HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 113-1998RESOLUTION NO. 113-98 AGREEMENT AMENDMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL -AMERICAS LANDFILL LOWER DECK CLOSURE DESIGN SERVICES CITY PROJECT NO. 9117 RESOLVED, by the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame, California and this Council does hereby FIND, ORDER and DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The public interest and convenience require execution of the agreement cited in the title above. 2. The City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Burlingame. 3. The City Clerk is hereby ordered, I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of OCTOBER , 1998, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GALL I GAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, 0' MAHONY, SP 1 NELL I NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE NONE City Clerk AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 3 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL -AMERICAS CITY PROJECT NO. 9117 THIS AGREEMENT, made in duplicate and entered into this 19TH day of OCTOBER, 1998, by and between the CITY OF BURLINGAME, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL -AMERICAS hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT, " VIVA a lh 9 t&S12 to a I N WHEREAS, CITY and CONSULTANT have previously entered into an agreement for certain services, said agreement being dated FEBRUARY, 1994; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties to amend said agreement as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Amendment of Agreement Said agreement dated FEBRUARY, 199, is hereby amended to include those revisions in services and compensation set forth in EXHIBIT "A", attached hereto. and effect. 2. In all other respects said agreement dated FEBRUARY, 1994, shall remain in full force IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year first above written. CITY OF BURLINGAME A municipal corporation By City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk f1pbwl W iAproj=1 Xagr=cnd.fil Approved as to form: City Attorney Consultant AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 3 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL AMERICAS CITY PROJECT NO. 9117 THIS AGREEMENT, made in duplicate and entered into this 19TH day of OCTOBER, 1998, by and between the CITY OF BURLINGAME, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL -AMERICAS hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT, " WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY and CONSULTANT have previously entered into an agreement for certain services, said agreement being dated FEBRUARY, 1994; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties to amend said agreement as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Amendment of Agreement Said agreement dated FEBRUARY, 199, is hereby amended to include those revisions in services and compensation set forth in EXHIBIT "A", attached hereto. and effect. 2. In all other respects said agreement dated FEBRUARY, 1994, shall remain in full force IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year first above written. CITY OF BURLINGAME A municipal corporation Approved as to form: By City Manager City Attorney ATTEST: City Clerk Consultant F\pbwkWir\proj=1 \ag=end.fi1 1 Woodward -Clyde qw Engineering & sciences applied to the earth & its environment October 13, 1998 941074NA Mr. Frank Erbacher, P.E. City Engineer City of Burlingame 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010-3997 EXHIBIT A OCT 1 5 1998 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF BURLINGAME Subject: Project Scope Changes No. 3 Landfill Regrading and Landfill Gas System Installation Project Phase III - Lowerdeck Closure Design and Development Consulting City of Burlingame Landfill, Burlingame, California City Project No. 9117 WCC Project No. 941074NA Dear Mr. Erbacher: As we have discussed, the scope of work agreed upon with my April 7, 1998 memo is not the scope of work currently needed for closure of the lowerdeck area of the landfill. At the time of the April memo, it was assumed that we would utilize the foundation layer and final ballfield surface drawings generated during the landfill regrading project. Since then there have been a number of changes to the design to meet the City's Bayside Park Master Plan. It was decided in August in a meeting with the City Public Works and Parks Departments that these changes would be incorporated into the closure work as well as the development work. In addition, it was requested that closure and geotechnical work in support of the Park development be added as a task on this project. This letter is to document these scope changes and to provide support for an increase in the overall project budget. SCOPE CHANGES In