HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1995.01.12TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes JANUARY 12, 1995 M. AMOROSO J. EVANS R. KARP D. MAYER J. NORTON A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT:KEITH DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CNIL ENGINEER FRANK C. ERBACHER, CITY ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMIMSTRATWE SECRETARY KEITH TAMURA, OFFICER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: D. PREGER VISITORS:AL LOVOTTI, 1588 GILBRETH, BURLINGAME W.J. SPITZ, 13OI MARLBOROUGH RD., HLSBORO K.W. HALL, 5000 N. RODEO GULCH RD., SOQUEL M.H. SPITZ, 1215 LAGUNA #2, BURLINGAME PIERRE MEDLEI, 755 CALIFORNIA, BURLINGAME MARTI KNIGHT, 455 CHATHAM, BURLINGAME PERRY SPITZ, 1215 LAGUNA,#6, BURLINGAME -1- COMMISSIONERS PRESENT : Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by 1994 Vice Chairman Mayer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Comm. Mayer ROLL CALL. Six Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. January t2, t995 \-1 2 3 4 4.1.1 Minutes of December 8, 1994 approved as submitted by the Commission. 4.t.2 Election of New Officers It was moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/Karp) nominating Comm. Mayer as Chairman for 1995; unanimously approved by the Commission. In a second motion, Chairman Mayer appointed Comm. Norton as Vice Chairman; unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.t.3 Request for Stop Sign on Quesada, Southbound, at Ray Drive and on Ray Drive, Eastbound, at Quesada (See Item 6.3, below) Officer Tamura stated there is no feedback available yet from the radar trailer surveillance in this area. Mr. Dellaway stated that a report from Sgt. McDonnell indicates not one accident at this intersection during 1994. No volume counts are available although there is more traffic on Ray than Quesada. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Evans) to deny this request; unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.t.4 Request for Crosswalk and Speed Bumps at Ray and Devereux Drives Mr. Erbacher does not recommend a crosswalk or speed hump at this location because of the turn in the road. A crosswalk should be placed where you want to encourage people to cross, and a speed hump is more appropriate for a higher volume of traffic. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Simonetti) that based on staff recommendation to deny this request; unanimously approved by the Commission. -2- a \- 5 6 Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission January 12, 1995 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.r Request to Repaint and Extend Green Zone between L501 and 1505 Bayshore Highway on Mahler Road From the floor, Mr. l,ovotti stated that this request was fulfilled yesterday and thanked staff. He also requested a green zone at another location. For this, Mr. Dellaway advised that this new request should be in writing to the Commission by the owner of that business. INACTM ITEMS. None NEW BUSINESS. 6.1 Request for Green Zone at 755 California Drive From the floor, Mr. Medlej, business owner, stated that it is difficult for customers to find the building and to park due to trucks parking in front all day, everyday; therefore, he requests the green zone for short term parking. Mr. Hall, building owner, stated large panel trucks park there all day and could park across the street; therefore, he suggests a 60-foot green zole. Mr. Dellaway viewed this site and stated that the owners are correct. He stated that the two green zones (40 feet) south of this location for a cleaners works well for that area. Commissioner Evans, who had recommended the green zone there, supports this request since the green zones work well at this location. Mr. Erbacher questioned if the 24-minute green zone would be a long enough time for his customers. Mr. Medlej stated that it is okay and that the showroom would be more visible with the green zone. Commissioner Amoroso stated that 60 feet of green zone is too long and recommended 40 feet at most. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Amoroso) to make this an Action item next month; unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Erbacher stated that staff will notify businesses in the immediate area of this request. 6.2 Request to Alleviate Visibility Problem at Carmelita and Capuchino Mr. Dellaway telephoned the applicant who clarified that vehicles traveling from California to El Camino Real on Carmelita cannot be seen while turning left onto Carmelita from Capuchino due to cars parking near the intersection, westbound, on Carmelita. Height limit signs were recommended, however, even small cars are a problem. Officer Tamura viewed this site and agrees that there is a problem. Also, bush growth on the corner may contribute to the visibility \-, -3- a- \- Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission January L2, t995 problem. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/Evans) to move this to an Action item next month; unanimously approved by the Commission. Comm. Mayer feels a 4O-foot red zone is needed here. 6.3 Request for Stop Sign on Ray Drive, Westbound, at Quesada This request is directly related to Item 4.1.3 above which was denied. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/Norton) to deny this request; unanimously approved by the Commission. 