HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1993.10.19 UREINOAME PUBEIC LIBRARY Board of Trustees Agenda October 19th, 1993 - 4:3Opm D UNCAN ANNEX SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. BILLS: City Checks: $ 33,329-19 Approval Special Fund: $ 95.00 4. MINUTES: Approval 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Information a. Legislative Update b. Acknowledgement of Donation from Lora Shank c. ALA Library Statistics 6. REPORTS: Information a. Status Report: Building Schematics; Cynthia Ripley �-- b. City Librarian's Report c. SAB Report; Kris Cannon 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. Foundation Task Force Report: Attachment A Approval 8. NEW BUSINESS: a. Holiday Schedule, 1994: Attachment B Action 9. FROM THE FLOOR: 10. ADJOURNMENT: AHE/jg 10/13/93 AgendaO L— BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1993 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of September 21st, 1993 was called to order by President Taylor at 3 :00pm. Trustees Present: Cannon, Dunbar, Herman, Robertson & Taylor Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mr. Alfred Escoffier, City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Also Present: Mrs. Marti Knight, Burlingame Resident BILLS` M/S/C (Herman/Robertson) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $48 ,127. 50 and payment of Special Funds in the amount of $202. 00. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 17TH, 1993: The minutes of the August 17th, 1993 Board meeting were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: All correspondence and communications were mailed in the Board packets. President Taylor noted Correspondence C: a letter from Supervisory Staff concerning the building. President Taylor commented that the public is not aware of the problems with a 3-story building. She asked Librarian Escoffier to thank the staff for expressing their concerns about the building project. Trustee Cannon noted that the Board had expressed concerns to City Council regarding supervision and functional issues in a 3-story building as well as the Trustee's desire for a new, 2-story building. However Council opted to retain the 1930's wings and the 3-floor arrangement. Trustee Cannon would like Council to keep the option open to explore other alternatives. The Board agreed that there are other alternatives which should be studied and evaluated. President Taylor will draft a letter to the City Council expressing Board concerns and urging Council to keep an open mind concerning other building alternatives. City Librarian Escoffier met with the architect and the City Manager earlier in the month. At that meeting it was decided that the architect will create 3 small study models for Council . Model #1 will be the Library as it is now. Model #2 will be the building as proposed in the building plans. Model #3 will reduce the overall height of the proposed building to conform to the City height limit. PAGE 1 REPORTS• Librarian's Report: President Taylor noted the donation solicited by Trustee Cannon from Burlingame Bank and Trust. She then asked if the Trustees should be soliciting similar donations. Mr Escoffier said that would be very beneficial. Librarian Escoffier will keep the Board appraised of projects which would be appropriate for outside funding requests. Trustees Herman & Dunbar said they enjoyed their new Board member orientation very much. Building Update: The Board requested a status report on the Schematic Design from the architect. Librarian Escoffier said he will schedule a presentation, hopefully, for the next Board meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. Foundation Task Force Meeting Date: It was decided that Tuesday, September 28th, at 3: 30pm the Foundation Task Force would meet at the Duncan Annex. NEW BUSINESS• a. CLA Registration: Trustees Taylor and Herman said they would be attending CLA in Oakland. FROM THE FLOOR• President Taylor said she has cancelled the Board reception for the outgoing and incoming Board members. ADJOURNMENT: . The meeting of September 21st, 1993 was adjourned at 3 :50pm with the next meeting scheduled for October 19th, 1993 at 4:30pm in the Duncan Annex. Respectfully submitted, Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian AHE/jg 09/23/93 SEPTEMBER PAGE 2 r BURLINGAME 