general, the scope changes fall into the following categories: Task 2100 (Grading and Cover Design) • change in ballfield surface required several redesigns of clay surface • increased complexity and area of the cap design • three additional progress drawings required Woodward -Clyde International -Americas 500 12th Street, Suite 200 • Oakland, California 94607-4014 (510)893-3600 • Fax(510)874-3268 Woodward -Clyde Mr. Frank Erbacher, P.E. October 13, 1998 Page 2 Task 3100 (Meetings and Consultation) • more meetings and conference calls to coordinate design Task 3200 (Engineering Control Reports) • additional progress reports due to additional project length Task Group 5 (Development Assistance) - NEW TASKS Task 5100 (Consulting) • input to and review of development design plans and specifications relative to closure Task 520E (Geotechnical Services) • geotechnical investigation for development structures • geotechnical review of development drawings Task 5300 (Regulatory Interface) • documentation required to change land use • updating the Post -Closure Care Plan to incorporate all development changes Task 2100 Change in Ballfield Surface In our April scoping memo (Attachment 1), it was agreed that our design work would be to: re-establish the design grades, add clay, add Callander's drainage pipes in the ballfietd and place two different cover soils (one for the ballfield, one for the west road). When we began to re-establish the design grades, it was apparent that a large volume of soil would have to be added and that the final ballfield would be both too high and slope the wrong direction. It was decided for Callander to redesign the ballfield surface and Woodward -Clyde to redesign the underlying clay surface. These redesigns were made more difficult by the fact that there was not one topographic map that showed the existing conditions at the landfill lowerdeck, the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Bayside Park (all needed to tie final to existing surfaces). The necessary information was on three separate topographies which posed a complex overlaying problem to obtain the information in a usable 3-13 computer format. The 3-13 information was then used in generating the seven different clay surface configurations necessary to optimize the ballfield surface. Quite a bit of additional communication with Callander Associates staff was necessary to make these changes and various cost estimates were developed to aid in analyzing the various clay surface to minimize the costs. None of this redesign was in our original scope. Increased Complexity and Area of Design. The original work was only for the landfill (ballfield and west road). The area covered by the project new includes the ballfield area, the dog nm (west road) area up to Airport Blvd and the new parking/tot lot area. Work along Airport Blvd. is not in this new work area Woodward -Clyde Mr. Frank Erbacher, P.E. October 13, 1998 Page 3 Six sheets were assumed for the original drawing set. The sheets currently envisioned are: • 1 cover sheet • 1 notes and legend sheet • 1 plan sheet existing topo with all existing pipes (using combined topo generated earlier) • 1 plan sheet showing top of clay surface with existing topo as background • 1 plan sheet shaving new sub -drainage piping (draining clay surface) and existing piping with top of clay as background - new sheet • 1 plan sheet showing surface extent of various cap types with coordinates (including specialty capping for the wall)- new sheet • i pian sheet showing nnai surface coniours with top of clay as backgrouna 3 detail sheets for cap type details, for transitions between cap types, for drainage piping and "tie to existing structures" details (one sheet originally assumed) 10 sheets total Assumptions in these plans are: • no profile sheets will be needed for the subdrains; • surface water drainage will be added during development; • material types will be similar to those used in Phase R; • foundation details for the wall, light poles, etc. will be in the development drawings. Additional Progress Drawings. In our April work scope, the work was fairly straightforward, therefore only a 30%, 901/o and 100% (for bid) drawing set was assumed. However, after the need for a new design was noted in reviewing the 30% submittal, a 60% submittal was made to show the new site topography, the new surface design and the new top of clay contours. Because of the increased complexity of the cap and piping coordination, it is assumed that 75% and 95% submittals will also be necessary in addition to the original 90% and 100% (for bid) sets. Technical specifications will come with the 90% submittal and Project specifications (including City special provisions) will come with the 95% and 100% submittals. The 90% submittal will also be sent to the BCDC, in