HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - CC - 2016.03.07rTEI rarttrlr BURLINGAME City of Burlingame BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAI\4E, CA 94010 Meeting Agenda - Final City Council Monday, March 7, 2016 7:00 PM STUDY SESSION - 6:00 p.m. - Conference Room A a Discussion of Bavview Park Nole: Public comment is permitted on all action items as noted on the agenda below and in the non-agencla public comment provided for in item 7. Speakers ,re asked to ftll out a "request to speak" card located on the table by the door and hand itto statf, although the provision of a name, address or other identwing information is optional. Speakers are limited to thrce minutes each; the Mayor may adiust the Ame fimit in light ot the number of anticipated speakers. All votes are unanimous unless separately noted for the record. 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL 4. REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION 5. UPCOMING EVENTS 6. PRESENTATIONS a.Proclamation for March as A merican Red Cross Month 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS, NON-AGENDA Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. Members of the public wishing to suggest an item for a future Council agenda may do so duing this public commenl peiod. The Ralph M. Brown Act (rhe State local agency open meeting law) prohibits the CiA Council trom actng on any matter that is not on the agenda. 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR Consent calendar items are usually approved in a single moton, unless pulled for separate discussion. Any member of the public wishing to comment on an item listed here may do so by submitting a speaker slip for that item in advance ot the Council's consideration of the consent calendar. Printecl on 3/142016 Council Chambers City Council Meeting Agenda - Final March 7,2016 a Aooroval of th e Citv Council Meeti no fiIinutes of Februa 16 . 2016 Citv Council Meetino Minutes a Resolution Es ishino a Selection Procedure when Mu iole Ballotb Attachmen,s: Adootion of Measure Arqu nts are Filed Atlachments:Staff Reoort Resolution c City ol Budingano Pago 2 Printod on 3/16/2016 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Public Comment) 10. STAFF REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS (Public Comment) a. Consideration of Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission Allachfianls: Staff Reoort b. Consider Appointment to the Mosouito & Vector Control District Board A ech,,en's] Staff Report Adoption of a Resolution Authorizino the CiW Manaoer to Execute the Memorandum of Understandino with Caltrans to lmolement the Southbound Left Turn Restrictions at the lntersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda Avenue: and lnitiatino a Communitv Stakeholders' Process to Exolore and DeveloD Recommendations to Address lssues Related to the El Camino Real Conidor Aflachments: Staff ReDort Resolution caftrans MOU Preliminarv ConceDt for Stakeholder Committee Process I1. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Council Members repoft on commifteas and activites and make announcements. 12, FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS .I3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a. Commission Minutes: Traffic. Safetv and Parkino Commission Januarv 14. 2016 and Librarv Board of Trustees Februarv 23. 20'16 14. ADJOURNMENT City Council Meeting Agenda. Final March 7, 2015 Notice: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities please contact the CW Clerk at (650)55&7203 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the Agenda Packet is available fot public rcview at the City Clerk's office, City Hall, 501 Primrcse Road, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. before the meeling and at the meeting. Visit the City's website at www.budingame.org. Agendas and minutes are available at this sife. NEXT CITY COUNCIL MEETING - Next regular City Council Meeting - Monday, March 21, 2016 VIEW REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ONLINE AT WWW.BURLINGAME.ORG - GO TO .CITY COUNCIL VIDEOS' Any writings or documents provided to a majority of lhe City Council regarcling any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at lhe Water Office counter at City Hall at 501 Primrose Road during nomal business hours. Ciq ot Audinsane Pag. 3 Printed on Yl6n01A Agenda Item 8a Meeting DaLez 3/07 /L6 BURLINGAME CITY COUNCIL Unapproved Minutes Regular Meeting of February 16.2016 I. CALLTOORDER A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above date in the City Hall Council Chambers. 2. PLEDGEOFALLEGIANC ET O THE FLAG The pledge of allegiance was led by John Kevranian. 3. ROLLCALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Beach, Brownrigg, Colson, Keighran, Ortiz MEMBERSABSENT: None .t REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION City Attomey Kane reported that direction was given but no reportable action was taken. 5. UPCOMING EVENTS Mayor Keighran reviewed the upcoming events taking place in the City 6. PRESENTATIONS There were no presentations. 7. PUBLIC COMMEN TS Burlingame resident Joe Sacco thanked the Council for their help in ensuring that the American flag was up at the Capuchino Station. Burlingame resident Steve Duncan requested the Council's help in working with PG&E and Caltran on repairing sidewalks. Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes February 16, 2016 1 Agenda Itsem 8a Meeting DaEet 3/07 /L6 c. ADOPTION OF RESO LI.-TIO\S C()\FI RMING THE APPOINTMENT OF FINANCE DIRECTOR/TREASURER AND DESIGNATIN G CERT AIn- EMPLOYEES AS OFFICIAL ANKISIGNATORIES ON CITY B NG AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS City Manager Goldman presented the staff report recommending Burlingame School District Director of Facilities Tim Ryan be appointed to the City's General Plan Community Advisory Committee. Ms Goldman explained that on February 3rd, at the City/School District liaison committee meeting, the District asked that the City appoint Tim Ryan to the Community Advisory Committee because of the District's concems about any changes that may increase enrollment in the schools. She stated that the District noted when making this request that the City is participating in the District's Facilities Master Plan Committee through the appointment of the Planning Commission Chair to this group. However, City Manager Goldman stated that this appointment was not a request of the City but rather that Jeff DeMartini is serving in his private citizen capacity. Therefore, she stated that the City would like to request an official City representative to the District's Facilities Master Plan Committee. Ms Goldman stated that it was her recommendation that Deputy Director of Public Works Art Morimoto be appointed and that if he is unable to attend the backup should be Augustine Chou. Mayor Keighran thanked Ms. Goldman for her summary. Mayor Keighran asked that if Council adopted staffs recommendations she would like for staff to report back to Council on whether the District is amenable to having a City representative. Councilmember Beach stated that it is a great idea to have a District representative on the Community Advisory Committee. Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes 2 February 16,2016 8. CONSENTCALENDAR Mayor Keighran asked the Councilmembers and the public if they wished to remove any items from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Keighran pulled item 8d and Councilmember Brownrigg pulled item 8e. Vice Mayor Ortiz made a motion to adopt items 8a 8b, 8c, and 8f of the Consent Calendar, seconded by Councilmember Beach. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. a. APPROVE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1.2016 CC Hassel-shearer requested Council approve the City Council Meetings of February l, 2016. b. OUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT. PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 3I.2015 Fin Augustine requested Council approve the Quarterly Investment Report, period ending December 3 l, 2015. Fin Augustine requested Council adopt Resolution Number l3-2016 and Resolution Number 14-2016. d. APPOINTMENT OF TIM RYAN FROM THE BURLINGAME SCHOOL DISTRICT TO THE GENERAL PLAN COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Agenda Item 8a Dteeting DaEe: 3/07 /16 Councilmember Brownrigg stated that he appreciated Mr. Ryan and Mr. Morimoto's time in representing the District and the City in order to ensure that the community works together. Mayor Keighran stated that the District should think of an altemate to Tim Ryan to the Community Advisory Committee. Mayor Keighran opened up the item to public comment, there was no public comment Councilmember Beach made a motion to adopt the recommendations of the City Manager to appoint Tim Ryan to the Community Advisory Committee and request that Art Morimoto be appointed to the Facilities Master Plan Committee; seconded by Councilmember Colson. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Councilmember Brownrigg stated that he wanted to give a chance to John Kevranian to speak on this matter and have the public record reflect that the trees were being removed on Broadway because of a vascular disease that is killing the trees. John Kevranian stated that he approached Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad and City Arborist Disco about the diseased trees. Additionally, he stated he approved the removal of the trees because their broad canopies were damaging passing trucks and obscuring pedestrian visibility. Mayor Keighran asked about the replacement trees. City Arborist Disco stated that before April the Canotwoods would be removed and replaced with Crape Myrtles. Mayor Keighran opened the item to public comment, there was no public comment Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to approve of the tree replacement plan for Broadway; seconded by Vice Mayor Ortiz. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, 5-0. Sustainability Coordinator Sigalle Michael requested Council adopt Ordinance Number 1924. Planning Manager Kevin Gardner presented the stalT report conceming the adoption ofa mitigated negative declaration for a proposed park at 430-450 Airport Boulevard. He stated that the proposed project consists of a lease for 8.8 acres from the Califomia State Lands Commission (CSLC) for use as a public park. He stated that the State requires the City Council to conduct an environmental review ofthe proposed project in accordance with the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) prior to CSLC granting the lease. Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes -) February 16, 2016 e. APPROYAL OF TREE REPLACEMENT PLAN FOR BROADWAY f. ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORJZE IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION PROGRAM 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. ADOPTION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A PROPOSED PUBLIC PARK AT 430.450 AIRPORT BOULEVARI) Agenda Item 8a ueeting DaEez 3/07 /L6 Mr. Gardner explained that if the City Council adopts the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration 0SA{ND) and ihe state agrees to leaie the property to the City, the project will retum to the City Council where a full veuing of the project will be undertaken. He explained that the IS/MND was circulated in December and Noiember and two comment letters were received. The IS/MND was revised to reflect those concems. Mayor Keighran asked what the difference is between a city park and a beach park. Mr. Gardner stated that a biach parl is more of a regional type of park whereas a city park is locally serving. Mayor Keighran stated that pursuant to the report, during peak hours there would be an average of two trips to the park. Accordingly, Mayor Keighran asked why the park would need 133 parking spots. Mr. Gardner explained that the plak hours are dJfined as AM and PM rush hour. He stated that peak hours are studied to see what if any impact the city park would have on rush hour. However, Mr. Gardner explained that AM and PM rush hour is-not when the city park would be used; rather the peak use ofthe park would be during lunch hour, weekends and summer nights. Mayor Keighran asked about the anticipated use for the park. Parks and Recreation Director Glomstad stated thai when they looked at the park they were considering what the biggest events that could be held there would be and calculated parking spots based on that. She stated that she sees the park being used for a variety of uses from lunch hours, community sports, and organized groups. She stated that with organized groupi and community sports the Parks and Recreation Department will have to manage the land. Mayor Keiglran "r,pressid h", concem that the park not be used solely for club teams and that instead this park be for everyone's enjoyment. Mayor Keighran asked about the length of the lease the City coutd be expected to obtain for the land' City Auomey Kane stated that she talked with the state lands commission about this and that the proposed length of time was around 20-25 years. She added that in the past, State leases were for longer periods of time; however the State now considers the best practice to be to give leases for a shorter period of time. Councilmember Beach asked if the cost of converting the area to fields would make the City consider leaving the wetlands for walking paths. Parks and Recreation Director Glomstad stated that they are considering all options. She explained that mitigating wetlands is a tough battle. She explained that the upkeep of wetlands is a labor