1 r G P e� C L1g� City Librarian's Report October 19, 1993 Building Project Status Cynthia Ripley will meet with the Library Board of Trustees to review the progress of schematic design at the October 19th Board meeting. The study models and costs will not be ready for this meeting, but the Board will be able to review elevations and floor plans. The library planning team and city staff will also be reviewing the final phase of the schematic design in separate meetings. The library planning team will review floor plans and library service issues; City staff will be reviewing exterior elevations, height, and code issues. Staff will also review the plans to assure that allocations for seating, shelving and other equipment are accurately represented. Cynthia Ripley will be making a presentation of the schematic design at the Council Study Session, Wednesday, November 17, 7:30 pm. Friends of the Library Sale a Success! The Friends Fall Book Sale was a great success! The Friends netted nearly $ 4,000 for the three day sale. Opening night was relatively quiet, but business picked up on Saturday, with the Friends keeping the doors open an hour later to serve the book buyers. Library staff and Friends manned the library booth at the Burlingame Community Picnic on September 19th. It was a beautiful day and a unique opportunity to offer information about the library in a more casual setting. The same day, our Library Softball Team, ably led by Children's staffer Megan Bliechner, lost 7-2. The team had a good time, however. And they were at their best dressed in new library logo T Shirts! Peninsula Automated Network Update The Peninsula Library System Council is looking at options for development of a partnership with the Community College District to provide management, maintenance and operation of the PLAN computing system and network. PLS would continue to provide for the applications software, conversion to DYNIX and consulting with member libraries. We anticipate a cost savings to member libraries with this new arrangement. -1- 480 Primrose Road 9 Burlingame, CA 94010-4083 9 (415) 342-1038 • Fax (415) 342-1948 Reference Division Double staffing of the evening shift began again Tuesday, September 7th. We could have begun double staffing sooner, since both the high schools and local colleges began the school year in August this year. Circulation and Reference statistics show this August to be the busiest ever. Programs and Public Relations The Minotaur Poetry Reading series included the editor of the poetry column for Writer magazine, Denise Demurs of Los Angeles. A new format for the readings is being planning with the changes in the community room schedule in January. The readings will begin at 7 pm, and feature only one poet instead of two. The library brochure is currently being updated and revised in preparation for a new printing. Copies should be ready next month. With the donation of money from Burlingame Bank and Trust, we are putting the finishing touches on the donor brochures. These should also be ready next month. Personnel Selection of a reference librarian and branch librarian to replace our two recent retirements is currently underway. We received over 150 applications for the positions. The Civil Service Exams were October 6 and 8. We hope to have new staff in place in late November or early December. Holiday Schedules We have reviewed the holiday schedules for the remainder of 1993 and I would recommend that we stay with the current schedules for this year. The recommended holiday schedule for 1994 follows much the same pattern as 1993. Should the library budget become tighter in 1994, we may wish to close the day after Thanksgiving and some of the Sundays when the holiday falls on a weekend. Upcoming Events: o Board Meeting, October 19, 4:30 pm, Architect Presentation o Staff Meeting, Employee Achievement Awards, October 28, 8 am. o Board Meeting, November 16, 4:30 pm o California Library Association Conference, Oakland, November 13-16. Trustees's Day on Saturday o Council Study Session, Library, November 17, 7:30 pm CL10 -2- STATISTICS FOR SEPTEMBER 1993 REGISTERED BORROWERS; Total Registered Burlingame Adults 18,651 Burlingame Children 3,792 Hillsborough Adults 2, 760 Hillsborough Children 1,143 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 968 TOTAL: 27, 314 ---- ---.