HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1998.10.08TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:M. AMOROSO T. AI,'RAN J. EVANS A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: VISITORS: October 8, 1998 PHILIP HO, TRAFFIC ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY POUCE SERGEANT PETE TOKARSKI M. HARBER D. MAYER D, PREGER DEBORAH SORON, 828 ALPINE, BI]RLINGAME IEFF SACILOTTO, 828 ALPINE, BIJRLINGAME LISA DeANGELIS, 824 ALPINE, BURLINGAME DAVE MANI, 826 ALPINE, BI,]RLINGAME DON CORY, 833 ALPINE, BI.]RIINGAME BETTY WHITTEMORE, 1840 SEQUOIA, BURL. RUTH HESSELGREN, 534 CORBITT, BURLINGAME V I TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES October 8, 1998 l. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Auran. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Ird by Ch. Auran. ROLL CALL. 4 of 7 Commissioners present. CIJRRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4. 1. I Minutes of September 10, 1998, were submitted and approved. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Request for Traffic Control for Pedestrian Crosswalk at 841 California Drive From the floor, Ruth Hesselgren stated this crosswalk is used predominantly by school children. The B.I.S, bus drops off here and many B.H.S. students cross here as well. She believes this is a hazardous crosswalk - even for adults since cars hardly slow down for pedestrians. Mr. Ho agtees with her observations and has had to run across to escape traffic, himself. He is still collecting data on this crosswalk for a recommendation. The flashing beacon is not that obvious and a control here is necessary. A pedestrian-controlled signal (pushbutton for a red light) is one solution. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Evans/Simonetti) to recommend that the TrafFrc Engineer contitrue his study and retum with a report next month. Unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2.2 Request for Parking Restrictions for Vans, etc., on Both Sides of Driveway at 1840 Sequoia Avenue Mr. Ho provided sketches of the site and recommended a red zone on both sides of the driveway and adding height limit signs to prevent vans, etc., from blocking the visibility of those exiting the driveway. It was moved and seconded (Comms . Evans/Simonetti) to make this an Action ilem immediately . It was then moved and seconded (Comms. Evans/Simonetti) to accept the Traffic Engineer's recommendation to alleviate the problem at this driveway. Both unanimously approved by the Commission. ., 3 4 a 4.2.3 Request for Red Zone on Both Sides of Driveway at 1221 Oak Grove Avenue Mr. Ho recommended a 2-foot red tipping of the driveway on both sides. This will reduce the parking availability from two to one space. Comm. Amoroso suggested a longer red zone on the left side of driveway to increase visibility TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES October 8, 1998 of cross traffic. Mr. Ho stated that the request stems from two cars squeezing into a space too small to accommodate them so they park so close to the driveway it makes ingress/egress difficult. The 2-foot tipping will eliminate this problem without losing both parking spaces. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Evans/Simonetti) to make this an Action item. Unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comms. Evans/Simonetti) to accept the Traffic Engineer's recommendation to alleviate the current problem. Motion was carried by a 3-1 vote (Comm. Amoroso denied). 4.2.4 Request for a "Not A Through Street" Sign on Albemarle Way at Ray Drive Mr. Ho provided photos and drawings. As you nrrn left from Ray Drive, the subject sign is on the far right corner of Albemarle and is not readily visible to the driver who cotrcentrates on looking to the left. Last month petitioner suggested placing sign on the back of the Stop sign on the southeast corner; however, Mr. Ho advised that this Stop sign is too far back from Ray Drive to be noticed. He explained that signs are typically placed on the sidewalk on the right side of the travel lane and occasionally in the raised median. Mr, Ho suggested a "No Outlet" sign for the northeast corner. This sign is used in other cities. This will be a Discussion item at the next meeting. \. 5. INACTTVE ITEMS. 5.1 5.2 6 7 Staff Recommendation to Increase Lock Box Fee to $1 Effective luly l, 1998 for Parking Iots Adjacent to Railroad Mr. Ho advised that there is no new information. Request for Renewed Lane Markings at lntersection of Cadillac Way, Rollins Road and Highway 101 On/Off Ramps Mr. Ho advised that there is no new information. NEWBUSINESS. None. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Rubberized Railroad Crossing - Project Status Report Mr. Ho advised that this project is administered by the City of Redwood Crg; and now that the contract has been awarded, the conEactor will present a constructioo schedule for approval at the subsequent preconstruction meeting. Broadway railroad crossing won't be closed during the holiday season. Each crossing will be closed for two weekends during construction and open during the week. -5- 7.3 TRAFFIC SATETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES October 8, 1998 7.2 Signal Modifications at California Drive/Broadway - Project Status Report Mr. Ho advised that the audible signals requested at the August meeting were fustalled on all four corners of this intersection and the pedestrian pushbuttons were replaced with A.D.A. buftons. The free right turn lanes are presently controlled by Yield signs. The City may be installing signs and raised pavement markers to improve pedestrian safety at the free right turns. Comm. Evans commended Mr. Ho for expediting the implementation of the audible signals. Mr. Ho advised that the City will be redesigning this intersection next year. Sgt. Tokarski stated he received a letter from a driver who hit a diagonally parked 25- foot commercial vehicle which extended into the street. The Sgt. asked if there is an ordinance prohibiting this size of vehicle from parking on the street. Mr. Ho will check into it. 8. FROMTHEFLOOR. 8.1 Five residents of Alpine Road attended to clariry the parking problem there. Ms DeAngelis stated that since the commercial vehicles parking on Carolan were addressed in last month's meeting, Alpine residents have received parking tickets for unpermitted overnight parking - something they have been doing for years. There is no parking problem on Alpine. Sgt. Tokarski advised that since the last meeting, the Police had stepped up enforcement. However, Ms DeAngelis called after receiving a ticket and enforcement on Alpine ceased. The Police are endeavoring to drive out non residents who overnight park in this area. They will not enforce Alpine unless requested. 8.2 Don Cory asked why "No Parking" signs on east side of California Drive are parallel with the street and not at a right angle. Mr. Ho explained that the signs have arrows indicating where to not park and are set at 150 feet apart. The arrows would be pointing in the wrong direction if the sign plates actually face approaching traffic instead of being parallel to it. 8.4 Mr. Cory and several residents stated they would like "Children at Play " type signs posted for newly renovated Alpine Park. Mr. Ho will check to see if such signs are sanctioned by the City. Several residents stated they would like the radar trailer positioned on Alpine Road since most cars coming off of Carolan tend to continue to speed. Sgt. Tokarski will set up the trailer. 8.5 -4- 8.3 Mr. Cory stated that ttrcre is a red curb at the California/Morrell bus stop where a car has been parking. Sgt. Tokarski advised that he should call the Police and they will tag illegally parking vehicles. TRATT'IC SAI'ETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES October 8, l99E 8.6 Mr. Cory requests that the City trim the willow tree hiding the 35 MPH sign on northbound Carolan north of Oak Grove. Mr. Ho will report it. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:15 p.m. -5-