HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1995.05.11TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes MAY 11, 1gg5 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:M. AMOROSO J. EVANS D. MAYER J. NORTON D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT:KEITH DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CNIL ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMIMSTRATTVE SECRETARY KEITH TAMI'RA, POLICE OFFICER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: R. KARP VISITORS \- JEANNE CAMBRA, 327 LORTON AVE., BURL. JEFFREY GILMORE, 327 LORTON AVE., BURL. DIANE KOWALSKI, 333 LORTON AVE., BURL. RON AVENIDA, 346 LORTON, BI.JRLINGAME KEN CALLEJAN, 346 LORTON, BURLINGAME JOHN DEHONEY, T2I4 DONNELLY, BURLINGAME GARRY SPANNER, I2I4 DONNELLY, BURLINGAME RAMONA MARTINEZ, 1234 DONNELLY, BURL. STEVE COHN, 347 PRIMROSE, BURLINGAME JESSIE MILLS, 343 PRIMROSE, BURLINGAME SUSANN TREVENA, 350 PRIMROSE, BURLINGAME SCOTT WEISBERGER, 320 PRIMROSE, BURLINGAME M.L. VIGLTZZO, 320 PRIMROSE, BURLINGAME MARTI KNIGHT, 501 PRIMROSE RD., BURL. ENRIQUE FAINCHTEIN, 330 PRIMROSE, BURL. CARL MARTIN, 1103 BURLINGAME, BURL. RALF NIELSEN, 1216 BURLINGAME, BURLINGAME DON SABATINI, 3OO BLOCK CALIFORNIA, BURL. JOAN+WM. BUGLER, 1408 CORTEZ, BURL. JUDY+RODNEY LARRATT, 1469 CORTEZ, BURL. MERLANNE DORAN, 1428 CORTEZ, BURLINGAME LAURA SIMMONS, 1313 GROVE, BURLINGAME KAREN McNALLY, t3t7 GROVE, BURLINGAME CATHY REIMERS, T3T7 GROVE, BURLINGAME LISA GARRARD, I3I3 GROVE, BURLINGAME CURT SCHULZE, 50 INGOLD, BURLINGAME 1 II Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Mayer. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Evans 3. ROLL CALL. Six Commissioners present. 4. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. May 11, 1995 Minutes of April 13, 1995 approved as submitted by the Commission. Request for Traffic Study of Grove Avenue Comm. Amoroso viewed this site and sees it as a clean, wide shot from El Camino Real to California. Suggested a Stop sign at Paloma. Mr. Dellaway suggested P.D. enforcement with additional road markings. Officer Tamura stated there have been no significant accidents there in three years. Radar trailer located there six different times; next step is enforcement. However, won't have a morning enforcer for one or two more weeks due to training. Comm. Evans recommends regular intense enforcement, especially at peak times; and perhaps focus enforcement for 2- week periods at a time over three months with additional signage, e.g., more speed limit signs, posted speed limit painted on the pavement and "Speed Enforced by Radar. " From the floor, four Grove Avenue residents expressed their concerns especially about the occasional speeder who often passes someone driving at the speed limit. Comm. Amoroso suggested a double yellow centerline and Stop sign. Mr. Dellaway advised that a Stop at Paloma still allows speeder enough distance to speed before and after the stop. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Simonetti) to initiate an intense sign program: install a double yellow centerline, appropriate number of speed limit signs, "Speed Enforced by Radar, " and request intense Police enforcement using radar for 2- week periods every month especially during peak periods; unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Amoroso/Evans) to request that the Police Department provide a monthly record of citations issued on Grove for the next six meetings; unanimously approved by the Commission. This item will be Inactive for the six month term. 4.1.t 4.r.2 \- -2- Traflic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 May 11, 1995 Study of Making Donnelly Avenue One Way and location of Yellow Zones on Donnelly and Lorton Mr. Dellaway provided a map of the area's parking lots. He performed a survey of lot usage and during the lunch hour (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Lots A-D and J-L had no vacaucies. Suggested Iot K l0-hour spaces be converted to 2-hour spaces and move 10- hour spaces to l,ot H which is often vacant. Staff suggests making Donnelly a one-way street, westbound, and adding about 20 new spaces. Also a Use Permit has been issued for bumed-out building on Burlingame Avenue which includes placing a parking lot at l2l5 & 1217 Donnelly. Also, the Library parking garage could have a deck added. At present, l,ot A is full most of the time. Officer Tamura advised problem with suggestion of adding a Stop sign at Primrose for northbound is that southbound traffic would not realize Stop sign is there. Officer Tamura confirmed that there were no further traffic backups by Il Fornaio valet service. From the floor, there were twelve against and one for making Donnelly one way due to several potential problems: trucks turning, exiting left onto Primrose, inability to return to parking lot from Donnelly, more congestion due to doubling traffic flow, increased flow makes it more hazardous for the many pedestrians now in this area. Don Sabatiai recommended 36 spaces in l,ot O could be metered for 2 hour parking with Police enforcement (at present 18 are 2 hours, unmetered, and 89 are $1 all day parking). Diane Kowalski owner of Kay's l,aunderette stated problems with valet service and truck deliveries blocking driveway and using private lot. She requested that the yellow zone for one space by her driveway be refirmed