HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1998.12.10a\ TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES December 10, 1998 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT :T. AURAN J. EVANS M. HARBER D. MAYER D. PREGER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT:PHILIP HO, TRAFFIC ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY POLICE SERGEANT PETE TOKARSKI COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: M. AMOROSO VISITORS BOB OSBERG, 1205 ROBLE ROAD, MILLBRAE MARY SETO, 1716 QUESADA WAY, BURLINGAME KRISTEN SINKHORN,1224 EL CAMINO, BURLINGAME JIM MILLET, 730 CROSSWAY RD., BURLINGAME GORDON MCNEIL, 8 ADRIAN CT., BURLINGAME AARON BERMAN, 14 ADRIAN CT., BURLINGAME 1 ) J 4 TRAIT'IC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES December 10, 1998 1 CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Auran. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. l-ed by Chairman Auran. ROLL CALL. 6 of 7 Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4 . 1 . 1 Minutes of November 12 , 1998 , were submitted and approved . It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Evans) to elect Vice Chairwoman Harber as Chairwoman for 1999. Unanimously approved by the Commission. It was further moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Preger) to elect Commissioner Simonetti as Vice Chairman for 1999. Unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Request for Pedestrian Crosswalk on Quesada Way Mr. Ho handed out copies of his study results which indicate conditions do not satisff Caltrans or City of Burlingame criteria to warrant a 4-way Stop sign at the Quesada Way/Clarice Lane intersection. Also, conditions do not warrant an adult crossing guard on Quesada Way at Clarice Lane because an existilg crosswalk is within range (200 feet south). Mr. Ho will make a recommendation next month when his analysis is complete which will include criteria for one Stop sign on Clarice Lane at Quesada Way. Mr. Ho stated that vehicles on Clarice Lane are required by vehicle code to yield to all ffaffic movements on Quesada Way. Hence, a stop sign on Clarice Lane is not required to designate vehicular right-of-way. Mr. Ho also stated that vehicles are required to yield to pedestrians crossing the sffeet. Hence, a stop sign is not required to designate pedestrian right of way. Sgt. Tokarski advised that adding a Stop sign and crosswalk here would reinforce what the Vehicle Code requires already - namely that vehicles exiting Clarice Lane must stop before entering a main street and that pedestrians crossing at a comer have the right of way. 4.1.2 1999 Chair and Vice Chair Election TRAFTIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES December 10, 1998 From the floor, a physician who resides on Quesada at Davis described the recent incident when a child was struck by an RV, emphasizing that it was a clear, sunny day when the accident occurred and further emphasized the need for a Stop sign, crosswalk and crossing guard. She stated that elementary school students as well as intermediate school students cross here twice every school day. Mr. Osberg represented Burlingame Intermediate School and asked for the Commission's help to alleviate the "accident waiting to happen. " Mr. Ho stated that the installation of a crosswalk does not make crossing any safer. In fact, crosswalks can give pedestrians a false sense of security. The proliferation ofcrosswalks could generate drivers disregard for all crosswalks, and, hence, make crosswalks less safe to cross. Comms. Evans and Mayer expressed concern over the potential hazard of the current situation. Chairman Auran stated that a Stop sign is needed at Clarice Lane and a crosswalk. Comm. Preger stated that although the quantitative analysis is appreciated, the Commission should make the appropriate recommendation. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Evans) to recommend to Council to install a crosswalk on Quesada Way at Clarice Lane, a crosswalk on Clarice l,ane at Quesada Way, and to install a Stop sign at the northeast corner of Clarice l,ane at Quesada Way and recommended to the school to place a Stop sign and No kft Turn sign at their driveway exit to Quesada Way and to instruct the students to use the new crosswalk. Unanimously approved by the Commission. Comm. Harber asked about the potential for providing a crossing guard. Sgt. Tokarski advised that the program is administered by the Police Department and approval to budget the expense is needed. From the floor, Mr. Osberg advised that 8e graders could act as crossing guards. Sgt. Tokarski suggested he contact Todd Chase of the Police Departrnent to help implement such a program. 4.2.2 Request for Parking Restrictions on Adrian Road Mr. Ho advised that a petition was received just yesterday signed by the local business owners. Comm. Simonetti suggested an ordinance be adopted to address this industrial area's parking concerns since the commission has received several similar requests. Chairman Auran stated that there have been changes in the type of population and BART will affect the area further. Mr. Ho stated this is more an office park creating a parking shortage. -3- TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES December 10, 1998 From the floor, two Adrian Court businessmen stated that with the construction in progress of Adrian Road, we have time to work on a solution. The problem is airport employees who park there and are shuttled to their work site. Mr. Ho advised that anyone can park there. Any parking restrictions would impact these businesses' employees and visitors as well as anyone else parking there. Mr. Ho advised that he has had no time to prepare a complete evaluation of the problem. This will be a Discussion Item next month. 4.2.3 Parking Restrictions on Gilbreth Road Trucks are parking on the east side of Gilbreth Road. This is an industrial zone and a public street. We can restrict parking the same as the west side; otherwise, trucks are allowed. More information will be available next month. This will be a Discussion Item next month. 4.2.4 Request for Handicap Zone Extension on Fairfield Road at McKinley School Sgt. Tokarski advised that he received this request by telephone from the bus company who transports students. They ask that the existing white zone be extended to accommodate room for two buses or add a blue zone. Parents take up most of the space picking up or dropping off their children. Possibly the Engineering Departrnent could review the site for a recommendation. This will be a Discussion Item next month. 4.2.5 Request for Vision Safety Zone at Intersection of Crossway Road and Oak Grove Avenue From the floor, the petitioner provided more photos which show site impediments. Vans and trucks are the major problem, especially since there's a lot of traffrc on Oak Grove Avenue. This will be a Discussion Item next month. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 Staff Recommendation to Increase Lock Box Fee to $1 Effective July 1, 1998 for Parking Lots Adjacent to Railroad 5.2 Request for Traffic Control for Pedestrian Crosswalk at 841 California Drive -4- Mr. Ho advised that parking at the corner causes a site distance problem. He will review standards and restrictions regarding parking at corners. TRAIT'IC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES December 10, 1998 6. NEWBUSINESS. 6.1 Request for Parking Restrictions on Adrian Court From the floor, two local businessmen stated that although they have off-street parking for their employees, visitors/customers must park several blocks away because all of the parking spaces are taken by airport employees who are shuttled to their work site. Since most visitors need only 1-2 hours to park, either time restrictions or permit parking would help. Police enforcement would only be needed initially or occasionally to shy away violators. This will be a Discussion Item next month. 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Sgt. Tokarcki advised that per Sgt. McDonnell cars are being parked into the right turn lane on California Drive, southbound, at Oak Grove Avenue. Comm. Evans asked that a red curb be installed as soon as possible; however, Mr. Ho advised that red curbs, when wet, are slippery to pedestri.uls. Sgt. Tokarski stated that they will measure the space there and perhaps install a "No Parking" sign. '7)Comm. Evans advised that this is Comm. Preger's last meeting and thanked Comm. Preger for all his work on the commission. The Commissioners applauded him. 8. FROMTHEFLOOR. None. 9. ADJOIJRNMENT. 8:30 p.m. -5-