HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 105-1998RESOLUTION NO. 105-98 AGREEMENT AMENDMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL -AMERICAS TOP DECK AND PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ALSO TOP DECK DESIGN ASSISTANCE AND GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES CITY PROJECT NO. 9117(3) RESOLVED, by the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame, California and this Council does hereby FIND, ORDER and DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: The public interest and convenience require execution of the agreement cited in the title above. 2. The City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Burlingame. 3. The City Clerk is hereby ordered aj signature. I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of October , 1998, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE NONE 1 City Clerk AGREEMENT AMENDMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL -AMERICAS CITY PROJECT NO. 9117(3) THIS AGREEMENT, made in duplicate and entered into this 6TH day of OCTOBER, 1998, by and between the CITY OF BURLINGAME, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and WOODWARD-CLYDE INTERNATIONAL -AMERICAS hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT," WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY and CONSULTANT have previously entered into an agreement for certain services, said agreement being dated JANUARY 20, 1998; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties to amend said agreement as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Amendment of Agreement Said agreement dated JANUARY 20, 1998 is hereby amended to include those revisions in services and compensation set forth in EXHIBIT "A", attached hereto. and effect. 2. In all other respects said agreement dated JANUARY 20, 1998 shall remain in full force IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year first above written. CITY OF BURLINGAME A municipal corporation IMA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk fApbwksdirlprgj=1\agrm cnd.fil Approved as to form: City Attorney Consultant 3 Woodward -Clyde 4W Engineering & sciences applied to the earth & its environment September 25, 1998 Mr. Frank C. Erbacher, P.E. City Engineer City of Burlingame 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, California 94010-3997 Subject: Project Scope Changes RECEIVE® SEP 2 8 1998 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF BURLINGAME Closure Consultation Services During Site Development Design City of Burlingame Landfill, Burlingame, California City Project No. 9117(3) W -C Project No. 941074ND Dear Mr. Erbacher: As we have discussed, there have been a number of changes to the project work scope since it was developed in December 1997. We are therefore requesting a budget increase to compensate for the increased work scope. For this site development project, the work done by Woodward -Clyde International -Americas (Woodward -Clyde) is directed by Callander Associates (Callander) for the Department of Public Works (the City). Woodward -Clyde is acting as a subcontractor to Callander for landfill closure and geotechnical issues, but is contracted directly to the City to eliminate the mark-up fees. SCOPE CHANGES In general, these scope changes fall into the following categories: • a geotechnical investigation not included in the original work scope, • construction services for two construction projects unbudgeted in original work scope.- extra cope:extra consulting time for two separate bid packages; and • additional reports required by the regulatory agencies. Geotechnical Investigation (Task 1100) In discussions with the structural subcontractors, it was noted that the range pole foundations were going to be quite extensive and would probably require pile supporting due to the anticipated high wind loading and lack of site-specific geotechnical information. To potentially reduce the foundation sizes and costs, an investigation was approved to provide the necessary geotechnical information for the range pole, lighting pole, pro shop building and maintenance building foundations. This work was tracked separately as task 1100 with no budget. Woodward -Clyde International -Americas 500 12th Street, Suite 200 - Oakland, California 94607-4014 (510)893-3600 - Fax (510) B74-3268 Woodward -Clyde Frank C. Erbacher City of Burlingame September 25, 1998 Page 2 The work consisted of: • developing locations and depths of cone penetrometer soundings based on proposed loading and locations of features; • obtaining County permit for drilling on a landfill; • drilling cone penetrometer sounding holes; • interpreting the soundings to provide material type and strength information; and • writing a report summarizing the investigation and giving recommendations for foundation types. Subsequent work reviewing the plans for implementation of the recommendations was done under the consulting task (1000). The