HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1999.04.08TRAFFIC SATETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINTJTES TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:T. AURAN L. DeANGELIS J. EVANS J. MctVER D. MAYER STAFF PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: VISITORS: April 8, 1999 SYED MURTUZA, SENIOR CTVIL ENGINEER POLICE SERGEANT PETE TOKARSKI DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATTVE SECRETARY M. HARBER A. SIMONETTI FATHER MAHONEY, OUR LADY OF ANGELS CHURCH LIZ WATSON, 1444 BALBOA AVENUE, BURLINGAME LORI CHARAS, 619 PLYMOUTH WAY, BTJRLINGAME -1 ) J 4 TRAFF'IC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Comm. Auran. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. lf,d by Comm. Auran. ROLL CALL. 5 of 7 Commissioners present. CT]RRENT BUSINESS. 4.L ACTION ITEMS. 4. I . I Minutes of February 1l, 1999, were submitted and approved. 4.2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. None. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. None. 6. NEWBUSINESS. 6.1 Request for Green Zone at 1345 Cortez Avenue Father Mahoney introduced the pre-school director, Ms. Watson, who explained that she has been at this location for 15 years and the white zones recently removed by the City at this location had been there even longer. She was disappointed that the City had not advised her of the plan to remove the zones. Further, no parking at this location makes it that more diffrcult for parents who drop off their pre-schoolers since State law requires the parent to escort the child to class and sign them in. Although the request was for a green zone, they need a white zone (3 minute parking allowed) to accommodate the parents. Ms. Watson stated that she had spoken to our Traffic Engineer who suggested their using the school yard for dropping off; however, the school yard is usually busy with students at the various times of drop off. She asked that the whitb zone be placed from the fire hydrant to the pedestrian crosswalk and continued to the handicap zone. Mr. Murtuza advised that the white zones were removed because they were illegal and not on record as being authorized by the City. Also, parents tend to park beyond the 3 minute allowance, and they double park making it difficult for emergency vehicles to get by; and there have been neighbors complaining and side-swiping occurrences. Sgt. Tokarski advised that the police have increased their monitoring of school sites because of accidents that have occured due to parents double parking and also making it difficult for emergency vehicles to maneuver through these locations. -2- April 8, 1999 8 9 TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES April 8, 199 Comm. Evans suggested all Commissioners review this site to decide on this issue next month. Comm. Auran suggested replacing the white zone now and determine its feasibility later. Comm. Mayer stated the pre-school needs some relief now. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/DeAngelis) to make this an Action Item now. It was then moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Mclver) to approve a white zone be placed from the fire hydrant to the crosswalk, then continuing from the crosswalk to the handicap zone to provide a preschool drop off site. Approved by four Commissioners, one abstained (Comm. Evans). 7. INFORMATION ITEMS. FROMTHEFLOOR. None. ADJOURNMENT. 7:40 p.m. -5-