6.4 Request to Restrict Traffic Utilizing Easement Abutting 1215 Laguna From the floor, Mr. W.J. Spitz, owner, advised that the easement was given to City of Burlingame in 1963 and City was to maintain it; however, the City never has. Also, it was to be for one-way traffic; and it is now being used for two-way traffic which is hazardous. The easement runs the length of the building, what used to be the original driveway. Tenants are honked at when walking here to get their mail. Trucks that use this easement are not only noisy, many of them scrape the building and damage it - up to $3,000 worth, for which he feels the City should pay. He has installed two cement posts in the yard to prevent cars/trucks from running into his wall and damaging it further. He feels this should be a one-way easement. Mr. Perry Spitz, tenant, stated that the traffic in the easement has increased dramatically. In addition to being used as an access to public parking (Lot P), it has become a thoroughfare. At present traffic exits onto Broadway; and he suggests directing traffic away from there, alleviating Broadway of further congestion. Exiting vehicles using the lot have finished their business and are leaving the area. Mr. Spitz stated that there is no setback from the easement which should be about 6 feet. Trucks drive through there just 2 feet from his apartment wall. Safety is a major issue here due to: lack of driver visibility, unsafe speeds, pedestrians/tenants using easement. He recommends no trucks be allowed to use easement. Ms. Mary Hess, tenant, stated she has difficulty backing out of her garage due to no visibility. She has seen elderly pushing grocery carts and children on bicycles using the easement and the "close calls" with vehicular traffic. comms. Amoroso and Simonetti viewed this site and saw many problems. Mr. Erbacher stated that both the building and easement were built concurrently. The developer should have taken into account the easement in his development. It appears the easement is to provide circulation for parking and the public. The access way is L2 feet which is not a lot of room. Next month Mr. Erbacher will present easement document. The City could make the decision to make it a one way which may be a good idea. Comm. Amoroso suggested a "Do Not Enter" sign to discourage two-way traffic. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Karp/ \- -4- : Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission January 12, 1995 Evans) to make this a Discussion item next month and to notify neighboring owners/tenants interested inthis issue; unanimously approved by the Commission. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Feasibility of Studying Parking Permit Processing in Neighborhoods with Time Restrictions Staff provided a City map designating areas that would be considered for Parking Permit Processing. Mr. Erbacher's concern was what is the real demand throughout the city, the feasibility of having such a plan, and the cost to the citizens. Also, there are single- and multi-family dwellings in these areas and this plan would take away some parking availability. Mr. Erbacher spoke to Chief Palmer who stated that this plan would require one full time person and related costs. Mr. Erbacher asked what the demand has been from the public. Police Dept. received about two dozen requests and Traffic Engineering received many as well. A study is needed to determine demand and the reasonableness of this plan. Comm. Evans asked what is the City's ability to implement this plan. Mr. Erbacher stated that without a comprehensive study, we don't know. The City doesn't have people available to fill the position per the Police Dept. Whatever is provided to this project, the same will be taken away from another project due to budget limits. comm. Karp suggested that with only a couple dozen, plus, requests, a study is not warranted. Comm. Evans stated that residents present at the previous meeting felt that this was a big problem. Comm. Karp suggested sending a letter to that neighborhood's residents advising them to see Public Works if a parking permit is needed. Comm. Amoroso stated that what we really need to decide is how such a program would be run. Parking and traffic are key issues of concern to our community. san Mateo and Daly city have programs in effect; perhaps we could get a copy of their plans and compare them to our needs. This is no small problem; it should be kept on a back burner for the future. 7.2 Caltrans Crosswalk Survey Mr. Dellaway advised this is informational only and indicates Burlingame's response. The impetus for this survey is that Caltrans has been receiving a lot of odd-ball requests for crosswalks so decided to canvas the cities. Comm. Karp asked about sending a letter to the Beautification Commission to cut oack on the tree roots on Easton. Mr. Erbacher advised that the letter was halted since that commission suggested making Easton a one way sffeet. He met with the Park and the Street Departments and it was concluded that some roots can be trimmed along with a berm being placed around the tree and placing reflectors on the tree trunks. Also, a red zone will be placed opposite problem areas. \-, 7.3 -5- Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission January 12, 1995 Mr. Dellaway was welcomed back by Comm. Karp. Mr. Dellaway is scheduled for surgery January 18 and is due back in March. We wish him a speedy recovery. 8. FROM THE FLOOR. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:15 p.m. \-, \- 7.4 \-, -6-