and monetary intensive project. Councilmember Beach asked if there were any thoughts on putting lights on the field. Glomstad stated that they explored this option but that it would bring in other regulatory agencies and would raise a number of additional concems. Councilmember Colson asked if like other Burlingame parks, this park would be closed during portions of the year to allow for the grass to regrow. Parks and Recreation Director Glomstad stated that it would depend on the wear and tear to the fields. Councilmember Colson stated that the high school fields are now getting lights so hopefulty this will alleviate the heave use oflocal city fields. Councilmember Brownrigg expressed his appreciation for the work of the staff on this project. He stated that the City should focus on gaining control ofthe land and then how best to utilize the park. Councilmember Colson asked if the City was the only applicant. City Attorney Kane explained that there were other interested projects in the area but what their status was she did not know. Burlingame City Council Unapproved Minutes 1 February i6, 2016 Age[da ftem 8a lreeting DaEez 3/07 /16 Mayor Keighran opened the public hearing, no one spoke. Councilmember Brownrigg made a motion to adopt the mitigated negative declaration; seconded by Vice Mayor Ortiz. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote, 5-0' 10.TAFF REPORTS OMMUNICATIO There were no staff reports. 11.COUNCIL C OMMITTEE AND ACTIVITIES REPO TS AND ANNOUNCEMENT S Vice Mayor Ortiz stated he had a conversation with John Kewanian from Broadway Merchants and that they would tiie to add lighting to the trees. Therefore, he wanted to obtain stafl s opinion and better understand the request. Councilmember Brownrigg asked that staff study quiet zones. Mayor Keighran stated that she believed DpW Murtuza did this a iew years ago. City Manager Goldman stated that she would circulate the material to see if there were more questions or if this answered Councilmember Brownrigg's questions. Council reported on various events and committee meetings they each attended on behalfofthe City. 12.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 13. AC KNOWLEDGMENTS There were no acknowledgements 14. ADJ OURNMENT Mayor Keighran adjoumed the meeting at 8:14 p'm.. RespectfullY submitted, Meaghan Hassel-Shearer City Clerk Burlingame Citv Council Unapproved N4inutes 5 February 16, 2016 STAFF REPORT AGENDA NOi 8b MEETING DATE: March 7.2016 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Date: March 7, 20'16 From: Meaghan Hassel-Shearer, City Clerk - (650) 558-7203 Subject: Adoption of a Resolution Establishing a Selection Procedure when Multiple Ballot Measure Arquments are Filed Staff recommends that City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing a selection procedure when multiple ballot measure arguments are filed. BACKG ROUND When the City calls for an election on a measure, interested individuals may file arguments with the city elections official (City Clerk) in favor of or against the measure. Elections Code section 9287 states that only one argument in favor and one argument against the measure will be printed and distributed to the voters. ln addition, Elections Code section 9287 states the hierarchy that the city elections official should follow if more than one argument in favor or against the measure is submitted: ln selecting the argument the city elections official shall give preference and priority, in the order named, to the arguments of the following: (a) The legislative body, or member or members of the legislative body authorized by that body. (b) The individual voter, or bona fide association of citizens, or combination of voters and associations, who are the bona fide sponsors or proponents of the measure. (c) Bona fide associations of citizens. (d) lndividual voters who are eligible to vote on the measure. DISCU SSION The Elections Code establishes a hierarchy to use when more than one argument in favor or against a city measure is filed within the time prescribed. However, both the Elections Code and Municipal Code are silent on how to identify a bona fide association and what to do when more than one argument is filed of equal standing. Therefore, City Council should adopt the attached resolution to establish policy concerning the selection of arguments when more than one is qualified. 1 RECOMMENDATION Bat I ot M eas u re A rg u m e nts March 7,2016 Pursuant to Elections Code section 9283, when a bona fide association files an argument it must contain "the name of the organization and the printed name and signature of at least one of its principal officers who is the author of the argument." However, the code does not define bona fide association, nor does it state what if any documentation the bona fide association must provide the elections official to prove that it is a bona fide association. Moreover, a bona fide association of citizens' argument is given priority over an individual voter who is eligible to vole on the measure. Staff also recommends that the City adopt the resolution to clarify how an argument will be chosen if more than one argument in favor or against is filed that is of equal standing. While, the Elections Code is silent on this issue, under section 1565'l when an election for municipal office ends in a tie vote, the code determines who is elected by drawing lots. Accordingly, it is recommended that the City follow this same principle when determining which argument to print. Exhibit: o Resolution 2 Therefore, it is important to identify criteria for establishing a bona fide association of citizens. The resolution proposes that if a group wishes to submit an argumenl as a bona fide association, they must also submit one of the following: articles of incorporation, letterhead with the name of the organization and its principal officers, or some other written document indicating the same. The recommended requirement is used by Alameda, san Francisco and san Mateo county. RESOLUTTON NO._ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME ESTABLISHING A SELECTION PROCEDURE WHEN MULTIPLE BALLOT MEASURE ARGUMENTS ARE FILED WHEREAS, Elections Code Section 9287 establishes a hierarchy for the submission of arguments to determine priority: "lf more than one argument for or more than one argument against any city measure is submitted to the city elections official within the time prescribed, he or she shall select one of the arguments in favor and one of the arguments against the measure for printing and distribution to the voters. ln selecting the argument the city elections official shall give preference and priority, in the order named, to the arguments of the following: (a) The legislative body, or members of the legislative body authorized by that body. (b) The individual voter, or bona fide