cost of the investigation work was $8300 of Woodward - Clyde time and expenses and $6900 for the drilling subcontractor. Task 1100 - original budget $0 requested budget increase - $15,200 $15,200 Construction Services (Task 5000) In the original work scope it was noted that observations and testing during construction would be performed by Woodward -Clyde both as geotechnical consultant and to be able to certify that the landfill cap integrity was not compromised by the construction. However since the project had not yet been designed at that time, the scope of the observation and testing could not be determined. Therefore the task was set up in early January without a budget. At a project meeting at the City in late January it was decided to break up the topdeck development into two projects, the first for the parking lot and the second for the remainder of the topdeck. Woodward -Clyde is currently providing construction services for the parking lot project and will provide similar services for the topdeck work. The scope of the construction services for both projects are: • reviewing contractor submittals; • providing geotechnical observation and testing as needed during construction (specifically for pole foundations, building foundations, tee box and other small structure foundations, utility trenches through the clay/GCL, and other penetrations of clay/GCL layer); • documenting observations and testing for four separate reports; • writing a geotechnical observations report to City Building Department for each project; and Woodward -Clyde Frank C. Erbacher City of Burlingame September 25, 1998 Page 3 • writing a certification report to County Department of Environmental Health documenting observations of cap integrity for each project. The certification report for the topdeck project will be followed up by an amendment to the Post - Closure Care Plan for the landfill. That amendment will be prepared by Woodward -Clyde with input from Callander and the City and will be performed under Task 3000. Parkins Lot. To date we have spent 20 PM/engineer hours and 150 technician hours on this task for the parking lot project. There has also been $220 in testing and $330 in vehicle usage. To finish the parking lot services, including the various reports, we anticipate an additional 40 PM/engineer hours and 70 technician hours, no additional laboratory testing and $450 in vehicle usage. Total cost for the parking lot construction services is $28,100. Tondeck. The construction plans and schedule for the topdeck project has not yet been finalized, and we are making the following assumptions to budget this task. The construction will take 24 weeks, of which 14 will be winter (rainy) weeks. The project will not be shut down over the winter but inspections will be needed less frequently during those months. Under that scenario, we estimate that a technician will be required 30 hours/week during non -winter weeks and 12 hrs/wk during the winter. Vehicle usage and laboratory testing is estimated at $200/wk non - winter and $100/wk winter. In addition, we'll assume 8 PM/soil engineer hrs/wk and 4 staff engineer hrs/wk throughout the construction and for 4 weeks after construction for close-out and reporting. These assumptions can be refined as further information regarding the contractor's schedule becomes available. The estimated cost for the topdeck construction services iA7,900. Task 1100 - original budget $0 requested budget increase -$116,000 $116,000 Extra Consulting Time (Task 1000) At the time of the original budget, it was assumed that there would be a 5 month period from December 1997 to April 1998 when most of the design would be done, with plan completion in April. After that there would be a 3 -month period from May through July when the plans are reviewed, finalized and put out to bid. The parking lot drawings were complete in June and went to bid in July. The topdeck drawings were complete in August and have not yet gone to bid. The reasons for the time extension mainly dealt with the complexity of the project and of balancing City needs with the constraints of construction on a landfill. We had anticipated 195 manhours for this task over 8 months. To date 213 manhours have been spent over 10 months and the project is not complete. Assuming that the project lasts another 2 Woodward -Clyde Frank C. Erbacher City of Burlingame September 25, 1998 Page 4 months through project award, we anticipate 40 additional manhours will be needed. The requested budget increase reflects the hours over the original 195 hours. Task 1000 - original budget $25,100 requested budget increase - $8.600 $33,700 Additional Regulatory Requests (Task 3000) The original scope noted a Land Use Plan. It was anticipated that details from the design drawings would be incorporated into a specific report written to the San Mateo County Department of Environmental Health, the Integrated Waste Management Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (the