HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1999.11.10TRAFFIC SAF'ETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES November 10, 1999 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:L. DeANGELIS J. EVANS J. McIVER D. MAYER PHILIP HO, TRAFFIC ENGINEER POLICE OFFICER JOHN BROWN DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT:T. AURAN M. HARBER A. SMONETTI VISITORS:GERALDINE KOTT, 454 MARIN DR., BURLINGAME ROSEMARIE CAPACCIOLI, 835 N. HUMBOLDT, S.M. IRVING AMSTRUP, 2708 TROUSDALE DR., BURL. MARY SHAFER,4O4 DWIGHT ROAD, BURLINGAME \-. -1 STAFF PRESENT: ) J 4 TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MIIYUTES November 10, 1999 l. CALL TO ORDER. 7:10 p.m. by Commissioner Evans. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. l,ed by Comm. Evans. ROLL CALL. 4 of 7 Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.I ACTION ITEMS. 4 . 1 . 1 Minutes of October 14 , 1999 , were submitted and approved . 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. None. 6. NEWBUSINESS. 6.1 Request to Change Parking Meter Time Limit at 307 Prfuffose Road Mr. Ho advised that in addition to the 2-hour meters on this block, there is one 24- minute meter near the corner of Burlingame Avenue and one 24-minute meter on Burlingame Avenue near the Smoke Shop. Officer Brown advised that there are no 12- minute meters in stock and would cost $360, plus maintenance and new signage. Also, enforcement is not feasible every 12 minutes due to lack of personnel and stated that a loading zone might be a possibility. Mr. Ho advised that a loading zone might defeat the purpose of the request and the City would lose a minimum of two on-street spaces since the loading zone must be a parallel space. Comm. Mayer supports the 12- minute meter. From the floor, Irving Amstrup stated this is a resale shop which provides up to $70,000 a year for local needy programs. Their donors would like to park close to the store for ease of delivering, especially since the 2-hour spaces are usually filled and the existing 24-minute space is too far for some of them to walk. Also, the shoemaker next door supports this request and due to high business tumover, would like there to be two 24-minute spaces. The City Engineer advised that if a yellow loading zone is requested, it must be located across the street since it must be a parallel space; and notices must be sent to all businesses on both sides of the block. Comm. Evans advised that this will be a Discussion Item at next month's meeting. a TRAIT'IC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES November 10, 1999 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Trees on Easton Drive between El Camino Real and Vancouver Avenue Mr. Ho advised that he spoke to the City Arborist who stated that none of these trees are in poor health and that the roots grow horizontally and not deep. To cut these roots would cause trees to become unstable. Comm. Evans reiterated that the roots are a traffic hazard since they grow in the street itself. The City Engineer stated that the worst area is by the City Library Branch but the trees don't block pedestrian view and with the Stop sign nearby, traffic is slow. Comm. Evans stated that staff has been made aware of the tree roots breaking up the street in the past. Mr. Ho advised that the Street Deparment crew tried to lessen the bumps in the street at this location. 7.2 Discussion Items for Joint Meeting with Council on December 6, 1999 The City Engineer advised that a bulleted+ype list of items should be prepared for the joint meeting. Comm. Evans suggested that the Traffic Sergeant needs additional parking enforcement officers. Currently there are three full time and three part time with fwo traffic officers and one traffic sergeant. He stated that this commission supports the Police Deparunent's need for more parking enforcement officers. Comm. Mayer agreed adding that parking tickets are money makers for the City which would help finance additional personnel. Comm. Mayer stated there appears to be a lack of police personnel in the business districts as evidenced by pedestiians not having the right of way in crosswalks. Officer Brown advised that police officers on bicycles in the business districts help to alleviate this problem. These officers are specially trained and are present when weather permits. Comm. DeAngelis asked if Council has considered BART's impact on parking in that area. There are no parking controls now and this area has already been impacted by Airport construction. Mr. Ho advised that a parking survey has been completed at Burlingame Plaza and the Caltrain lot. No BART impact will occur until it's built. Comm. DeAngelis suggested absent commissioners be called for their input to the joint meeting list of discussion items. The City Engineer advised that the list will be sent to all commissioners and asked that they call staff for any additions to the list. FROMTHEFLOOR. None.8 9 -3- ADJOITRNMENT. 8:06p.m.