association of citizens, or combination of voters and associations, who are the bona fide sponsors or proponents of the measure. (c) Bona fide associations of citizens. (d) lndividual voters who are eligible to vote on the measure." WHEREAS, the Elections Code does not define "bona fide association of citizens" nor does it state who may be a member, or if any, or all of the members must live in the jurisdiction that is voting on the measure. Similarly, the code does not require that the Signors of the argument, when filed by a bona fide association of citizens, must reside or be registered to vote in the jurisdiction that is voting on the measure; and WHEREAS, if the argument is being filed by a bona flde association' Elections Code Section 9283 requires that "the name of the organization and the printed name and signature of at least one of its principal officers who is the author of the argument" must accompany the argument; and WHEREAS, the Elections Code does not contain any provision for selecting an argument based on which argument was filed first, or earliest in relation to the argument deadline. All arguments filed before the deadline are considered equal in priorily; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Elections Code Section 9287 only one argument for and one argument against may be printed and if two or more parties filing an argument for or against a measure fall under the same classification, then the elections official shall select one argument to print; and WHEREAS, it is not stipulated in the Elections Code or the Municipal Code what would be the most appropriate procedure to select the argument to be printed. 2. lf the city elections official receives two or more arguments of equal standing, he or she will determine the argument to be printed by drawing lots: a. The city elections official will notify all argument authors of a date and time to draw lots. b. The names of the authors of the arguments shall be written on pieces of paper, folded, and placed in a container. The container will be agitated to mix the papers, and then one paper shall be drawn at-a-time. As each piece of paper is removed, it will be opened and the name recorded in the order it was removed. c. The order in which the names are removed from the container shall be the order of priority for printing the argument, i.e., the first name chosen shall be the author whose argumenl shall be printed. d. Arguments for a measure and arguments against a measure will each have their own drawing process. e. The results will then be posted in the City Clerk's office. Mayor |, MEAGHAN HASSEL.SHEARER' city Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the city council held on the 7th day of March, 2016, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: City Clerk NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: '1. For purposes of measure argument submission, in order to be considered a "bona fide association" for filing an argument for a city measure, the organization or association must submit one of the following: articles of incorporation, letterhead with the name of the organization and its principal officers, or some other written document indicating the same. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: STAFF REPORT AGENDANO: loa To:Honorable Mayor and City Council Date: March 7,2016 From: Ana Maria Silva, Executive Assistant - (650) 558'7204 Subject: Consideration of Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission BACKG ROUND The vacancy is due to the election of Donna Colson to the City Council. The vacancy was publicized, and notification letters were sent to past Commission applicants. Two applications were received as of the deadline of February 'l 9, 2016. The following two applicants were inlerviewed by the full Council on March 2, 2016: lan Milne and Eric Storey. The appointee term will be for three years, ending on October 7, 2019. 1 MEETING oATE: March 7. 2016 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council make an appointment to fill one vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Commission or take other action. l"'B*rror OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENTTO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Three year term, ending October 7,20l9l March 7, 2016 Vote for ONE IAN MILNE v ERIC STOREY Cou n ci I m e m be r S ig ndtu re n ls'B*tr"r OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Three year term, ending OctoberT,2oL9l March 7, 2016 Vote for ONE IAN MILNE ERIC STOREY Cou ncil me m be r S ig ndtu re Y ["t B*tr"r OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Three year term, ending October 7,20t9l March 7, 2016 Vote for ONE IAN MILNE ERIC STOREY ;,{,*Co u ncil me mbe r Si g notu re ["t $*tu"t OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Three year term, ending October 7, 2019) March 7, 2016 Vote for ONE IAN MILNE ERIC STOREY Co u ncil me mbe r Sig n ot u re .r I ["'B-rr"r OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (Three year term, ending October 7, 2019) March 7, 2016 Vote for ONE IAN MILNE ERIC STOREY Cou n ci I m e mb e r Si g notu re STAFF REPORT The vacancy is due to the expired term of member Joseph Galligan. The vacancy was publicized, and notification letters were sent to past Commission applicants. One application was received as of the deadline of February 12, 2016. Joe Galligan was interviewed by the Council on March 2, 2016. The appointee term will be for two years, ending in February 2018. AGENDA NO: 10b MEETING DATE: March 7.2016 To:Honorable Mayor and City Council Date: March 7, 2016 From: Ana Maria Silva, Executive Assistant - (650) 558-7204 Subject: Consider Appointment to the Mosquito & Vector Control District Board RECO MMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council make an appointment to fill one expired term or take other action. BACKGROUND 1 l* Lrro. OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENTTO MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD (Two year term, ending February, 2018) March 7, 2015 Vote for ONE JOSEPH GALLIGAN Co u n ci I m e m be r S i g natu re l* Lrb. OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENT TO MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROT DISTRICT BOARD (Two year term, ending February, 2018) March 7, 2016 Vote for ONE JOSEPH GALLIGAN Cou n cil me mb e r Si g n otu re @nna Ctw l* Ltro. OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENTTO MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD (Two year term, ending February, 2018) March 7, 2015 Vote for ONE JOSEPH GALTIGAN Cou n ci I m e m be r Si g natu re 'tr/hr'"0t l* Lrb. OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENT TO MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD (Two year term, ending February, 2018) March 7, 2015 Vote for ONE JOSEPH GALLIGAN