HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 2016.06.20 Burlingame City Council June 20, 2016 Approved Minutes 1 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Approved Minutes Regular Meeting on June 20, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG The pledge of allegiance was led by Rosalie McCloud. 3. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Beach, Brownrigg, Colson, Keighran MEMBERS ABSENT: Ortiz 4. REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION The Council met in closed session but no reportable action was taken. 5. UPCOMING EVENTS Mayor Keighran reviewed the upcoming events taking place in the City. 6. PRESENTATIONS a. PRESENTATION OF NINE SPORTS AWARDS Parks and Recreation Supervisor Tim Barry explained that the Parks and Recreation department works closely with the Burlingame Elementary School District to provide quality after-school sports programs. He explained that each year, the Parks and Recreation department honors middle school students who participated in three sports each year of middle school for a total of nine sports. He stated that this year, they had thirteen students who completed nine sports. Mr. Barry presented certificates to the following students: Brendan Creeks, Laura Ehrlich, Michelle Fan, Dakota Frelin, James Gordon, Samantha Kershner, Liam Kilbridge, Anthony Maida, Brennan McDonald, Diana Milne, Jillian Stewart, Caden Thun, and Luke Watson. Congratulations to these students for their achievement. Burlingame City Council June 20, 2016 Approved Minutes 2 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Burlingame resident Scott Danielson discussed the Pepper Avenue improvements and thanked the City for its efforts. A Burlingame resident spoke about rent protection and the petition that is circulating. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Keighran asked the Councilmembers and the public if they wished to remove any items from the Consent Calendar. No items were pulled. Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to approve the Consent Calendar; seconded by Councilmember Beach. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilmember Colson recused herself from item 8b as she noted in the public hearing, she currently has a project under review in Community Development that includes a porch. Vice Mayor Ortiz, although absent from the June 6, 2016 Council Meeting, reviewed the meeting on Granicus, and therefore was able to vote and approve of the City Council Meeting Minutes. a. APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 6, 2016 CC Hassel-Shearer requested Council approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2016. Vice Mayor Ortiz, although absent from the June 6, 2016 Council Meeting, reviewed the meeting on Granicus, and therefore was able to vote and approve of the City Council Meeting Minutes. b. ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) EXEMPTIONS FOR COVERED PORCHES AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AMENDMENT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15305 OF THE GUIDELINES TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) – MINOR ALTERATIONS TO LAND USE LIMITATIONS CD Director Meeker requested Council adopt Resolution Number 63-2016 and Ordinance 1928. Councilmember Colson recused herself from item 8b as she noted in the public hearing, she currently has a project under review in Community Development that includes a porch. Resolution Number 63-2016 and Ordinance 1928 were approved unanimously by voice vote, 4-0-1. c. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SALARY RANGE ADJUSTMENT TO THE CITY LIBRARIAN CLASSIFICATION HR Loomis requested Council adopt Resolution Number 64-2016. Burlingame City Council June 20, 2016 Approved Minutes 3 d. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE SANCHEZ BYPASS AND NEIGHBORHOOD SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT, PHASE 4, CITY PROJECT NO. 82623 DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution Number 65-2016. e. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE AGREEMENTS WITH MASSMUTUAL AND RELIANCE TRUST COMPANY HR Loomis requested Council adopt Resolution Number 66-2016. f. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY OF BURLINGAME CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE TO REVISE THE LIST OF DESIGNATED OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES City Attorney Kane requested Council adopt Resolution Number 67-2016. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. PUBLIC HEARING TO RENEW THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE DOWNTOWN BURLINGAME AVENUE STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 DPW Murtuza requested Council adopt Resolution Number 68-2016. DPW Murtuza reviewed the staff report stating that the Engineer’s Report is updated annually to reflect any changes that may have occurred to property configuration in the Assessment District. He stated that there were no changes to the prior year annual report. He explained that the total assessment for fiscal year 2016- 17 is $310,156 which reflects pre-payments by property owners. Mayor Keighran opened up the item for public hearing. No one spoke. Councilmember Colson made a motion to adopt Resolution Number 68-2016; seconded by Vice Mayor Ortiz. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS (1) ADOPTING THE FY 2016-17 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS AND AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO ASSIGN USES OF FUND BALANCE AMOUNTS; AND (2) APPROVING THE GANN APPROPRIATION LIMIT Finance Director Augustine requested Council adopt Resolution Number 69-2016 and Resolution Number 70-2016. Finance Director Augustine presented her staff report requesting adoption of the proposed FY 2016-17 Budget. She explained that there were no major changes to the budget since the May 11, 2016 Budget Study Session. She stated that after the Budget Study Session, the following three changes were made: (1) addition Burlingame City Council June 20, 2016 Approved Minutes 4 of $45,000 to Community Groups Funding Program; (2) elimination of duplicated personnel costs; and (3) the anticipated surplus was corrected to $3.1 million as opposed to the originally stated $2.9 million. Finance Director Augustine discussed general fund revenues. She stated that although staff continued to monitor general fund revenues, there were no changes from what was originally stated at the Budget Study Session. She stated that the general fund expenditures are slightly different and that FTEs were increased for the coming fiscal year. As well, she noted that Capital Improvement expenditures are unchanged from the May 11, 2016 meeting. Lastly, she explained the Gann Appropriation limit. She stated that it was a required exercise that places limits on growth of expenditures for public program. The limit is adjusted annually for changes in cost of living and population. Mayor Keighran asked about the unassigned fund balance. Finance Director Augustine stated that in the fall she would bring this question back to the Council to address what the City will do with surpluses in the future. Mayor Keighran asked what the contingency reserve is for. Finance Director Augustine stated that the contingency reserve is for items that come up and don’t fit into any pre-defined category. She stated that the City Manager has control over this reserve and will bring items/issues as they occur to the Council for their approval. Mayor Keighran asked if this reserve had been used in the past. Finance Director Augustine replied in the negative. Mayor Keighran opened the item up for public hearing. No one spoke. Councilmember Brownrigg asked about the graphic on the Burlingame Budget Poster that stated that $.47 of every dollar in Burlingame property tax goes to Burlingame School Districts. He stated that in talking with the Burlingame School District Superintendent it was brought to his attention that this number was not correct. The Council discussed how property tax is divided and then appropriated to different districts. Councilmember Beach asked that the Finance Director look into this matter and get back to the Council with an answer. Councilmember Brownrigg recommended that in the section entitled “Your General Fund Dollars Support Crucial City Services” that critical service areas are listed from highest to lowest in terms of budget. Councilmember Beach made a motion to adopt Resolution Number 69-2016; seconded by Councilmember Brownrigg. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to adopt Resolution Number 70-2016; seconded by Vice Mayor Ortiz. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. 10. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPORVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN TEAMSTERS LOCAL 856 AND THE CITY OF Burlingame City Council June 20, 2016 Approved Minutes 5 BURLINGAME AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE MEMORANDUM ON BEHALF OF THE CITY HR Loomis requested Council adopt Resolution Number 71-2016. HR Loomis presented the staff report requesting Council approve a memorandum of understanding between the Teamsters Local 856 and the City of Burlingame. She stated that the terms of the new agreement are similar to those included in the recent agreements with the AFSCME units and the Department Head Unrepresented Employees Unit. She explained that some of the differences were that staff will no longer receive time off on holidays and instead will receive 4.3 hours of holiday per pay period. As well, staff will be eligible to sell back up to 40 hours of accrued vacation per year. Mayor Keighran opened the item up for public comment. No one spoke. Vice Mayor Ortiz made a motion to adopt Resolution Number 71-2016; seconded by Councilmember Colson. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. b. APPROVAL OF THE RECOMMENDATION OF COUNCILMEMBERS BROWNRIGG AND COLSON FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF $45,000 IN ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY GROUPS FUNDING Councilmember Brownrigg stated that Councilmember Colson and he reviewed the list of community groups requesting funding and chose CALL Primrose to receive an additional $20,000 and HIP Housing to receive an additional $25,000. He stated that as previously discussed by the Council this additional one-time funding was to help assist with the current economic/housing hardship that was being felt in the community. Councilmember Colson stated that they went and visited each of the agencies in person to understand what they were doing and what the potential uses for the additional funding would be. She stated that their focus was that this additional funding would benefit the local community. Mayor Keighran asked if they could elaborate on the $20,000 funding that would be given to CALL Primrose and how it would benefit the community. Councilmember Brownrigg explained that CALL Primrose is a food pantry. He stated that currently CALL Primrose is undergoing an