HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1995.09.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes SEPTEMBER L4, 1995 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT :M. AMOROSO J, EVANS R. KARP D. MAYER I. NORTON D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: NONE VISITORS KEITH DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CIVIL ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMIMSTRATWE SECRETARY POLICE SERGEANT ERIC HASELEU BECKY HELMS, 709 FARRINGDON, BI]RL. MARY MATSUNAGA, 7OO FARRINGDON, BURL. JODY M. GUTHRIE, I1O5 BAYSWATER#3, BURL. JUDY RICHMOND, 1233 PALOMA, BURL. MARTI KNIGHT,455 CHATHAM, BURL. 1 2. J. 4. Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes September 14, 1995 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Mayer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Preger ROLL CALL. 7 Commissioners present. Minutes of August 10, 1995 approved as submitted by the Commission. Study to Consider Uniform Timing of Parking Meters on Howard Avenue between Primrose Road and California Drive Mr. Dellaway recommends leaving things as they are and dealing with requests for short term parking as businesses make these requests. Howard Avenue is basically 2-hour parking. There is no need for uniform parking times. Sgt. Haseleu agreed. It was moved and seconded (Comm.Evans/Simonetti) to accept staff's recommendation regarding the parking on Howard Avenue; unanimously approved by the Commission. CURRENT BUSINESS 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.t.t 4.t.2 4.t.3 Request for a Stop Sign at Intersection of Oak Grove Avenue and Crossway Road Mr. Dellaway advised that there are not enough warrants to have a Stop sign on Oak Grove. Also, visibility is good. Sgt. Haseleu agreed. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Preger) to deny this request based on staff s information; unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Request to Council to Look at Funding for a Traffic Signal at Intersection of California Drive and Carmelita Avenue Mr. Dellaway advised that this request was denied by Council due to a lack of warrants. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Simonetti) to move this item to an Action item; unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Simonetti) to accept Council's action; unanimously approved by the Commission. -2- v Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes September 14, 1995 4.2.2 Request for a Vision Safety Sign at Farringdon Lane and Oak Grove Avenue (Height limit signs for 40 feet from the corner) From the floor, Becky Helms stated that since the truck owners were given notice, the trucks have relocated. Also, the 25 mph sign is higher than average and covered by trees. Staff will look into adjusting this sign. Mr. Dellaway advised that the height signs cost $200 and did not recommend their installation. Sgt. Haseleu stated that other trucks may return since there is no height limit signs and recommended their installation. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Preger) to move this to Inactive status and install height signs if trucks obstruct view in future, denied with a 1-6 vote (Comm. Evans approved). It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Amoroso/Karp) to move this to an Action item next month, unanimously approved by the Commission. The Commissioners will view this site and consider action next month. INACTIVE ITEMS. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1 Request for 4-Way Stop Signs at Peninsula Avenue and Lorton Avenue Mr. Dellaway advised that this request was also sent to the City of San Mateo who is painting the curb red on Prospect near the intersection on both sides of the street. After he reviews the results of their action, Mr. Dellaway will consider the same for Lorton Avenue. At this time, however, he recommends no action. Sgt. Haseleu agreed. This will be a Discussion item next month. 6.2 Suggestion to Change 10-Hour Parking Meters to 2 Hours in Parking Lot K Mr. Dellaway provided a map of the area and advised that a previous commission designated the l0-hour spaces; however, the spaces are not being used by Burlingame Avenue/Howard Avenue and Primrose Road merchants. Staff suggested the lot be entirely 2-hour spaces. Lot H (lO-hour spaces), across El Camino Real, is ordy 30% full. Sgt. Haseleu recommended waiting for the Library to move back to its original facility since he receives multiple complaints regarding the parking problem since the temporary Library was installed in Lot F. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Norton) to move this to an Inactive item for six months and review the sinration during the holiday season and at the beginning of the year; unanimously approved by the Commission. 5 6 -3- L Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes September 14,1995 6.3 Request for Parking Permits/Increased Parking Spaces in Iorton/Peninsula Avenue Area Mr. Dellaway advised that we do not issue parking permits for residential parking; however, we could mark out the standard 20-foot parking spaces which would, in turn, create fewer spaces than what are available now. Sgt. Haseleu agreed. This will be a Discussion item next month. 6.4 Request for Stop Sign at Ray Drive and Davis Drive Mr. Dellaway stated that since this request was received just today, he recommended this item be a Discussion item next month so the Commissioners and staff will have a chance to view the site. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Discussion ensued regarding the parking situation in the various lots. Mayor Knight was present and advised that she would be meeting with Gates Company who was chosen to perform tlrc Sffeetscape and Parking Study for both Burlingame Avenue and Broadway retail areas. Also, Mr. Dellaway advised that he is preparing a Federal application for $1.6 million towards Transportation Enhancement Activities for Broadway between El Camino Real and Rollins Road @urlingame Avenue doesn't qualiff as a "corridor" for this application). 7.2 Mr. Dellaway advised that the Murchison Avenue merchants requested the City do something about the traffic problems in this area. A plan was devised and forwarded to the City of Millbrae for their approval. If approved, we will be re- striping Murchison Avenue. 8. FROMTHEFLOOR. 8.1 Jody Guthrie lives behind Ford Car Sales and requests marking out parking spaces since Ford's employees park all around there. Also, he requested Police enforcement of those parking there, the speeders, and those who do not stop at the Stop sign on Highland at Bayswater. Sgt. Haseleu advised that the P.D. will enforce the area. Chairman Mayer recommended that Mr. Guthrie put his request and recommendations in writing to the Commission. Iudy Richmond, 1233 Paloma, stated she was glad about the new parking signs on Paloma. She also stated she is a bicyclist and wants to start a Bicycle Advisory Committee in Burlingame promoting bicycling. Also, she would like to see a bike rack at City Hall and at the Library. Comm. Amoroso suggested she contact the Park and Recreation Commission. Mayor Knight advised that Councilwoman Rosalie O'Mahony recommended Ms. Richmond contact C/CAG and that a bike 8.2 -4- Traffic, Safety and Parking Comrnission Minutes September 14, 1995 rack had already been installed at the Library. Mr. Dellaway advised that he is currently applying for funding for bike facilities on the bay trail. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:00 p.m. -5- \