HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1998.06.11TRAFFIC SAtrETY AND PARIqNG COMMISSION MINT]TES TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:AMOROSO AURAN HARBER MAYER PREGER SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT: JLJNE 11, 1998 FRANK ERBACHER, CITY ENGINEER RICHARD HOPPER, TRAFFIC CONSIJLTANT DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATTVE SECRETARY POLICE SERGEANT PETE TOKARSKI M. T. M. D. D. A. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: J. EVANS MARIANNE SAUCEDO, 925 I-ARKSPI,JR, BI'RLINGAME AL LOVOTTI, SR., 1588 GILBRETH, BIJRLINGAME AL LOVOTTI, JR., 1588 GILBRETH, BURLINGAME RICK CORSO, 9OO PENINSULA, BI]RLINGAME 1 VISITORS: TRAF'FIC SAF'ETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUIES CALL TO ORDER. 7:02p.m. by Chairman Auran. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. t€d by Ch. Auran. ROLL CALL. 6 of 7 Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.2 JLINE 11, 1998 1 , 3 4 4.1.1 Minutes of April 9, 1998, were submitted and approved. Minutes of May 14, 1998, were submitted. Only one of the Commissioners who attended this meeting was present; therefore, no motion was carried. 4.1.2 It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayeri Simonetti) to approve Proclamation for Chairman Auran's signature; unanimously approved by the Commission. DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Request for Stop Sign on Larkspur Drive The petitioner, Marianne Saucedo, requested a A-way Stop sign on Larkspur at Linden. Mr. Erbacher advised there are not enough warrants to substantiate the need for a Stop sign. Sgt. Tokarski reported that his patrolmen surveyed the site with radar and the average speed is 18.12 mph with one vehicle clocked at 29 mph and one at 28 mph. Mrs. Saucedo stated since vans still park on the street, she and the neighbors are hopeful that the Stop signs will slow down traffrc. Mr. Erbacher advised that traffic will be slowed for only a short distance after they stop. Chairman Auan stated that it seemed like a lot of young families are moving into this area, bringing more children. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/ Simonetti) to make this an Action Item immediately; unanimously approved by the Commission. It was then moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Harber) to recommend to Council to approve installation of Stop signs on Larlapur Drive at Linden Avenue and removal of existing Yield signs; approved by the Commission with a 4-2 vote. 4.2.2 Request for "No Overnight Parking" Sign on Gilbreth Road The petitioner, Al lovotti, Sr., stated that the trucks parking on Gilbreth can,t be coffrolled unless parking time is limited to 2-hour parking. Some tnrcks are from out of town and seem to find Burlingame streets available to them for relatively unlimited parking. Mr. Erbacher advised that the biggest problem in this area ig tlrc high employee density which has increased due to the area having more ofEce and manufacturing companies. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Preger ) to recommend to Council to install .No Overnight -2- TRAFXIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES JLTNE 11, 1998 Parking" signs, 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., for five blocks on the west side of Gilbreth Road; unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Erbacher advised this requires an ordinance which will be introduced at the next meeting. 4.2.3 Staff Recommendation to Increase Lock Box Fee to $1 Effective July 1, 1998 Mr. Erbacher advised there are negotiations in progress and this item should be stricken from the Agenda for now. It was move and seconded (Comms. Simonetti/IVIayer) to move this to Inactive status; unanimously approved by the Commission. 4.2.4 Staff Recommendation to Change Existing l,oading Zone from 327 Lnrton Avenue to Donnelly Avenue Mr. Erbacher advised that the owner is trying to negotiate with the Joint Powers Board for space and will suggest two yellow zones remain and one zone be relocated. It was move and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Simonetti) to move this to Inactive status; unanimously approved by the Commission. INACTIVE ITEMS. None. NEW BUSINESS. 6.L Request for Nine 2-Hour Parking Spaces at 900 Peninsula Avenue and on Anita Road 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Mr. Erbacher advised that the Ford Dealership at 101 California Drive is having problerns with commercial trucks parking on Bayswater. This will be a New Business item next month. FROMTHEFLOQR. None. 5 6 8 9 ADIOIJRNMENT. 8:20 p.m. -3- The petitioner, Rick Corso, stated parking space relief is needed on Anita Road, not on Peninsula. Cars from out of town (San Mateo, airport users, etc.) are being parked for extended time periods preventing customers aod neighbors from parking there. Their business has 75-80 visitors a day with few parking spaces available to them. They purchased adjacent railroad property for more storage and parking and work with the neighbors to alleviate problems. Mr. Corso suggested also adding a loading zone and would buy the parking meterS for the City if they were installed. This will be a Discussion item next month.