HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 065-1998RESULfTION NO. 65798 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATER SYSTEM PHASE 2 - CITY PROJECT NO. 9715 RESOLVED, by the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame, California and this Council does hereby FIND, ORDER and DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: The public interest and convenience require execution of the agreement cited in the title above. 2. The Director of Public Works be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Burlingame. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and instructed to attest such signature. e�' Mayo I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of JULY , 1998, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GALL I GAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, SP I NELL I NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: O'MAHONY City Clerk AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATER SYSTEM PHASE 2 -CITY PROJECT NO 9715 THIS AGREEMENT, made in duplicate and entered into this day of 1998, by and between the CITY OF BURLINGAME, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and ROMAN & LOUGEE, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTING ENGINEERS": WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY is desirous of employing CONSULTANT to provide services hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANT has submitted a proposal to CITY wherein it represents that it is qualified and competent to perform such services and CITY proposes to employ CONSULTANT to perform such services pursuant to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: L EmAjDyment CITY employs CONSULTANT to perform the services set forth in EXHIBIT "A" and CONSULTANT accepts such employment and agrees to perform such services. "A, 2. Term of Agreement Said services shall continue until the completion of the tasks set forth in EXHIBIT 3, Compensation Payment is to be based on hourly rates plus expenses to a maximum amount as indicated in EXHIBIT "A". Compensation under this AGREEMENT shall not exceed ON 1 HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NO/100 ($114,400.00) unless authorized in writing by both the CITY and CONSULTANT. Monthly billings will be paid by the City within thirty (30) days of invoice date. 4. Termination (a) CITY shall have the right to terminate the AGREEMENT at any time upon written notice to CONSULTANT. (b) In the event of such termination, CITY shall pay CONSULTANT its compensation for all services provided under this AGREEMENT to the effective date of termination, in accordance with EXHIBIT "A". (c) In the event that CONSULTANT shall fail or become unable for any reason to provide and complete the services required to be provided by it hereunder, CITY may forthwith terminate this AGREEMENT by written notice. In the event of such termination, CITY shall pay CONSULTANT its compensation for all services provided to the effective date of termination. Should CITY employ others to complete the work of this AGREEMENT, any costs of such work over the amounts set forth in this AGREEMENT, any cost of such work over the amounts set forth in this AGREEMENT shall be deducted from compensation owed CONSULTANT under this paragraph. 5. Delays CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for any delays in the performance of its services hereunder caused by strikes, action of the elements, acts of any government, civil disturbances or any other cause beyond its reasonable control, or for the expenses or consequences arising from such delays. `a 6. Reliance on Professional Skill of CONSULTANT It is mutually understood and agreed that the CONSULTANT possesses the necessary professional skills to perform the services identified in this agreement and that the CITY relies upon the skill of the CONSULTANT to do and perform its work. 7. Relationship of Parties (a) It is understood that the contractual relationship of the CONSULTANT to the CITY is that of independent contractor and all persons working for or under the direction of CONSULTANT are its agents, servants or employees, and not agents, servants or employees of CITY (b) CONSULTANT shall function as technical representative of CITY and all of his activities under this AGREEMENT shall be carried out under the general supervision of the City Director of Public Works. CONSULTANT'S records and correspondence concerned with and pertinent to the project shall be available for review by the City Director of Public Works or his representative. (c) On completion of work, all original data, forms, plans, and specifications shall become the property of CITY. (d) CONSULTANT shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CITY from and against any and all liability, rising from negligent acts, errors or omissions of CONSULTANT or his agents, in connection with the performance of the AGREEMENT, excepting only such injury or harm as may be caused solely by an act or omission of the CITY. g. CONSULTANT'S Insurance CONSULTANT shall not commence work under this contract until he shall have obtained all insurance required under this section. All liability insurance shall provide that CONSULTANT'S coverage shall be primary and shall name City as an additional insured. 