HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 012-1998RESOLUTION NO. 12-98 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ADOPTING AN AMENDED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE IN ORDER TO AMEND THE LIST OF DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the Political Reform Act, Government Code Sections 81000 and following, requires the City to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code for the City; and WHEREAS, Resolution 47-80 adopted a City Conflict of Interest Code, and the list of designated employees required to file statements of economic interests was subsequently amended by Resolutions 19-87 and 51-92 and 90-96; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 87306.5 requires the City to review its Conflict of Interest Code in each even -numbered year to determine if the Code needs to be amended to keep it up to date; and WHEREAS, certain City job classifications have been added or changed, and the list of designated employees should be amended to reflect those changes, and WHEREAS, clear designation categories should be assigned to each job classification to properly define the disclosure requirements; and WHEREAS, the Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted Section 18730 of title 2 of the California Code of Regulations containing a standard model conflict of interest code, which can be adopted by reference and will be amended to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act pursuant to State law, and WHEREAS, continued incorporation by reference of this Commission regulation and amendments to it will continue to minimize the actions required to keep the City Conflict of Interest Code in conformity with the Political Reform Act and Commission requirements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. Resolution 47-80, as amended by Resolutions 19-87, 51-92, and 90-96, is rescinded. 2. Section 18730 of title 2 of the California code of Regulations and any amendments to the Section adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission are adopted and incorporated by reference 1 as the City of Burlingame Conflict of Interest Code for all departments and agencies of the City. Appendix A hereto is adopted as the Appendix to the Conflict of Interest Code designating the officials and employees of the City who are required to file statements of economic interests pursuant to the Conflict of Interest Code. 3. Designated officials and employees shall file the required statements of economic interests with the City Clerk. I, Judith A. Malfatti, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of February , 1998, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILNEMBERS: CAW P51\FILES\RES0\cuiitlint.cnl.wpd GALLIGAN, JANNEY, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, SPINELLI NONE NONE APPENDIX A DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES The following City employees are designated for filing statements of economic interests pursuant to the City Conflict of Interest Code and the Political Reform Act: *** — Employees designated for "purchasing only" DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES: I — Statements of Designated Employees in Disclosure Categon I shall include: a) Investments and business positions in any business entity: b) hncome, and 3 Disclosure Disclosure Category Category CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE PARKS & RECREATION DEP'T Code Enforcement Officer I Parks & Recreation Director I Parks Superintendent I Recreation Superintendent I CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PLANNING DEPARTMENT City Clerk I City Planer I Plainer I Senior Landscape Inspector I FINANCE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Finance Director/Treasurer I Chief of Police I Deputy Treasurer I Commander I FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Fire Chief I Director of Public Works I Assistant Fire Chief I City Engineer I Fire Marshal I Senior Civil Engineer I Deputy Fire Marshal I Traffic Engineer I Public Works Superintendent I Assistant Streets and Sewers I Superintendent I LIBRARY Assistant Water Superintendent I City Librarian I Shop Supervisor I Librarian III*** II Chief Building Inspector I Building Inspector I Public Works Inspector I *** — Employees designated for "purchasing only" DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES: I — Statements of Designated Employees in Disclosure Categon I shall include: a) Investments and business positions in any business entity: b) hncome, and 3 c) Interests in real property within the requirements of the Statement of Economic Interests as to reportability. D-igemd employees in Category I shall complete Schedules A through F II — Statements of Designated Employees in Disclosure Category II shall include: a) Investments and business positions in any business entity; and b) Income within the requirements of the Statement of Economic Interests as to reportability. DOgrkd employees in Category 11 shall complete Schedules A, C through F.