Cou n cil me mbe r S ignotu re l* B..,roa OFFICIAL BALLOT APPOINTMENT TO MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROT DISTRICT BOARD (Two year term, ending February, 2018) March 7, 2016 Vote for ONE JOSEPH GATLIGAN Cou n ci I m e m be r Si g no tu re STAFF REPORT AGENOA NO: MEETING DATE 10c March 7, 2016 To:Honorable Mayor and City Council Date: March 7, 2016 From: Syed Murtuza, Director of Public Works - (650) 558-7230 Subject:Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Memorandum of Understanding with Caltrans to lmplement the Southbound Left Turn Restrictions at the lntersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda Avenue; and lnitiating a Community Stakeholders' Process to Exptore and Develop Recommendations to Address lssues Related to the El Camino Real Corridor Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the aftached Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Caltrans to implement the southbound left turn restrictions at the intersection of El Camino Real (ECR) and Floribunda Avenue; and to initiate the community stakeholders' process to explore and develop recommendations to address various issues related to the ECR corridor. BACKGROUND For the last few years, Caltrans has been working on the ECR and Floribunda Avenue lntersection Left-Turn Safety Project. ln November 2014, Caltrans released a Draft Environmental lmpact Report (DEIR) for the project and held public meetings. lf implemented, the project would result in the removal of a total of 14 trees, five of which are included in the Howard Ralston Historic Tree Row. As part of the City's formal comments in response to the DEIR, the City requested that Caltrans consider two, less-invasive alternate options as possible ways to mitigate the safety concerns at this intersection, while still preserving the historic trees along the ECR corridor. Those measures included split phasing the traffic signal and restricting southbound left- turns from ECR to Floribunda Avenue. 1 RECOMMENDATION After several meetings, Caltrans officials agreed in concept to conduct a pilot study of southbound left turns restrictions, and also expressed an interest in participating in a stakeholder process to explore various other issues along the ECR corridor. As a result, City staff has been working with Caltrans to negotiate an MOU under which Caltrans would be able to implement southbound restrictions at the intersection of ECR and Floribunda Avenue on a pilot basis, and monitor the results before taking next steps. Additionally, the City would initiate a community stakeholders' process to explore and develop mutually agreeable recommendations to address the various EcR/Floribu nda South bou nd Left-tu rn Restricti ons March 7,2016 traffic, pedestrian, infrastructure, safety and natural resource issues on the El Camino Real Corridor. Caltrans will install 'No Left Turn' signage for southbound traffic at the intersection of ECR and Floribunda Avenue, and will conduct a pilot study to monitor the results of the signage for a period of 36 months. The City and Caltrans will collect and analyze data to determine the success of the pilot project. The measurement criteria will include increases or decreases in left turn accident rates at the subject intersection and at other intersections nearby. The pilot study will also include observation of the effectiveness of traffic signal operations along the ECR corridor, and public response before and after one month of the acclimation phase during the pilot study period. Caltrans will not finalize the Draft EIR for the installation of the Dedicated Left Turn Lanes Project at the intersection of ECR and Floribunda Avenue during the time the southbound Left Turn Prohibition is in place, and the State has adequately assessed the traffic safety data. The City will establish and develop a stakeholders' process involving representatives of the city of Burlingame, caltrans, Town of Hillsborough, and residents. The stakeholder committee will remain in place until the Pilot Study is completed, and the results are available. The purpose of the stakeholders group will be to explore and develop mutually agreeable recommendations and/or potential proposals to comprehensively address the various traffic, pedestrian, infrastructure, safety and natural resource issues on the ECR Corridor. The stakeholder process would contemplate a collaborative exploration of the effectiveness of the Left Turn Prohibition in meeting the purpose and need of the project, and of topics relative to ECR issues within the scope of the stakeholders mandate. The recommendations emerging from this process do not obligate any party to any action or course of action in relation to either the project or future improvements to the ECR Corridor. Stakeholders Process Staff has developed the attached preliminary list of stakeholders for the City Council's consideration and feedback. Caltrans has reviewed the attachment and provided input into the development of the preliminary stakeholders' committee process. The suggested stakeholders include: City Council subcommittee; Caltrans officials; Burlingame residents; and representatives from the Burlingame Historical Society, Parks Department, Public Works Department, Town of Hillsborough, and C/CAG (City/County Association of Governments). The C/CAG representative participation was requested by Caltrans. DISCUSSION Staff has successfully negotiated the attached MOU with Caltrans; listed below are the key elements of the agreement: 2 ECRJFloribu nda Southbou nd Left-tu rn Restrictions March 7, 2016 Staff will return to the City Council at a future meeting to obtain approval for hiring a qualified professional consultant to facilitate and manage the stakeholders' process. Additionally, staff will coordinate with the City Council subcommittee to identify residents for participation in the process. FISCAL IMPACT There are no costs to the City for implementing the southbound left turn restrictions at the ECR and Floribunda Avenue. intersection as this will be undertaken by Caltrans. However, there will be staff time associated with coordinating with Caltrans to collect, monitor and assess the traffic data from the pilot study. The cost to set up and implement the stakeholder process is estimated to range from $100,000 to $150,000. Exhibit Resolution Caltrans MOU Preliminary Concept for Stakeholder Committee Process 3 RESOLUTTON NO._ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME APPROVING THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH CALTRANS TO IMPLEMENT THE SOUTHBOUND LEFT TURN RESTRICTIONS AT THE INTERSECTION OF EL CAMINO REAL AND FLORIBUNDA AVENUE The City Council of the City of Burlingame, California does resolve as follows WHEREAS, Caltrans has been working on the El Camino Real and Floribunda Avenue lntersection Left-Turn Safety Project over the last few years; and WHEREAS, in November 2014, Caltrans released a Draft Environmental lmpact Report (DEIR) for the project and held public meetings; and WHEREAS, if implemented, the project would result in the removal of a total of 14 trees, five of which are included in the Howard Ralston Historic Tree Row; and WHEREAS, the city requested that caltrans consider two, less-invasive alternate options as possible ways to mitigate the safety concerns at this intersection, while still preserving the historic trees along the El Camino Real Corridor; and WHEREAS, the city and caltrans have negotiated a Memorandum of understanding under which Caltrans would be able to implement southbound left{urn restrictions at the intersection of El Camino Real and Floribunda Avenue on a trial basis. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE COUNCIL, AS FOLLOWS: The city Manager is hereby authorized to sign said Memorandum of understanding on behalf of the City of Burlingame. By signing said Memorandum of understanding, the city Manager authorizes staff to initiate a community stakeholders' process to explore and develop mutually agreeable recommendations to address the various traffic, pedestrian, infrastructure, safety and natural resource issues on the El Camino Real Corridor. Mayor 1 2 o 1 I,MEAGHANHASSEL-SHEARER,CityClerkoftheCityofBurlingame,dohereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 7h day of March, 2016, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers: NOES: Councilmembers: ABSENT: Councilmembers: Meaghan Hassel-Shearer, City Clerk 2 lCaltr ans 2 1 17 1 16 D r al1.l MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF EURTINGAME TO IMPLEMENT PROHIBITION OF TEFT TURNS ON SOUTHBOUND Et. CAMINO REAL AT THE FLORIBUNDA INTERSECTION IN THE CIW OF BURLINGAME This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated- is made and entered into between the state of california, acting by and through the Department of Transportation ("state") and the city of Burlingame ("CiV"). This MOU is solely a guide to the intentions of the parties as of its effective date and is not a legally binding document. lt is not intended to commit either party to any future action, project or projects, to any environmental document, process or determination, to create or impose any funding or participatory obligations on any party, or to otherwise impose any requirement or legally enforceable obligation. Whereas State Route (SR) 82 (aka "El Camino Real") is a vital urban conventional facility which runs north/south and extends approximately 52 miles, linking the economic centers of San Jose and San Francisco; and Whereas El Camino Real is functionally classified by the Federal government as "Principal Arterial-Urban" serving as a parallel arterial to l-280 and US 101 and SR 82 in Santa Clara, San Mateo and san Francisco counties providing critical access along the san Francisco Peninsula; and whereas, at its signalized intersection with Floribunda Avenue in the city of Burlingame and Town of Hillsborough the ("lntersection'), sR 82 is a four-lane, undivided highway with two 11-ft' through lanes with permissive left-turn movements in both directions; and Whereas the State Traffic Accident Surveillance and Analysis System (TASAS) accident- monitoring system has identified the intersection at sR 82 and Floribunda as the location of high left- turn related accident concentration during the period of April 1, 2009 through March 31, 2012; and whereas, the state has developed and proposed the sfi 82 ot Floribundo Avenue lntersedion sofety tmprovemtent Proiect ("Proiect") which proposes to widen the signalized intersection of El camino and Floribunda Avenue in both directions and construct a left-turn channelization at the intersection in both the north and southbound approaches in order to improve intersection safety and reduce the occurrence and potential for collisions involving left-turn movements; and Whereas through the CEQA/NEPA environmental process, the State has striven to propose a sustainable Project Build Alternative that would avoid and minimize impacts to historic trees and non- contributing trees compared to other known viable alternatives considered' whereas the state has prepared a Draft Environmental lmpact Report ("ElR")/Environmental Assessment (,,EA,,) for the Project, which was circulated for public review and comment from october 16,ZO14to November 23,2014,and is in the process of preparing a Final EIR/EA; and whereas the proposed Project is located within the geographic limits of both the city of Burlingame and the Town of Hillsborough in San Mateo County; and whereas the State and the city of Burlingame share concerns about the traffic collisions and safety at the El Camino Real/Floribunda intersection; and Whereas, the proposed alternative for the Project includes the removal of a total of 14 trees in connection with the widening of El Camino Real, including five (5) located in the Howard-Ralston Historlc Eucalyptus Tree Rows (four (4) mature elm trees, one (1) contributing young elm tree), and nine (9) non historic (sweet gum, blue gum, blackwood acacia, and young eucalyptus) trees; and Whereas the City of Burlingame is concerned about the Project's effect on the Howard Ralston Historic Tree Row by the proposed removal of trees as mentioned above; and Whereas, in response to the Draft EIR/EA, the City of Burlingame has requested that the State install a temporary left turn prohibition at the subject intersection in the southbound direction and review resulting operational and safety effects, if any, from such a prohibition before proceeding with finalizing the Project EIR/EA; and whereas the Howard-Ralston Eucalyptus Tree Rows Historic District is a property listed in the National Register of Historic Places which is 2.2 miles in length, and its protection and preservation is a shared community value and is considered in the DEIR/EA; and Whereas, the SR 82 at Floribunda Avenue lntersection Safety lmprovement Project is an important traffic safety project aimed at addressing public safety and operational issues at the lntersection, which has considered environmental impacts including to historic trees as set forth in the Project Draft EIR/EA; NOW THEREFORE, the parties intend in concept as follows: 1. purpose: This MOU is intended as an expression of the parties' intentions relating to the City's proposed temporary installation of a temporary left turn prohibition at the intersection on southbound sR 82/El camino Real and establishment of a stakeholder subcommittee as set forth herein. lt does not constitute an authorization for funding, Project changes, or legal commitment to take any action or course of action with respect to the SR 82 at Floribunda Avenue lntersection Safety lmprovement Project and/or environmental actions or determinations made in connection therewith. Temporary Left Turn Prohibition: ln order to respond to community concerns, State agrees to install temporary "No Left Turn" signs in the southbound direction of sR 82 as requested by city to prohibit left turns on southbound El Camino Real at the lntersection on a pilot basis ("1eft Turn Prohibition"). Term/Severability: The Left Turn Prohibition shall be in place on a temporary pilot basis for a period of up to 36 months, subject to earlier removal if State determines that it is adversely affecting traffic safety and/or operations at the lntersection and/or other intersections or roadways in the vicinity of the lntersection. 