+---...----------------------.....r.....-. ---------rt------------ --------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 19,610 1,147 Children's Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 7 ,335 1,021 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, slides, equipment, talking books) 4,527 254 TOTALS: 31,472 2;-3-2 2 Main Total 1993 Circ: 31,472 Main Total 1992 Circ: 31,9.32 = 1.44% Dec. Branch Tot. 1993 Circ: -21322 Branch Tot. 1992 Circ: 2,530 = 8.22% Dec. Grand Total 1993 Circ: 33,794 Grand Total 1992 Circ: 34,462 = 1.94% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions Reference 4,506 1,011 Children's 501 171 I.L.L. Borrowed: 265 Audio-Visual 330 595 I.L.L. Lent: 471 Branch 183 47 I.L.L. Total: 736 Total : 5,420 1,824 ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMESZTITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 11.0,535/104,965 4,490/ NA 115,025/109, 455 Ch.Non-Fic. 18,650/ 17,260 3 ,255/ NA 21,905/ 20,515 YA Non-Fic. 1,715/ 1,675 90/ NA 1,805/ 1,765 Ad.Fiction 44 ,485/ 43,215 4,560/ NA 49,045/ 47,775 Ch.Fiction 15,150/ 11,215 4,720/ NA 19,870/ 15, 935 YA Fiction 21505/ 2,330 290/ NA 2,795/ 2,620 Reference 5, 360Z 5, 225 1251 NA 5,485/ 5 .350 TOTALS: 198,400/185,885 17,530/ NA 215,930/203 ,415 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 31,960 Paperbacks 1,520 Maps 1,775 Records 4,515 Cassettes 3,890 Video Tapes 870 Compact Discs 790 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 2,730.88 Branch: $ 263 .40 Xerox: $ 785.00' Rent: $ 1,698.00 Est. User Traffic: 30,489 Daily Average: 1,088 CLSA: $ 3,249.00 Total Meetings Held: 9 Attendance: 182 Children's Programs: -0- Attendance: -0- Total: $ 8,726.28 MONTHLY REPORT i MONTH_ SpptemhPr, 1993 OUTREACH A-TIVITIES i. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 45 2. Volunteers A. Kimber of volunteers 4 + 9 Friends B. Hours contributed 6 + 134 = 140 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Nurr.Ser of patrons 11 B. Nimber of visits madE 17 C. Items circulated 103 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits R visits M.Aerials circulated A. Hacienda 6 48 C. Easter Seals 1 40 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 16 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 11 + .30 B. visits made 24 C. Items circulated 214 Comments/Activities The volunteer hours are up this month because of the preparations for the book sale. i Ci Dale Nelson Attachment A- Foundation Task Force The Foundation Task Force (Kris Cannon and Jane Taylor) met to discuss the next steps in formation of a foundation. The group reviewed the progress made to date. The suggested next step would be to provide some background from Jim Bower, the Executive Director of the Monterey County Library Foundation. Jim conducted the very successful foundation workshops given in the state this year. Jim has been contacted and would be happy to come to a Board meeting to discuss the various aspects of the Monterey operation. Proposal: That the Board retain Jim Bower of the Monterey County Library Foundation, for an educational overview of foundation formation, either at the November 16th Board meeting or the December 21 st Board meeting, for a fee not to exceed $ 400.00. ATTACHMENT R PROPOSED HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 1994 HOLIDAYS DATE DAY HOLIDAY STATUS December 30, 1993 Thursday Close at Spm December 31, 1993 Friday New Year's Eve Closed January 1, 1994 Saturday New Year's Day Closed January 2 Sunday Open 1-5pm January 17th Monday MLK, Jr's. B'Day Closed February 21st Monday President's Day Closed April 3rd Sunday Easter Closed May 30th Monday Memorial Day Closed July 4th Monday Independence Day Closed September 4th Sunday Closed September 5th Monday Labor Day Closed October 10th Monday Columbus Day Closed November 11th Friday Veteran's Day Closed November 23rd Wednesday Close at !-:)Pm November 24th Thursday Thanksgiving Closed November 25th Friday Close at 5pm December 23rd Friday Close at 1pm December 24th Saturday Christmas Eve Close at 1pm December 25th Sunday Christmas Day Closed December 26th Monday Closed December 30th Friday Close at 1pm December 31st Saturday New Year's Eve Close at 1pm January 1, 1995 Sunday New Year's Day Closed January 2, 1995 Monday Closed AHE/jg 10/13/93 Holiday Schedule