to metered parking for her customers. Mr. Dellaway stated this yellow zone is a temporary arrangement approved by Council. Jeff Gilmore, valet owner, suggested converting 14 4-hour meters in I,ot D and 22 l0-hour meters in Lot C to 2-hour meters. Ten- hour meter users could use Lot H on Ralstor/EcR. Mr. Dellaway advised that we received a written response which suggested retaining long-term parking for employees who are also shoppers and that there are l0-hour spaces in lots south of Howard. -3- Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes 4.2.2 4.2.3 May 11, 1995 Comm. Amoroso suggested a traffic study be performed. Also, Police enforcement should be aggressive and hire more meter enforcers; we have had only three for years. He suggested the hotel area shuttle be used for shuttling employees to and from parking lots and potentially making meters effective in evenfurg hours also. Comm. Simonetti advocated eliminating lO-hour spaces in l,ot C. Comm. Mayer advocated employees using outer lying lots. Comm. Evans was against making Dorurelly one way. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Amoroso) to make the issue of making Donnelly one way into an Action Item; unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Norton/Preger) to deny making Donnelly one way; approved by the Commission with a 5-1-0 vote (Mayer dissenting, Karp absent). It was moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/Amoroso) to recommend to City Council to convert 14 4-hour spaces in Lot D and 22 lO-hour spaces in Lot C to 2-hour spaces; unanimously approved by the Commission. Comm. Evans recommended at next meeting, under Discussion, we address valet parking issue and lot O parking issue and in the interim for staff to provide guidance and other ideas. Request for a 4-Way Stop Sign and Red Zones at the Intersection of Hillside Drive and Cortez Avenue Mr. Dellaway viewed site and stated visibility a problem. Twenty- foot red zones at the corners would improve visibility. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Preger/Simonetti) to make this an Action Item immediately; unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/ Evans) to deny request for Stop sign and add approximately 20 feet of red zones at corners of intersection to improve visibility and to verify speed limit signs are correct as posted; unanimously approved by the Commission. Request for a Green Zone at 826 Mahler Road This item was withdrawn by petitioner. Request for Handicap Zone at 25O Myrtle Road It was moved and seconded (Comm. Nortorl/Amoroso) to make this an Action item; unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Norton) to deny this request; unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2.4 -4- Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes May 11, t995 4.2.5 Request for Red Zone at 50 Ingold Road Comm. Mayer agrees with this request. Officer Tamura sees no problem with this request. This will be an Action Item next month. 4.2.6 Request to Change Two 2-Hour Meters to24 or 48 Minute Meters at 1245 Howard Mr. Dellaway advised this is a request for green zones. There are several on Howard now. This will be an Action Item next month. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 Feasibility of Studying Parking Permit Processing in Neighborhoods with Time Restrictions Comm. Amoroso stated that if the 10-hour spaces in Item 4.2.1 above are replaced with 2-hour spaces, this issue may become a greater problem in the future. NEW BUSINESS. 6.1 Request for Traffic Signals at California and Carmelita Discussed briefly; this will be a Discussion Item next month. Commissioners requested an accident report be provided at that time. 6.2 Comm. Amoroso requests a letter be sent to City Attorney asking if the shuttle in use now for hotels, etc., could be used to shuttle to parking lots in outer areas from the Business District. Mayor Knight stated it is funded by merchants among others and that the City Attorney or City Manager will advise if affordable and if liability would be affordable. 6.3 It was moved and seconded (Comm. Amoroso/Evans) to recommend to the City Attorney revision of City of Burlingame Municipal code Section 13.38.020 (3) as follows: "...or in front of a mailbox, the restrictions shall apply wherein those businesses are open for business and wherein all authorized valet parking shall be done in white zones. "; unanimously approved by the Commission. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 6 \- Jeff Gilmore advised that the local merchants have been meeting to discuss the parking situation on Lorton. Pip Printing at 350 Lorton is moving and has two green zones in front. He suggested adding more green zones. \- 7.1 5 ; Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes May 11, 1995 He advised Il Fomaio originally requested a white zone for valet parking. It was the City of Burlingame that made it a yellow zone with added time constraints. Also, he felt that Diane Kowalski of Kay's Launderette vented some steam tonight because of problems she has had since I1 Fornaio began construction. Tonight, he and Ms. Kowalski came to a new agreement. Regarding the shuttle to outlying parking lots, he recommends it be used for employees in the morning and evening only. FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOIJRNMENT. 9:15 p.m 8 9 -6-