4. MonitorinS: During the time in which the Left Turn Prohibition is in place, State and city will monitor and collect accident and other pertinent data regarding traffic safety and operations in the traffic network in the vicinity of the sub,ect intersection, including but not limited to arterials in the project corridor. The State will review and consider this data in assessing the operational and safety effects, if any, from the Left Turn Prohibition in relation to the projected effects and purpose and need of the proposed Project to improve the safety of the lntersection 1 3 to reduce the occurrence and potential for collisions involving left-turn movements. The State's assessment of effects of the Left Turn Prohibition will include consideration of the following factors: Change in accident rates, if any, at the lntersection during the pilot study, in relation to the projected percent reduction in total accidents for the Project. Total percentage change (summation) in accident rates, if any, along CA-82 at Palm Drive, Oak Grove Ave., Bellevue Ave., and Chapin Ave. in relation to total percentage change in accident rates, if any, at the lntersection over the course of the study. Effectiveness of Signal Operations group in balancing traffic demand along CA- 82 and side streets at and near the lntersection by modifying si8nal timing. Effectlveness of modifying signal timing to address potential public response without noticeable disruptions at intersections In the area. Public response regarding the Left Turn Prohibition, both before and after the end ofthe initialone-month public acclimation period. 5. proiect EIR/EA: State will not finalize the Draft EIR/EA for the sR 82 at Floribunda Avenue lntersection safety lmprovement Project during the time that the Left Turn Prohibition is in place and until the State has assessed the pertinent data relating to its operation and effects. 6. Subcommittee: city of Burlingame will establish and develop a subcommittee with stakeholders from the city of Burlingame, state and the Town of Hillsborough (,,subcommittee,,), which shall be in place until the removal of the Left Turn Prohibition. The purpose of the subcommittee will be to explore and develop mutually agreeable recommendations and/or potential proposals to comprehensively address the various traffic, pedestrian, infrastructure, safety and naturat resource issues on the El Camino Real Corridor, as set forth in the attached document entitled, "Preliminary Concept for Stakeholders Committee process to Address Traffic and Pedestrian lssues on El Camino Real in the City of Burlingame and Town of Hillsborough." 7. Collaboration: This MOU and Subcommittee contemplate a collaborative exploration of the effectiveness of the Left Turn Prohibition in meetinS the purpose and need of the Project, and of topics within the purpose of the subcommittee, and do not obli8ate any party to any action or course of action in relation to either the Project or future improvements to the El Camino Real Corridor. 8. State's Cooperation: State's execution of this MOU and participation in the Subcommittee is in response to expressed concerns by the city and is done in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration. As such, state's willingness to enter into this Mou and participate in the Subcommittee is not an admission or recognition of any noncompliance with environmental or other laws applicable to the Pro.iect, or of any deficiency of any type or nature in the Draft EIR/EA or the proposed Project, nor shall it be construed, represented or implied as such in any context by City or any member of the Subcommittee. 9. confidentiality: The parties recognize that during the term ofthis MOU, they may exchange confidential information and/or documents. Such information and/or documents shall be treated accordingly to the fullest extent under applicable law, subject to the California Public Records Act. As between public entities, there is agreement that the provisions of Government Code Section 6254.5 relating to exchange of documents between public aBencies shall apply. Bijan Sartipi, Caltrans District 4 Director Lisa K. Goldman, City Manager City of Burlingame, CA Date PRELIMINARY CONCEPT FOR STAKEHOLDERS COMMITTEE PROCESS TO ADDRESS TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN ISSUES ON EL CAMINO REAL IN THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AND THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH City of Burlingame staff will request the Mayor and the City Council of Burlingame to authorize a Stakeholders Committee regarding the El Camino Real Conidor, comprised of representatives of the City, Department of Transportation ("State"), the Town of Hillsborough and the community. The purpose of the Committee will be to explore and develop mutually agreeable potential recommendations and/or proposals to comprehensively address the various traffic, pedestrian, infrastructure, safety and natural resource issues the El Camino Real Corridor. City of Burlingame Staff will seek the City Council of Burlingame's authorization to hire a consultant to facilitate and manage the Stakeholders Subcommittee process and outcome. City of Burlingame Staff will coordinate with the City Council of Burlingame and State to develop the Stakeholders Subcommittee and refine its objectives, roles and responsibilities, timeline and expectations. Preliminary suggestions for composition of the Stakeholders Subcommittee include: - Burlingame City Council Subcommiftee members - Four nearby City of Burlingame residents and/or property owners (TBD) - One City of Burlingame Parks Department representative - One City of Burlingame Public Works Department representative - One City of Burlingame Police Department representative - One Town of Hillsborough Public Works Department representative - One Town of Hillsborough Police Department representative - One Caltrans Project Manager - One Caltrans Traffic Operations representative - Two Caltrans Environmental representatives - Other Caltrans representatives as needed One Historical Society representative - One C/CAG representative The stakeholders