HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1995.02.09.\rt\ TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes FEBRUARY 9, 1995 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:M. AMOROSO J. EVANS R. KARP D. MAYER J. NORTON D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI \- STAFF PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: NONE VISITORS FRANK C. ERBACHER, CITY ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY SGT. ERIC HASELEU W.J. SPITZ, I3OI MARLBOROUGH RD., HLSBORO PIERRE MEDLEI, 755 CALIFORNIA, BURLINGAME MARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAM, BIJRLINGAME PERRY SPITZ, 121,5 LAGUNA,#6, BURLINGAME RICK SOSS, 110 BLOOMFIELD, BURLINGAME TERRY HORN, 405 PRIMROSE, BURLINGAME 1 \-. Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by 1995 Chairman Mayer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Amoroso ROLL CALL. Seven Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.t 1 2 J 4 February 9,1995 Minutes of January L2, 1995 approved as submitted by the Commission. Request for Green Zone at 755 California Drive From the floor, Mr. Medlej, owner, reiterated problems with vans/trucks/cars parking all day in front of his store blocking drivers' view of his storefront. Requests 24-minute parking there and trucks, etc., can park across the street for unlimited time. Terry Horn, representing business owners of 777 and 783 Cali- fornia, opposed this green zone. 755 owner has parking in the back, and this lot is under used. Green zone would only move trucks, etc., to the storefronts of 777 and783. Also if cars must park across the street, more people would have to cross the street which he feels is not good. Mr. Erbacher recommended a 1- or 2-hour parking limitation which is better monitored by the P.D. than a 24-minute zone. Sgt. Haseleu agreed and recommended that the owner post a sign informing customers of the parking lot in the back of the building. Comm. Evans supports 1-2 hour parking for all store frontages at this location. Comm. Simonetti suggests owner advertize parking availability in the back and feels there's no need to restrict parking here. Comm. Karp suggested a study of parking restrictions on Cali- fornia Drive from Broadway to Burlingame Avenue (a two-mile distance) looking at time and height limits for entire length. Existing zones/limits could be grandfathered in. Business tenants change along with some of the parking requests so suggests looking at a wider area instead of one building at a time. 4.t.2 -2- n ll Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission February 9, 1995 Mr. Erbacher advised that they should consider that not all businesses are retail. There are a lot of auto repair shops with different needs. Also the study should consider the aspect of encouraging a high turnover of parked vehicles. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/Evans) to deny request for a green zorLe1' unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Mayer/ Evans) to place a 5-foot height limit sign at755 California Drive; unanimously opposed by the Commission after further discussion by Sgt. Haseleu that trucks, etc., would park farther down the block which causes a problem for other businesses. Comm. Karp suggested making the whole block a height and time restriction zone (5' and 2-hour, respectively). Staff will notice tenants/owners on this block of this suggestion and that this will be a Discussion Item at the next meeting. 4.t.3 Request to Alleviate Visibility Problem at Carmelita and Capuchino Mr. Erbacher stated that a 40-foot red zone would be appropriate at this site since an increase in visibility is needed for left turns. Comm. Simonetti observed site and saw no visibility problem there. Sgt. Haseleu stated he did not want to lose a parking space here. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Karp) to add an approximately 40-foot red zone on the northeast corner of Carmelita at Capuchino to help improve visibility; approved by the Commission by a 5-2 vote (Simonetti and Amoroso opposed). 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.t Request to Restrict Traffic Utilizing Easement Abutting LZl5 Laguna Mr. Erbacher presented the easement document and deed as back- ground information to show that the construction and easement were accomplished at the same time. He recommended moving the mailboxes away from the easement so tenants won't have to stand in the easement but will have to use it for walking. The City will not give up that access which is needed. The parking lot between Capuchino and Paloma is two-way which is good for unloading some of the traffic returning to Broadway and apparently between Paloma and Laguna through that easement which is a L2- \- -3- i\ Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission February 9, 1995 foot easement