accordance with the City's permit. Task 2100 Totals - Performing two rounds of submittals plus the out -of -scope work described above utilized $42,500 of our $28,500 budget for this portion of the design task. Performing the additional design work, developing the additional design drawing sheets, preparing the additional submittals and responding to City and Callander comments is anticipated to cost $65,000. This results in a requested increase of $79,000. Woodward -Clyde Mr. Frank Erbacher, P.E. October 13, 1998 Page 4 Task 3100 Additional Coordination Meetings/Calls. To accomplish the work for the tasks noted above, quite a bit of communication will be necessary between Woodward -Clyde, Callander Associates and the various City departments. An additional 40 project manager hours and 40 staff engineer/designer hours are anticipated to finish the project. $9,200. Task 3200 Additional Progress Reports. With the project lasting longer than anticipated, there will be additional progress reports needed. While this budget has not yet been fully expended, it is anticipated that an additional 20 project management hours will be needed for these reports, $2,800. TASK GROUP 5 - DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE The City has requested that work in support of the development work being performed by Callander be performed under this contract. The work is similar to that currently being done under City contract 9117(3) and Woodward -Clyde contract 941074ND. The three subtasks assumed for this work are: Consulting, Geotechnical Services and Regulatory Interface. Additional subtasks can be added at the City's request. Specific work in those subtasks are described below. Task 5100 This is an on-call task. As the development design progresses, we will provide to the design team information on design details, materials, procedures, etc. which meet the requirements of the regulatory agencies. We will review plans and specifications prepared by the development team. For budgeting purposes, we have assumed 30 hours/month of the project manager's time and 10 hours/month engineering staff time for the 5 months of the development project for $25,500. Task 5200 The work currently known for this task includes performing a geotechnical investigation for the wall, the lighting foundations, the parking lot and the maintenance building. It is assumed that the investigation will be with a cone penetrometer rig to minimize disturbance to the landfill. A permit application/workplan will also be prepared for approval by the San Mateo County Health Department prior to the investigation. The results of the investigation will be written up in a technical memorandum with foundation recommendations. Woodward -Clyde Mr. Frank Erbacher, P.E. October 13, 1998 Page 5 We will also review the development drawings for incorporation of the geotechnical recommendations. It is assumed that the geotechnical investigation work will be about $8000 for the field work and $3000 for the preparation, results interpretation and recommendations. Assuming 4 development submittals, 24 senior geotechnical engineer hours are assumed ($3400). Total for Task 5200 - $14,400. Task 5300 For the topdeck, the regulatory agencies have accepted development plans and specifications with a cover letter showing how it meets the regulatory requirements. It is anticipated that this will be the case for the lowerdeck work. If that is the case, it is assumed that coordinating with the regulators, preparing the submittal for City and Callander review, and finalizing and submitting the plans to the regulators will cost $10,000. Assuming 10% to respond to agency comments, the total cost should be $11,000. The LEA has noted that postclosure development will require an update of the Postclosure Maintenance Plan portion of the Landfill Closure Plan. It is assumed that this can be done as a revision to the existing Closure Plan document (sending a revised Chapter 4). If that is the case, it is assumed that coordinating with the regulators, preparing the submittal for City review, and finalizing and submitting the document to the regulators will cost $5,000. Assuming 10% to respond to agency comments, the total cost should be $5,500. Total Task 5300 budget - $16,500 REQUESTED ADDMONAL BUDGET As you can see from the many changes original scope noted above, the anticipated hours to perform this work were not adequate for the scope of work currently anticipated. While this involves many changes to the closure design, we feel that the decision to better coordinate the closure and the development will minimize the long-term costs to the City. Attached is a spreadsheet with the requested additional funding. This spreadsheet is an extension of the spreadsheet attached to our second request for additional budget on this project and