committee process is expected last for the time that the city's Left Turn Prohibition at the Floribunda/El Camino Real intersection is in place. At the end of the process, the Committee will share its recommendations and/or proposals. a a All participants are encouraged to attend all meetings. The stakeholder meetings may not be suspended or cancelled in the event that C/CAG or Hillsborough representatives are unable to participate. The City of Burlingame and Town of Hillsborough City Managers and Department Heads whose areas of responsibility are related to the discussions will attend the kick- off meetings and other meetings as needed. The parties recognize that during the term of this Stakeholder Committee process, they may exchange confidential information and/or documents. Such information and/or documents shall be treated accordingly to the fullest extent under applicable law, subject to the California Public Records Act. As between public entities, there is agreement that the provisions of Government Code Section 6254.5 relating to exchange of documents between public agencies shall apply. FUBLIC LIBRARY BURLiNOAMI I Ii Librar5r Board of Trustee Minutes January 19,2016 Call to Order President Nagler called the meeting to order at 5:3OPM. RoII Call Trustees Present: Trustee Absent: Sta.ff Present: Kerbey Altmann, Debra Donaldson, Mike N"gler, Lisa Rosenthal Randi Murray Brad McCulley, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder m. ry Llbrar5r-Board of Ttustee Uinutes The November 17 , 2Ol5 Board of Trustee minutes were unanirnously approved. M / S/ C (Nagler/ Rosenthal) CorresDondeace and Informatioa A. Statlstlcs Circulation statistics continued to increase in November and December of 2015 both at the main and Easton. Circulation at the main increased by 10% from November 2014 atd,6.7 4o/o from December of 2O14. Easton circulation showed an improvement of 13.65% from November of 2014 and 9 .89o/o from December of 20 1 4 . Reoorts A. City Librarian's Report - Highlights 1. Perqoaael - Geralyn OBrien is the new Circulation Manager; Megan Wong has accepted the position of Technical Services Manager. Recruitments for two fuIl time Reference Librarians and a Page Supervisor are in progress. 2. e;aft Update - The caf6 passed t-he inspection conducted by t.I:e Health Department which will permit the caf6 to open immediately. 3. Securtty Canera Update - The project is nearly completed with cameras being installed throughout the library, as well as tJ:e parking garage. 4. Love Your Llbrary - Plans are in firll swing for th6 February Sth event There will be a variety of events for all ages. Crafts for children, face painting, gernes, a jazz band and of course, cookies and tea sandwiches urill be a part of the gala event. B. Fouadatiol Report- The Foundation is now preparing for this year's Book and Author Event which will be held at the Green Hills Country Club. Janice Scattini and Noreen West will be the co-chairs for the event. +8o himrose Rml' Buiingane' Calit'onia 94oto- 4o87 Phow (6sol ss8-t q7 4' Fat (65o1 742-6295' www.hnlin4ane.wg/lihrary VII New Buslness A. Revlew of Petron Bohavlor 1. Inapproprlate Behavlor - The Trustees reviewed the facts relating to t.I:e inappropriate behavior of Kevin Cotchett and Mr. Churchill on the Library premises presented by Brad McCulley, City Librarian. 2. Trustee Actlon - The Tl'ustees passed a motion authorizing Brad McCulley to prepare warning letters for Mr. Cochett and Mr. Churchill stating speci.fic incidents of their inappropriate behavior and noting t.Ilat if tJ:is behavior continues they will be subject to being banned aom tJle Library for a specified period of time. M/S/C (Rosenthal/Altmann) 2 u.Unfinlshed Bushegs A. Caf6 Up&te 1. Coupone for Llbrary Staf - The Trustees passed a motion to allocate funds in t}le amount of $3OO from tJ:e copier fund to provide coupons for full time and 18 hour stalf to use at FIKA, the Library's new CaJā‚¬. MIS/C fRosenthal/Altmann] Brad will check wit]r the City Finance Department to ascertain if the coupon request is workable from an accounting stand point. 2. Tables for Caf6 and Mlsc.o Brad is looking into purchasing 2 more tables for cafd patrons.' . Trustees requested that lids be put on coffee cups.. Suggestion was made to have sponges available in the cafd to wipe up accidentally spilled beverages. B. Employoe Recognltlon Event A1l arrangements have been made for the event. Ttrere will be approximately 80 attendees. C. Llbrary llollday Schedule T?re Ttustees unanimously approved tJre Library Holiday Schedule submitted by the City Librarian, Brad McCulley. Ml S/ C (Altmann/Donaldson) D. Llbrarlan Scholarshlpo Lisa Goldmarr, City Malager, advised Brad that she supported the idea ofa Librarian Scholarship. The project should be funded by the Library Tfustees.. Brad will contact the City Attorney, Kathleen Kane, to determine if there are any legal issues or criteria that the Trustees would have to .follow in initiating a scholarship prograrn.o The TrusteEs decided to use the term Professional Development rather than Librarian Scholarship. E. Strateglc PIan The Strategic Plan has been delayed until May or June of2016. Lisa Gol.ltnan wants this project to be funded by the City rather than the Trustees. Ttre funds u'ill be disbursed from the Library budget. Ttre Trustees requested that Brad advise Tish Busselle and Jane Light of the date change for starting the Strategic Plan. 3. Procedure - The official warning letters for Mr. Cotchett and Mr. Churchill will be placed at the Information Desk and be hand delivered to each of them when they visit the Library by Brad McCulley.B. Passpoit Entry - Renovable of Chlldren and Tcon Flncs. Brad has contacted PLS Library Directors to try and ascertain who is and who is not supporting the plan to discontinue children and teen fines and also to obtain a reliable frgure of the total fines that are paid for children's and teen fines.o Initiating t]le Passport Entry service at the Library would replace funds lost from children and teen fines.o Lisa Goldman has approved the Passport Entr5r service at the Library and .'Brad is moving forward to implement it.o Some of the Trustees felt that paying fines teaches responsibility.' . Brad explained t]:at children/teens would still bear t}le responsibility if they lose or damage a book, video etc.C. Retlrement Glft Rcquest The Trustees approved Brad's request to use funds from the Trustees, copier fund account to pay for Barry and Amy's retirement parties. M/S/C (Altmann/Rosenthal) VIII. Adlournment The meeting was adjoumed at 7:OOPM. MSC (Nagler/Altmann) The next meeting of the Librar5r Board of Trustees will be held February 16, 2O 16 in the Library Conference Room. (Meeting subsequently changed to February 23'a due to a scheduling conflict.) Res bmitted, Brad McCulley City Librarian 3 ....?