HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1998.09.10COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: \TISITORS: SEPT. 10, 1998 PHILIP HO, TRAFFIC ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY POLICE SERGEANT PETE TOKARSKI M. AMOROSO J. EVANS D. BERG, 820 ALPINE, BTJRLINGAME MATTHEW BAUER, 8OO ALPINE, BI]RLINGAME J. L. TANTON,845 LINDEN, BURLINGAME GARY W. JOYCE, 1535 ALBEMARLE, BURL. BETTY WHITTEMORE, I84O SEQUOIA, BURL. IRENE WHITTEMORE, 2146 TROUSDALE, BURL. RICK CORSO, 9OO PENINSULA, BURLINGAME TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT :T. AURAN M, HARBER D. MAYER D. PRECER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT: 1 TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Auran. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. l,ed by Ch. Auran. ROLL CALL. 5 of 7 Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.L ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1 Minutes of August 13, 1998, were submitted and approved. SEPT. 10, 1998 I 2 3 4 4.1.2 Request to Prohibit Truck Parking on Carolan Avenue, Northbound, between Toyon Drive and Oak Grove Avenue Mr. Ho stated the number of trucks parking here has diminished since the Police have been actively enforcing this area. He also recognizes the hazard of poor visibility at various intersections caused by the parked trucks on Carolan. The trucks have also attracted garbage and animals. Most of the trucks are parked between Park Avenue and Oak Grove Avenue. Parking restrictions will force these trucl$ to relocate. It appears they had already been relocated from California Drive and Rollins Road where parking restrictions were recently changed. From the floor, Mr. Berg added that trucks parking there for a long period of time cause litter to collect and it looks horrid. Mr. Tanton noticed that a dead raccoon was in the gutter for several weeks before the SPCA could find it for removal. He suggested "No Parking" signs 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. be located farther north on the west side and from Morrell Avenue to Oak Grove Avenue. Mr. Berg also suggested No Parking Height Limit sigrs be installed. Sgt. Tokarski advised that thus far they have tagged vehicles but none have been towed since they are moved by their owner. The Police do not enforce actively unless complaints are received. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Simonetti) to recommend to City Council that No Parking Height Limit signs be installed on Carolan Avenue between Oak Grove Avenue and Toyon Drive and to ask the Police Department to give more consideration to *ris area; unanimously approved by the Commission. -2- TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.I Staff Review of Parking Problem on 1400 Block of Sanchez Avenue (Even Numbered Side of Street) Mr. Ho stated that the existing tandem parking on the 1400 block of Sanchez Avenue is legal as long as the vehicles are parked within the private property line. Any vehicles parked in the public right-of-way, including the sidewalk and planting strip, can be cited for parking violation. To disallow tandem parking on private property will impact on-street parking and result in fewer on-street parking spaces available to local residents. Sgt. Tokarski recommended that a flyer be distributed to the residents to instruct them to call the Police when cars park illegally. Police response would alleviate this problem. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Mayeri Simonetti) to make this an Action item immediately. It was then moved and secolded (Comms. Mayer/Preger) to have the Police Deparunent prepare and distribute a flyer to residents instructing them to call the Police when a car is parked illegally; unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Ho explained that this request is not feasible since the only choice would be to make the right lane exclusively for right turns and the left lane for straight ahead trafhc and left turns. Traffic traveling straight ahead from the left lane would be directly facing the westbound left turn lane after crossing California Drive. Also the cost to add a lane and relocate affected utilities would be $30,00040,000. Mr. Ho is working with the contract traffic engineer to change the sequence of the signals affected by the train crossing which will allow Oak Grove traffic, eastbound, to move sooner. Right now the sequence is Oak Grove westbound, California Drive, then Oak Grove eastbound. The new sequence will be Oak Grove westbound, then eastbound, then California Drive. Therefore, Mr. Ho recommends denial of this request. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Preger/Mayer) to move this to an Action item immediately. It was then moved and seconded (Comm. Preger/Mayer) to recommend denial of this request; unanimously approved by the Commission. Cbairman Auran requested staff to advise petitioner of denial and the new sequencing. 4.2.3 Request for Nine 2-Hour Parking Spaces at 900 Peninsula Avenue on Anita Road and Truck Loading Zone Mr. Ho and petitioner, Rick Corso, met to decide on location of loading zone and changed the request for five 2-hour metered spaces in front of the dealership's showroom. The 85-foot loading zone should be placed at the north -3- SEPT. 10, 1998 4.2.2 Request to Add a Right Turn Iane on Oak Grove Avenue, Eastbound, at California Drive TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPT. 10, 1998 end of Anita Road, five spaces south of Bayswater Avenue which is out of range of the heritage trees growing there. Mr. Corso stated that local Burlingame residents in this area will be acquiring parking permits for overnight parking to deter San Mateo residents of Peninsula Avenue from parking on Anita Road. Sgt. Tokarski advised that this area is regularly monitored by the parking enforcement officer. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Mayer/Preger) to move this item to an Action item immediately; it was then moved and seconded (Comm. Mayer/ Preger) to recommend to City Council to accept the staffs recommendation as sketched; unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Corso offered to pay for the five parking meters. 5. INACTTVE ITEMS. 5.1 6. NEWBUSINESS. Staff Recommendation to Increase Lock Box Fee to $1 Effective July 1, 1998 for Parking Lots Adjacent to Railroad Mr. Ho advised that this item will remain inactive for a few more months due to on- going litigation between the City of Burlingame and the City and County of San Francisco. 6.1 Request for Traffic Control for Pedestrian Crosswalk at 841 California Drive Mr. Ho advised that he has already made minor repairs to the pedestrian crossing signs at this crosswalk. It now needs to be repainted and should be enhanced. This item will be a Discussion item next month. 6.2 Request to Improve Visibility of Stop Sign on Oak Grove Avenue at Winchester Drive Mr. Ho advised that City crews will trim the greenery disabling the visibility here. No further Commission action is required. 6.3 Request for Parking Restrictions for Vans, etc., on Both Sides of Driveway at 1840 Sequoia Avenue Betty Whittemore, petitioner, stated that the new, larger vehicles park right at their driveway causing poor visibility when exiting onto the street. This will be a Discussion item next month. Request for Red Zone on Both Sides of Driveway at l22L Oak Grove Avenue There was little discussion. This item will be a Discussion item next month. 6.4 -4- TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPT. 10, 1998 6.5 Request for a "Not A Through Street" Sign on Albemarle Way at Ray Drive From the floor, the petitioner stated that although there is a sign now, it should be relocated to the other side of the street so that traffic coming from El Camino Real can see the sign. Right now, the sign is facing traffic going south on Albemarle. When traffic is diverted from El Camino Real (due to accidents, etc.), drivers can't see the sign and don't realize that this is not a through street. At times a multitude of cars comes down Albemarle only to turn around and exit. Petitioner recommends placing the sign on the back of Albemarle's Stop sign so that cars coming from El Camino Real can see it before entering this sreet. Chairman Auran advised that the Commission will view this site and that this item will be a Discussion item next month. 6.6 Request for Renewed lane Markings at Intersection of Cadillac Way, Rollins Road and Highway l0l On/Otr Ramps Mr. Ho advised that until the Sewer Interceptor project in this area is completed, repainting these lanes is inappropriate. It was moved and seconded (Comm. Mayer/ Simonetti) to make this an Inactive item; unanimously approved by the Commission. Chairman Auran requested that a letter be sent by staff to the petitioner. INFORMATION ITEMS. FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOIIRNMENT. 8:03 p.m. 7 8 9 -5-