Agencies). However, for the Parking Lot project, Woodward - Clyde submitted the 100% drawings to the Agencies with a cover letter pointing out how they complied with the regulations. This was followed by a meeting and a response letter to the their comments on the parking lot. For the topdeck we anticipate a similar scenario. We have already submitted information addressing some of their concerns regarding the topdeck design. When the City comments are received, the final drawings will be submitted to the agencies with a cover letter in a similar manner to that done on the topdeck. The cover -letter -over -construction -drawings is less work than the Land Use Plan Report we had anticipated, which would have reduced the scope. However, the Agencies have also requested an amendment to the Post -Closure Care portion of the Closure Plan. We had anticipated doing that only when the entire development was complete, but the Agencies want it when the topdeck is complete. Preparation of that amendment can be done under this task with only a minor budget increase. To date $5,800 has been spent on this task. To complete the original goal of Agency approval of the construction, we anticipate a total of $10,000 will be needed. To meet the additional goal of revising the Post -Closure Care Plan, we anticipate an additional $10,000 will be needed. This will include coordination with the City and Callander regarding planned and potential long-term site maintenance. Task 3000 - original budget $17,700 requested budget increase - $2,300 $20,000 Woodward -Clyde Frank C. Erbacher City of Burlingame September 25, 1998 Page 5 SCOPE DECREASES Task 2000 (design support) and Task 4000 (meetings) are far under budget ($19,800 of $30,700 for design support and $5,100 of $12,600 for meetings has been spent). At the current time it is not anticipated that the work to be done on either of these tasks will be increased sufficiently to utilize the entire budgets. We propose to keep these tasks open as there will be more design support and meetings needed for this project, but that unspent budget can be utilized as needed by the City. BUDGET For the additional work scope noted above, we are requesting an increase in our budget of $142,100. As always, we will only have personnel working on the project as needed to meet the project needs. The rates used for this project are the 1994 rates used since Woodward -Clyde began doing landfill work for the City. This project is on a time -and -materials basis, therefore we will only charge for actual time spent on these tasks, to the maximum amount approved by the City. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project and for your understanding of the changes in project scope and budget. If there is further documentation we can provide, please don't hesitate to ask. Sincerely, Linda J. Locke, P.E. Project Manager Attachments - Budget Increase Request Table BUDGET INCREASE REQUEST TABLE TIME AND MATERIALS ESTIMATE FOR CLOSLRE CONULTATION SERVICES-_ -� CITY OF BURL INC AME LANDFILL- SITE DEVELOPMENT City Project No 91 p( ) increases In bold Ragca i 1 Estimated. TotalPoprosetl Proposed Task Position -, Hours Rate Total Cost ! Task Budge Increase Budget GENERAL CONSULTING (Task 1000) _ Project Mena4er_ 130 1 $140 ,.,$18200 3ENEIM CONSULTING - 3ctMenageT___, _58-_ 5140.. L_a$o__I munketioraCamgulers '� � $50o0 ; _ , =Design Manager CONSULTING INCREASE. $7800 '. Design Staff -_ pa IL INYESifGATION (Task 1100) PARKING LOT- Intl Soil Erpmeer 41 $146 'Broader 15_ _56,700 S86 �_ $2,100- - _.. .. munkatfwuComputersSS00 $1000 _ DESIGN SUPPORT (Task 2000) MEETINGSTOTAL. jPro)q_ Manager.. 65 41120 $9100 _ , =Design Manager _ 65 $t20 $7800 '. Design Staff -_ pa 130. 1 $85 PARKING LOT- _Commumcation(Compulers _ _ _$1,700 jPrintinglMading__ _ $1000 1 $1000 _ T—. DESIGN SUPPORT TOTAL - $30,700 hoM TASK 2000 BUDGE FRJAL LAND USE PLAN (Task 3000) _ _ ... - _ - ------ FINAL ___FINAL LAND USE PLAN TOTAL, $17,700 _ requested increase kr Post -Closure Plan amerwment - $2300 TASK 3000 BUDGE MEETINGS(Task 4000) .— $9,000 _— - Project Manager 64 12140 $9 000 Staff En =neer '. 32 $S5 $2700 9 _.... _.. _._ 'CommunicaliaNComputers $700 Mileage - _. _._ _ $206 _.. MEETINGSTOTAL. $12.600 MW TASK 4000 BUDGET $12,600 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES(Task _ -- ---- - -- PARKING LOT- Project MgASa/s Erjgnreer 40 $140 55600 Staff Englnrear _2g S85 512,700 ' Sr. Technician220 S83 $18700 CommunkalknaCamputers 51500 Leb tesUrrg.,_ _ $220 $786 Subfote/Parkng Lot,. $28100----- TOPOECK Projaet MSr/Solls Engineer 224 S140 -_-�- --- _---- iStaffErgfrlaer 112 _ SB5 _S31d08 S9500 _. _._ —Sr. 468 S83 $38,000 -Technician 'CommunxatrorvCompulers $4 ,800 - :Mfbagrll.abTesting_ _S3� -. ' Subtotal Toptleck _ 587,980 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES TOTAL $116,000 TASK 5000 BUDGET= $116.000 ORIGINAL EUDGET $86-100_— REQUESTED BUDGEi1NCREASE: Sf41 fog PROPOSED NEW BUDGET- $228,200