instead of a wide lot. That is a different condition. Although it would be a hardship on the roadways and some of the business traffic there, making it a one way is feasible. Such action would require Council to process an ordinance. Sgt. Haseleu suggested if a one way, it should be westbound from Laguna into the lot. He stated that it is dangerous now since for his motorcycle to get through, an on-coming vehicle had to back up to make room for him. Comm. Evans suggested noticing neighbors and placing a sign announcing a one-way easement. From the floor, resident Perry Spitz stated that one way westbound isn't good since traffic can't get back to Broadway and eastbound is hazardous. Doesn't see why he must put up with commercial traffic at his apartment wall. Also, should post a sign advising drivers of pedestrians in the easement. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Amoroso) to move this to an Action Item next month and consider further based on input from this meeting; recommended all Commissioners observe this site to consider restricting trucks and posting signs; unanimously approved by the Commission. INACTIVE ITEMS. None NEW BUSINESS Request for a Red Zone and a White Zone at 744 El Camino Real on Fairfield Road This request is for a red zone and a white zone across the driveways, not between them. Sgt. Haseleu suggested tipping the driveways red rather than eliminate parking space. Mr. Erbacher will call the petitioner to clariff request. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Simonetti) to make this a Discussion Item next month; unanimously approved by the Commission. Request for Three Stop Signs: Floribunda Avenue, westbound, at Primrose Road and Primrose road, northbound, at Floribunda, both with adjacent Red Zones and Crosswalks, and Floribunda Avenue, eastbound, at Ansel Road with adjacent Red Zone 5 6 6.t \-, 6.2 -4- Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission February 9, t995 Mr. Erbacher stated that the Yield sign was placed there by Council action after one accident. The sign helped immeasurably. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Karp) to make this a Discussion Item next month; unanimously approved by the Commission. Comm. Karp feels this site needs to be re- examined. Mr. Erbacher stated there were not enough warrants in the past for Stop signs at this site. Mr. Erbacher will call petitioner to discuss further. 6.3 Request for Passenger Loading Zone (White Zore) at 322 Lorton Avenue for Valet Parking From the floor, Mr. Soss of Ecco Restaurant clarified that their address is 326 Lorton Avenue since they have now taken over the space next door. Request is due to parking difficulties in this area compounded sometimes by night, rain, and the fact that some of their clientele is elderly. Comm. Amoroso stated that if granted, other restaurants will be asking for white zone also. Mr. Erbacher's concern is that a white zone is a pennanent no parking zone. Comm. Amoroso stated that in San Francisco, the white zone is in effect only when the business is open. Comm. Karp suggested looking at City of San Mateo who he believes is studying this issue. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Simonetti) to make this a Discussion Item next month; unani- mously approved by the Commission. Sgt. Haseleu requests that a copy of the White Zone ordinance be distributed to Commissioners in next month's package. 7, INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.t Feasibility of Studying Parking Permit Processing in Neighborhoods with Time Restrictions The secretary had prepared a brief memo describing similar plans in the Cities of San Mateo and Daly City. These cities will be sending us a copy of their ordinance/forms, etc. Discussion followed as to need for a study. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Simonetti) to make this an Inactive Item next month and to notice concerned citizens that due to budget constraints and absent staff, this is on Inactive status for the time being; unanimously approved by the Commission. City of San Mateo Request for Traffic Study of Intersection at Peninsula and Highland Avenues Per Mr. Erbacher this is informational only. He advised City of San Mateo that we will study as time permits. 7.2 5 r i"t \,, Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission February 9, 1995 7.3 Mr. Erbacher advised that the Street Department is tending to Easton Drive's problems of tree roots obstructing the roadway. Markings will be added. 8. FROM THE FLOOR. Of interest to this commission, Mayor Knight advised that the BART EIR, recently reviewed by City staff, states that the mitigation for parking concerns because of having a Millbrae BART station would be for cities to come up with a parking permit process. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:25 p.m. \.. -6-