HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1997.08.14Traflic Safety and parking Commission Minutes TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT :M. AMOROSO T. AURAN J. EVANS M. HARBER D. MAYER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT: August 14, 1997 KEITH DELLAWAY, TRAFFIC/CTVI ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATWE SECRETARY POLICE SERGEANT ERIC HASELEU POLICE SERGEANT PETE TOKARSKI COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: D. PREGER VISITORS:PHILL ARMSTRONG, 214 ARUNDEL RD., BI]RL. MARSHA KUNZ, 1210 FLORIBUNDA AVE., BI]RL. GERALD E. K{JNZ, 1210 FLORIBUNDA AVE., BURL. JOHN R. LOEW, 1210 FLORIBUNDA AVE., BTIRL. BRUNO MODOLO, SR., 1216 FLORIBUNDA #1, BURL. CI-AIRE M. ROSSI, 412 NEVADA AVE., SAN MATEO JUDY LOVE.RICHMOND, 1233 PALOMA. BURL. MARTIN DREILING, 1321 PALOMA AVE., BURL. GERALD WEISL, 136 BLOOMFIELD RD., BI]RL. -1- Traffic Safety and Parking Conunission Minutes CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Evans. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. ROLL CALL. 6 of 7 Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. INACTIVE ITEMS. None. NEW BUSINESS. August 14, 1997 I ) 3 4 4.1.1 Minutes of July 10, 1997, approved as submitted by the Commission. DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Request for Vision Clearance Zone at l2l0 Floribunda Avenue The petitioner was present and reiterated the need for red curbing at the driveway to elimhate cars parking there which block visual clearance. The driveway is shared by 1216 Floribunda and the owners of both buildings were present and supported the need for red curbing. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Mayer/Auran) to paint the curb red for 1g feet to the left of 1210 Floribunda and 2 feet to the right of 1216 Floribunda to improve visual clearance; unanimously approved by the Commission. 5 6 6.1 Request Recommendation to Establish an ordinance Requiring Adequate Bicycle Storage for All New Multi-Unit Housing Chairman Evans advised the petitioner, who represents the Burlingame Bicycle cooperative, that this commission has no control over building construction requirements and referred the petitioner to the planning and Building Departrnents. chairman Evans also advised the petitioner that this commission would solicit their input on bicycle issues affecting roadways. 1 6.2 6.3 Traflic Safety and Parking Commission Minutes August 14, 1997 Mr. Dellaway advised that council has approved of this action and that this item was primarily for Commission infonnation. 7.1 Remove six Meters along south Side of Broadway between chura vista and California Drive in front of Wells Fargo Bank; post "No parking Anytime. Signs along Curbline; and Provide for Two ll-foot Lanes on Broadwiy ,i Ctul" VIrt leading to one through and right turn curb lane, one through lane only and one Ieft turn lane only at California Drive Mr. Dellaway stated that this suggestion came from a previous meeting of the Broadway BID @usiness Improvement District); however, at a BID meeting earlier this week and per a letter from Martin Dreiling representing streescape] they now request these spaces remain. Mr. Dreiling was present and elaborated'by stating that to with removal of spaces, pedestrian amdnities should be effected. He feels removing spaces to increase traffic flow would negate this intent. Much discussion ensued. comm. Amoroso feels there is not much foot traffic on this particular block: there is a gas station, and a bank which has its own parking lot. comm' Simonetti stated the parking lot on chula vista is half empty most o'f the time and there are other lots nearby being underutilized. sgt. Haseleu also presented the issue of the need for a left-turn lane westbound on Broadway onto chula vista because cars stopping there waiting to turn halts trafrrc all the way back to the railroad crossing. It was moved and seconded (comm. simonetti/Auran) to move this to a Discussion item next month. However, after more discussion, it was moved and seconded(comm. Auran/Amoroso) to move this to an Action item immediately and recommend to council that these five parking spaces be retained and parking be prohibited and enforced in the morning until 9:00 a.m. to facilitate rush hour triffic flow and that the commission would like to discuss this item at a fufure date for reconsideration; unanimously approved by the Commission. Install 18 2-Hour Meters in the city parking lot on the east side of california Drive by the Donut shop to-Replace the existing 2-Hour Free parking at this Location -J- 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. Sgt. Haseleu advised that this is his last commission meeting. The commission welcomed Sgt. Tokarski as the new traffic sergeant. 8 9 Traflic Safety and Parking Commission Minutes August 14, 1997 Chairman Evans requested the Police Departrnent periodically report to the Commission any serious traffic accidents or where there are a lot of citations issued to keep the Commission apprised of areas the citizrns might have contentiorx with. Sgt. Tokarski advised the department is in the process of acquiring computer software enabling them to keep such data readily available for the Commission. ADJOURNMENT. 7:55 p.m. 4- FROMTHEFLOOR. None.