3 (a) Worker's Compensation Insurance CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain, during the life of this contract, workers' compensation insurance for all his employees employed upon City property. CONSULTANT shall indemnify City for any damage resulting to it from failure of CONSULTANT to take out or maintain such insurance. (b) .Public liability and nroneM damage insurance. CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect City, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees and CONSULTANT for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from CONSULTANT' S operations under this contract, whether such operation be by CONSULTANT or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by CONSULTANT, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: 1. Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, including, but not limited to death to any one person and, subject to the same limit for each person, in an -amount not less than $300,000 on account of any one occurrence. 2. PrQperty Damage Insurance. In an amount of not less than $50,000 for damage to property of each person on account of any one occurrence. (c) CONSULTANT shall carry professional liability insurance in limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. All insurance shall be primary. 9. Proof of carriage of insurance. CONSULTANT shall furnish satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance required to City concurrently with the execution hereof. Each policy shall provide for at least ten (10) days prior written notice to City of the cancellation of any policy during the period of this contract. All insurance shall be primary. S 10. Equal Employment Opportunity. CONSULTANT warrants that it is an equal opportunity employer and shall comply with applicable regulations governing equal employment opportunity. Neither CONSULTANT nor its subcontractors do and neither shall discriminate against persons employed or seeking employment with them on the basis of age, sex, color, race, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, physical or mental disability, national origin, religion, or medical condition, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification pursuant to the California Fair Employment & Housing Act. 11. Conflict of Interest. CONSULTANT understands that its sole, professional obligation is to the City under this Agreement. Should CONSULTANT become aware that it or any of its subcontractors has acquired or become involved in any matter that constitutes a potential conflict of interest with its obligations under this Agreement, it shall immediately disclose that potential conflict to the CITY, and unless it obtains the written consent of the CITY to continue to have the potential conflict, it or its subcontractor shall immediately divest or no longer participate in the matter or divest itself of the interest that has constituted the potential conflict. 12. Waiver. No failure on the part of either parry to exercise any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any other right or remedy that party may have hereunder, nor does waiver of a breach or default under this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 13. Representatives of CITY and CONSULTANT hereunder. The City Engineer or his designee shall represent the CITY in all matters 5 The designated Project Manager for CONSULTANT is WILLIAM ROMAN who shall represent the CONSULTANT on all matters hereunder. The designated Project Manager shall not be removed from the project without prior approval of CITY. 14. Assignment Neither CITY or CONSULTANT shall assign, sublet or transfer its interests in this AGREEMENT without the written consent of the other. 15. Amendments This AGREEMENT may be amended or modified by written agreement signed by both parties. Failure on the part of either party to enforce any provisions of this AGREEMENT shall not be construed as a waiver of the right to compel enforcement of such provision or provisions. 16. Notices All notices shall be in writing and delivered in person or transmitted by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage paid. Notices required to be given to CITY shall be addressed: City of Burlingame Department of Public Works 501 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Notices required to be given CONSULTANT shall be addressed: ROMAN & LOUGEE Consulting Engineers 4966 El Camino Real, Suite 101 Los Altos, Ca 94022 17. Interpretation As used herein, any gender includes each other gender, the singular includes the plural, and vice versa. 