interior remodel so that more floor space can be used as the food pantry and provide a better shopper experience for their customers. The $20,000 will allow the organization to complete their remodel. Councilmember Colson explained that the $25,000 funding to HIP Housing was going to be used to fund a new marketing strategy to bring additional living options onto the market for individuals and small families of limited means. Councilmember Beach thanked Councilmember Colson and Brownrigg for their hard work. HIP Housing representative Laura Fanucchi thanked the Council for the funding and stated that she would be back in December to discuss how it had been used. CALL Primrose representative Terri Boesch thanked the Council and stated that she hoped that by being able to provide groceries weekly to their clients it would help alleviate their client’s housing issues. Burlingame City Council June 20, 2016 Approved Minutes 6 Vice Mayor Ortiz made a motion to approve the subcommittee’s recommendations; seconded by Councilmember Beach. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. c. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN MATEO UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING THE BURLINGAME AQUATIC CENTER AT BURLINGAME HIGH SCHOOL City Manager Goldman requested Council adopt Resolution Number 72-2016. City Manager Goldman presented the staff report requesting authorization to execute an agreement with the San Mateo Union High School District regarding the Burlingame Aquatic Center. She reviewed the background stating that in November, 1997, the City and District entered into an agreement to jointly fund the construction of a 25-yard pool at BHS. Then in 1999, through an anonymous donor the pool was expanded to 50 meters. She explained that between the time the pool opened and 2011, the City managed the scheduling and programing at the pool. However, in 2011, the City contracted with the Burlingame Aquatic Club (BAC) to operate these programs on the City’s behalf. City Manager Goldman stated that the Council went through many rounds of negotiations with the District regarding a new agreement for the Burlingame Aquatic Center. In October, 2015 the City Manager was able to reach an agreement on a Term Sheet with the Superintendent. The Term Sheet was approved by the City Council and the District’s Board of Trustees. She stated that the Term Sheet was then developed into the agreement that is before the Council tonight. City Manager Goldman reviewed the key terms of the agreement including the following: (1) the City will pay 78% of the maintenance and operating expenses; (2) the City and the District will split capital expenses on a 50-50 basis; (3) the new agreement will expire on January 1, 2026; (3) annual pool maintenance closure periods are defined in the agreement; (4) the City and the District will split the pool in half during all shared use times; (5) the District will have exclusive use of the pool during competitions and specified events; and (6) the City and the District have defined exclusive use periods. Separately, the City Manager stated that the City and the District will develop an agreement in which the City provides use of the baseball field at Washington Park to the District, free of charge, for reasonable use associated with the BHS baseball program. She added that the District believes that they will be able to schedule time for the public to use the Mills High School gym. However, she stated that at the moment the BHS gym is not available to the public as it is fully scheduled. Attorney Kane stated that the effort in the drafting the agreement was to ensure that there was a clear understanding of the responsibilities of each party. She added that the agreement does call for a working relationship between the two parties as they will need to regularly meet to discuss events and issues as they arise. Mayor Keighran thanked Attorney Kane and City Manager Goldman for their hard work. Mayor Keighran asked how the usage of lights worked at the baseball field. City Manager Goldman stated that the District would pay for the lights. Burlingame City Council June 20, 2016 Approved Minutes 7 Mayor Keighran asked about the availability of BHS gym on Sundays. City Manager Goldman stated that the District informed her that the gym didn’t have availability for the public on Sundays but that she would continue to work on it. Councilmember Colson stated that maybe the District could give the community time at the BHS gym from 7am -10am and from 7pm -10pm. Councilmember Brownrigg thanked the City Manager and Superintendent Skelly for their hard work. He discussed the goal of reducing the public subsidy for the pool and asked that staff look into this matter. Vice Mayor Ortiz echoed Councilmember Brownrigg’s sentiments stating he hoped the Council and District would start working together more. BAC President Keith Fujishige and Burlingame Aquatic Foundation representative Todd Arris thanked the Council and District for coming to an agreement. 11. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalf of the City. 12. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no future agenda items. 13. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS a. COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES: TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION – MAY 12, 2016 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Keighran adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Meaghan Hassel-Shearer City Clerk