the costs which will affectAvis, decision to proceed. If yes, there should beplenty of room for their enployees to park there. 2 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COII{}{I S S ION I,IINIIPES FEBRUARY LO, 1994 Traffic, gafety aDd Parkiag coDnLssior February lo, L994 6. NEW BUSINESS. 1 Request for chanqe in Parking, Both Sides of Driveway, 1649 Adrian Road conm. Anoroso stated that this request falls within thepolicy set by the Conmission. comm. uayer viewed thesite and confirned that cars parking at the site inhibitdriver visibility when exiting the driveway. some discussj.on ensued regarding shlfting truck trailerparking to the east side of the street which wouldeliminate red zones needed for visibility. sergeant UcDonnell stated the need also for truck-turning space.It was noved and seconded (conm. l.{ayer/Amoroso) to makethis an Action Item and to advise petitioner by letter of our policy to place a 4o-foot red zone on the left of the driveway and a 2-foot red zone on the right; unanimously approved by the Connission. 2 Request for Passenger Loading Zone at 30 Lorton There was some discussion as to size and age of building. comm. Norton advised it's a 3-story building, and it's about four years old. This will be a Discussion ftem atthe next neeting. 7 . INFORMATTON ITEIT{S. 7 1 conm. Amoroso reco mended that the Commission adopt apolicy to recover the cost of providing green zones by charging the petitioners a fee since it is their busi- nesses which benefit. !Ir. Dellaway stated that the costof painting the zone is $5o and installing a neter, $200.Discussj.on ensued clarifying that the fee night apply to areas outside of the main business districts where green zones benefit several merchants, not just one. Conm. Karp suggested looking at the requests on a case-by-case basis and naking a reconnendation to the City Council to inplernent a fee. Mr. Dellaway stated that the anount ofcosts involved is not significant, nor is the number of requests received. conm. Amoroso felt that a fee would reduce the number ofreguests, and the city could recover the costs ofinplementing these zones. It hras noved and seconded (conm. Amoroso/Mayer) to put this issue on next month,s agrenda as a Discussion Iteni unaninously approved by the Coromission. 6 6 3 Traffic, Safety atral Parkilrg Couuiseioa February 10, 1994 7 2 Comm. Evans recommended to the new Chairman to incorporate a custom of advising visitors to each Connission meeting of the comnissi,on's purpose and to structure each agenda item by requesting input first frornPublic works, then the Police Department, then the audience, and finally the conmissioners. 3 Comm. Preger advised of his appointrnent as Burlj.ngame's representative to the Mosquito Abatenent District. 4 comm. Norton advised that in the rear al1ey of the 1300 block of Burlingane Avenue, although city-owned, various nerchants park there and have posted Tow Away signs onprivate properties adjacent to the a11ey. ItIr. Dellawaywill see what regulations apply. This issue will. be on next nonth's agenda as a Discussion ltem. 8.FROI.{ THE FL,OOR. 9. ADJOI RNIiIENT. 7:40 p.m. 7 7 4