0 18. Venue The applicable law for any legal disputes arising out of this contract shall be the law of the State of California, and the forum and venue for such disputes shall be the appropriate Superior or Municipal Court in and for San Mateo County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the day and year first above written. CITY OF BURLINGAME A municipal corporation Uz Director of Public Works F:\APUBLICWORKSDIR\FORMS\PROIECTSIAGR4PROF.SVC - 1/9/98 7 Approved as to form: City Attorney Consultant 4966 LI Camino Real, Suite 101 - (650)94o-1o85.fax (650 940-1095 Mr. George Bagdon Director of Public Works City of Burlingame 401 Primrose Lane Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Mr. Bagdon: EXHIBIT A Coiuulting Crlguteer's Los Altos C---- A 94022 -- -- -- --- --- - E-mail: aqualog@aol.com June 8, 1998 Enclosed is our proposal for engineering services for development of a Phase 2 Hydraulic Model of the Burlingame Water Distribution System. This Phase 2 model will improve and extend the capability of the City's Phase 1 model using the new Windows-based P2000 KYPIPE software to provide a fully calibrated dynamic computer model with the following attributes and capabilities: Dynamic modeling capability that simulates operation of the entire water distribution system over specified time periods. Water Quality modeling capability using either EP ANET or KYCAL's time averaging methodology to assess water quality conditions throughout the distribution system. Integration of valves and hydrants into its existing Phase 1 database of pipes, tanks and pumping units. Emergency operations assistance such as instant evaluation of "out -of -service" areas and valving needed to isolate pipeline breaks. ® Full and complete modeling of proposed wheeling of water between adjacent systems and through the proposed Tri -Cities Aqueduct including: 1. Emergency wheeling between Burlingame and adjoining community systems in event of loss of SFWD supply or similar disaster related outage. 2. Water transfer of filtered water supply from SFWD's Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant throughout the City's eight pressure zones during normal and emergency operation. 3. Evaluation of phased and enlarged water storage capability within and adjacent to the City's water distribution system. The Phase 2 (32 bit) model can be employed for special "what if' scenarios including the capability to interface and exchange data with popular versions of GIS databases. Page 1 of 2 The Phase 2 Hydraulic Model development will identify the following: 1. Potential for low chlorine residuals in existing system under various demand conditions. 2. Performance with chloramine disinfection as currently planned by SFWD and for the expected system configuration in 2000. 3. Remedial measures to improve water quality. Extended period simulations will be run on the Phase 2 Hydraulic Model for the existing Burlingame water distribution system and with improvement projects under construction or currently authorized. Additional simulations are proposed for joint analyses of water transfers between Burlingame, Hillsborough and Millbrae systems with current distribution system configurations and with the proposed Tri -Cities Aqueduct. These joint system simulations will merge the Millbrae, Burlingame and Hillsborough computer models to analyze flows, pressures and required pressure reducing valves for 24-hour operation involving: 1. Wheeling between Burlingame and Millbrae under emergency conditions such as loss of Harry Tracy WTP or Hetch Hetchy supplies. 2. Water delivery from the Harry Tracy WTP to upper pressure zones of all three cities using the Tri -Cities Aqueduct. 3. Emergency operations using the Tri -Cities Aqueduct for distribution of water from the Harry Tracy WTP to all pressure zones of all three cities. The attached spreadsheet containing tasks, work hours and costs presents the level of effort planned to complete the Phase 2 model and associated scenarios. As shown, the not -to -exceed cost of this effort is $114,400 of which $98,710 is for the Burlingame Phase 2 model and $15,690 is for jointly funded work associated with wheeling of water between cities. With expected cooperation of City water crews in assisting with meter reading and valve and hydrant operation, we plan to complete the work and submit associated Technical Memoranda six months from receipt of the notice to proceed. Att: Sincerely, Roman & Lougee, Inc. j l William Roman, P.E. cc: Mr. Frank Erbacher Mr. Louis Sandrini Mr. Terrence Leong bringm0l.doc page 2 of 2 Norman Lougee, P. . r ---------------------------- N lk I F N ii o0 1 O I om'1 I � 7 P On o m M co I 1 H II I ---------— — m ' � i t � c n p ! (p MNO N •m 11 I------------i. lZI n i cyom vM o or EmiiVWM-Omw =y LL i ii I— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i n u ' U i i ~ I N it NNO�O` � i V � 00l i mPN � (m0m ti II I I 11 -------------------------- _ O I II I i y I --------------------- — j n d II N I o i m umi I c II rn I m j v I i II 0,0 . 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