HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1999.01.14TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14,1999 TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:T. AURAN L. DeANGELIS J. EVANS D. MAYER J. McIVER A. SIMONETTI STAFF PRESENT:PHILIP HO, TRAFFIC ENGINEER DORIS MORTENSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY POLICE SERGEANT PETE TOKARSKI COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: M. HARBER VISITORS:STEVE KARP, 1745 ADRIAN RD., BURLINGAME DAVID CURTIS, 1745 ADRIAN RD., BURLINGAME TOM SCHOLZ, 1541 ADRIAN RD., BURLINGAME GORDON McNEIL, 8 ADRIAN CT., BIJRLINGAME AL LOVOTTI, JR., 1588 GILBRETH RD., BURLINGAME DON ASPLUND, 433 OCCIDENTAL, BURLINGAME RICH JONES, 407 OCCIDENTAL, BURLINGAME 1 ) 3 4 1 CALL TO ORDER. 7:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Simonetti. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. Led by Commissioner Evans. ROLL CALL. 6 of 7 Commissioners present. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4,1 ACTION ITEMS. 4.1.1 Minutes of December 10, 1998, were submitted and approved. 4,2 DISCUSSION ITEMS. 4.2.1 Request for Parking Restrictions on Adrian Road Mr. Ho advised that 50 notices were sent out this week to local busilesses on this street; and thus far, only two responses were received (1 for; I agairst). More time is needed to receive responses before he makes a recommendation. From the floor, David Curtis stated his company has 50-60 employees and 20 trucks. His facility was built years ago and no longer provides enough off- street parking. Hertz is a major contributor to on-sffeet parking use. Color Copy's employees/customers also park on the street since they lease their lot of 100+ spaces to Hertz. Steve Karp stated that the City's Compliance Enforcement Officer has been checking out this situation. He stated a 4-hour parking limit would be good and suggested the restriction be implemented when street constnrction is completed in approximately three weeks. Permit parking was discussed as a solution but requires hiring more enforcement personnel. This will be a Discussion Item next month to allow enough time for responses to the public notice. Comm. Auran stated that this is a period of change with the SFO Airport expansion and BART construction. Sgt. Tokarski stated that with BART, there will be a major spillover of parked cars in this area and recommended a long-term solution. Comm. Mayer suggested a Master Plan be considered for this area regarding future use. It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Auran) to recommend to City Council to have this commercial area surveyed for the coming of BART for a Master Plan on Parking and look to adding parking enforcement personnel. Unanimously approved by the Commission. 1 TRAIT'IC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, L999 TRAFFIC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES January 14, L999 4.2.2 Request for Parking Restrictions on Adrian Court It was moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Evans) to move this to an Action Item immediately. Unanimously approved by the Comrnission. It was then moved and seconded (Comms. Mayer/Auran) to recommend to City Council to install a 2-hour parking limit for Adrian Court. Unanimously approved by the Commission. Mr. Ho advised that 70 public notices were sent out this week to the local businesses; and thus far, only four responses were received. There is only one green zone on this street which was installed three years ago. A 2-hour parking limit is recommended. This will be a Discussion Item next month to allow enough time for responses to the public notice. 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5.1 Staff Recommendation to Increase Lock Box Fee to $1 Effective July 1, 1998 for Parking l,ots Adjacent to Railroad Mr. Ho advised that the City is still involved in a legal dispute with the City of San Francisco; so in the meantime, no recommendation will be made. 5.2 Request for Traffic Control for Pedestrian Crosswalk at 841 California Drive Mr. Ho advised that an application for a federal grant has been submitted for funding a pedestrian signal and expects to receive a response soon. NEWBUSINESS. None. INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Handicap Zone Extension on Fairfield Road at McKinley School Mr. Ho advised that this item is informational and requires no Commission action. The existing white zone has been extended to a length of44 feet to accommodate two buses as requested by the bus company to drop off/pick up students. A handicap zone is not appropriate. 6 7 -J- From the floor, Mr. McNeil stated there are two problems: Hertz employees and trucks parking on this cul de sac. He provided the Commission with letters from nine businesses on this street. He recommended a 3-hour parking limit. 4.2.3 Parking Restrictions on Gilbreth Road TRAIT'IC SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION MINUTES January L4, 1999 7 .2 Vision Safety Zone at Crossway Road/Oak Grove Avenue Mr. Ho advised that this item is informational and requires no Commission action. City crews instatled No Parking From Here to Corner signs at this intersection to improve visibility. 7.3 Illegal Curb Parking on California Drive Southbound Right Turn Lane at Oak Grove Avenue Mr. Ho advised that this item is informational and requires no Commission action. City crews installed No Parking From Here to Comer signs at the start of the right turn lane arrow, 7.4 Comm. Auran asked about the status of a letter from Mr. Gatt requesting a 4-way Stop sign at Hillside Avenue and Cortez Avenue. Mr. Ho advised that he did receive the letter and that this item will be on the Agenda next month. Comm. Auran asked Sgt. Tokarski to provide the accident history for this intersection at the next meeting. 8. FROMTHEFLOOR. 8.1 Two residents from Occidental Avenue complained about trucks and a van parking overnight on their block which is residential. Sgt. Tokarski said they are parked legally. Comm. Evans suggested they send a letter to the Commission describing their problem and suggesting a solution. 9. ADJOURNMENT. 8:15 p.m. -4-