HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1996.02.08TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION Minutes FEBRUARY 8, 1996 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:M. AMOROSO I. EVANS D. MAYER J. NORTON A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: VISITORS KEITH DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CTVIL ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMIMSTRATTVE SECRETARY POLICE SERGEANT ERIC HASELEU R. KARP D. PREGER BOB JOHNSON, 1849 BAYSHORE #200, BT'RL. STAN PARKER, 1611 ADRIAN, BURL, RICHARD BI,'IKE, 1675 ROLLINS, BURL. -1- 2 5 4 TraIIic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes February 8, 1996 l. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Norton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Commissioner Mayer. ROLL CALL. 5 Commissioners present. CI.JRRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1 Minutes of January I l, 1996 approvcd as submitted by the Commission. 4.1.2 Request for Traffic Study of Peninsula Avenue Crosswalk at Stanley Road Mr. Dellaway stated he had received two bids - $15,600 and $14,000 - for installation of flashing beacons with related work. He also spoke to City of San Mateo who have not budgeted any funds this year for half the cost. He asked the petitioner to explore whether the shopping center's business association would help fund the project. Mr. Dellaway recommended that the crosswalk be removed or the beacons be installed. A suit against the City could be more costly than this installation expense. Sgt. Haseleu stated this is a lot of money for this crosswalk, especially since a trafhc signal is only orc block away. No accident records are available. Comm. Amoroso suggested sending a letter to City of San Mateo formally asking them to share the cost. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/Mayer) to move this to Inactive status until City of San Mateo responds formally with the proviso that staff send a letter to City of San Mateo of our action and that a letter be sent to the petitioner advising of our action; unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2. I Request for Height Limit Signs at 1611 Adrian Road From the floor, Stan Parker reiterated problem with exiting driveway due to trucks parking so close to their driveway which limits their view. _)_ Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes February 8, 1996 He presented photos of site as evidence of parked trucks near his driveway. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Mayer) to move this to an Action item; unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Mayer) to grant height limit signs from existing red zone to driveway; unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2.2 Request for Two Green Zones and Four One-Hour Parking Spaces on Ingold Road From the floor Mr. Buike advised that the problem continues with people parking for eight hours leaving no space for customer parking. Comm. Evans advised there is a lot of activity in this area and without designated spaces, there are no parking spaces available for this business. Sgt. Haseleu stated Z-minute zones are okay to enforce but l-hour zones are a problem. He then asked if these parking limits would adversely affect other businesses. Mr. Buike advised that several other businesses in the same building would benefit from green zones for their customers, too. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Simonetti) to move this to an Action item; unanimously approved by the Commission. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Evans/Mayer) to approve placing two green parking zones and four l-hour parking zones on Ingold Road to be sited at the discretion of the City Engineer; unanimously approved by the Commission. Comm. Simonetti was concerned about the difficulty in enforcing these spaces. Sgt. Haseleu said he sees no problem there - these designated spaces will prevent 8-hour parking. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 Suggestion to Change l0-Hour Parking Meters to 2 Hours in Parking L,ot K (Inactive since 10/95 - awaiting review of parking at new Library site.) Mr. Dellaway recommended removing this item from the agenda until the new Library construction is completed. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Mayer/Norton) to remove this item from the agenda and review at the appropriate time when the Library renovation project is completed; unanimously approved by the Commission. 6. NEWBUSINESS. 6.1 Request for "Not a Through Street" Sign at Entrance to Hayward Court This correspondenoe was received too late for commissioners to preview. Petitioner was not present. This will be a Discussion item at the next meeting. -3- Tlaflic, Safety and Parking Commission Minutes February 8, 1996 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. Comm. Mayer asked for the status of rubberized train crossings. Mr. Dellaway advised that although Federal funding has been approved, Amtrack will not do the work. The City will attend a meeting with other cities to discuss this project. Approved crossings for Burlingame are: Broadway, Oak Grove, Howard and Peninsula. Comm. Simonetti requested staff to call Caltrans to replace lighted street name sign showing Hillside on the southwest side of El Camino Real. Original sign was removed due to damage during December stonns. Comm. Simonetti, per resident's complaint, requested parked cars be "noticed" to move when street sweeping is planned for Albemarle, a long culde-sac, or have street sweeper arrive later when cars are gone. Street never gets cleaned. Sgt. Haseleu suggested that the resident call Frank Agamau, Sheet Departnent, requesting them to notice cars on that street as to when to move them for street cleaning. Sgt. Haseleu advised that he was successful in convincing Caltrans to replace "No kft Turn" legends on El Camino Real at Broadway (northbound) and at Carmelita (southbound). These legends had been removed due to sewer construction. Comm. Evans asked about a black trailer with a small reflector parked on California Drive near Sanchez which is difficult to see and should be relocated since it appears to be a trafnc hazard. Sgt. Haseleu stated he is aware of it and has tagged it when it's parked too long in one spot. The owner keeps moving it. Sgt. Haseleu will pursue having it relocated. 7.6 Comm. Mayer reported a new street name sign for Balboa two blocks south of Easton is misspelled. Comm. Amoroso reported the street name sign for Crescent at Ralston is misspelled, too. Staff will report these to the Street Deparfiient. 8. FROMTHEFLOOR, 8.1 Bob lohnson of l&19 Bayshore (at Cowan) submitted a letter to the commission requesting a red zone on either side of their driveway on Cowan to irrcrease visibility of those exiting onto the street which is blocked by parked cars. Comm. Amoroso stated that his parking study for that area suggested all driveways have a long red zone on left due to on+oming traffic. The petitioner will send a sketch to provide requested location for red zone. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Simonetti/Mayer) to make this a Discussion item at the next meeting; unanimously approved by the Commission. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:20 p.m 4-