includes all prior authorizations. Woodward -Clyde Mr. Frank Erbacher, P.E. October 13, 1998 Page 6 IN CLOSING This letter documents the additional costs estimated to complete this project. The additional costs are based on the additional work performed to date and the design work currently anticipated and described above. As always, we will only have personnel working on the project as needed to provide the level of design necessary to minimize construction costs and meet the City and park development needs. All work will be on a time and materials basis, therefore we will only charge for actual time spent on these tasks, to a maximum amount approved by the City. In addition, we continue to perform this work under our rate schedule from 1994, when this project began. This represents a 15% decrease from our 1998 rates. We thank you for the opportunity ity to work with the City on this project and for your understanding of the changes in project scope and budget. If there is further documentation we can provide, please don't hesitate to ask. Sincerely, Linda J. Locke, P.E. Project Manager Attachment 1 - April 1998 Phase III Design Scope Memo Table 1 - Costs for Additional Scope Woodward -Clyde Memorandum ATTACHMENT 1 To: Boris Levitas, Xavier Beteta - Design From: Linda Locke Services Group Office: Oakland cc: Frank Erbacher Mark Slichter Date: October 14, 1998 Don Landeck Subject: Burlingame Phase III Plans and Specs Project 941074NA Task 2100 This is the scope of work for completing the closure of the Burlingame Landfill. The scope was agreed upon in our meetings and a conference call with the client (Frank Erbacher of the City of Burlingame DPW) and the landscape architect (Mark Slichter of Callander Assoc.). I want an estimate of schedule and budget to complete this scope. If there are changes to the finalized scope, let me know the impact it will make on the schedule and budget BEFORE the work is undertaken. I can then get a verification from our client that he wants us to make the changes. To design: the final cap over the ballfield and west road areas of the Burlingame Landfill. Current conditions: - a 2 ft misc. fill "foundation layer" over waste placed in Phase I; - ballfield foundation layer contours modified in Phase I CO 42; - storm drain across ballfield added in Phase I CO 43; - cap and subdrain at toe of east slope added under Phase lI CO 10; & - wet clay stockpiled on ballfield. Ballfield design (see ballfid3.dwg, bfsvy.dwg, bfadx.dwg files) • verify/re-establish 3% slopes to MH 8 or MH 26 • place 1 ft of clay on 3% slopes • place slotted drainage pipes over clay (locations to come from Callander Assoc-.) • place drainage gravel as needed to go between 3 and 1% slopes • place 1 ft of drainage sand over 1% slope West Road Area design • verify/re-establish 3% slope to east (toe of West Slope) • place 1 ft of clay on 3% slope, tie to existing clay at toe of West Slope • place I ft. intermediate fill aver clay on western portion • place geotextile over road portion (20 ft wide) 0 1 ft. aggregate base over geotextile Woodward -Clyde Burlingame Plans & Specs Scope of Work October 14, 1998 Page 2 DELIVERABLES - 30% plans for City & Callander review; 90% plans and specs for City, BCDC and Callander review; 100% plans and specs for bid package Plans - designed, drawn, checked, and peer reviewed by Design Services Group; project manager review by Linda Locke (LJL) • 1 cover sheet, updated from Phase H • 1 notes and legend sheet, updated from Phase 11 • 1 plan sheet - existing topo with ALL existing pipes, update 6/96 topo to make lft contours and show stockpiles (estimate from photos) • 1 plan sheet - top of clay surface contours showing drainage pipes at ballfield (also showing existing surface as background if need to re-estahlish 3% slopes} • 1 plan sheet - top of final surface contours • 1 detail sheet - 3 cap -type details, 1 drainage pipe detail, 1 transition detail between ballfield and west road areas, and 2 or 3 "tie to existing features" details Specifications • update Phase H specs for Phase III - update by LJL and/or DRL; review by Design Services for consistency with plans Engineer's Estimate • Bid List and unit costs by LJL/DRL, volumes from Design Services THIS IS THE SCOPE OF WORK WE PLAN TO DESIGN. PLEASE CONTACT ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IF THERE ARE ANY CHANGES TO THIS SCOPE. -- LINDA Woodward -Clyde O O O 0 0 G p G G p p p p O O p O O p G p O nESya me n �6m �m gHV1H {nJ {o��+m m HHN �M K HNN NNHq `q' p N N M y n'ji o m$ o 0 0 0 ce 0 o 0 0 000 0 0 o C jyj m p o N q N W H H ItAyO m (C r H N q N p N H H `y p� h U 1 0 0 0 pp d oo N N N yO� O o b O p Ol7 p O NOO O O 1 .�9 N � ymmf�0 �NFyC�N1()rpO m V pHOV NH m _(7 {a� R a mHO N {m� N �m�H� HKNHKaHHOI 01 q N gip' NHC O O. 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