HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 14951 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ORDINANCE NO. 1495 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BURLINGAME MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE -MANUFACTURING DISTRICT, AND TO RECLASSIFYING EAST MILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK UNITS 1 AND 2, BURLWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK AND ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNITS 1 AND 2 FROM LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (M-I)TO OFFICE -MANUFACTURING (O -M) DISTRICT 9 The CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF BURLINGAME does 10 hereby ordain as follows: 11 Section 1. Section 25.12.010 of the Burlingame 12 Municipal Code and the zoning maps attached to Ordinance No. 53911 13 are hereby amended by reclassifying East Millsdale Industrial Park 14 No. 1, as filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Mateo 15 County on January 23, 1959, in Book 50 of Maps at pages 24 and 25, 16 East Millsdale Industrial Park No. 2, as filed in the Office of 17 the County Recorder of San Mateo County on August 3, 1959, in Book 18 52 of Maps at pages 4 to 6, Burlway Industrial Park, as filed in 19 the Office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County on October 20 16, 1956, in Book 46 of Maps at page 21, Anza Airport Park No. 1, 21 as filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County 22 on December 8, 1964, in Book 61 of Maps at pages 20 and 21, Anza 23 Airport Park No. 2, as filed in the Office of the County Recorder 24 of San Mateo County on September 14, 1966, in Book 65 of Maps at 25 pages 27 and 28, from the Light Industrial (M-1) District to the 26 Office Manufacturing (O -M) District. 1 1 Section 2. Chapter 25.43 of said code, M-1 Regulations, 2 is hereby renumbered as Chapter 25.44; Chapter 25.44 of said 3 code, M-2 Regulations, is hereby renumbered as Chapter 25.45; 4 Chapter 25.45 of said code, T-P Regulations, is hereby renumbered 5 as Chapter 25.46. 6 Section 3. Sections 25.08.268-1 and 25.08.268-2 are 7 added to said code to read: 8 1125.08.268-1 Food establishment, free standing. 9 'Free standing food establishmentmeans a food establishment 10 which is the sole use of a structure. it 25.08.268-2 Food establishment, incidental. 12 'Incidental food establishment' means a food establishment 13 which is subordinate to and of minor significance to the primary 14 use of a building and which bears a reasonable relationship to the 15 primary use, such as serving employees of the building and others 16 employed in the vicinity." 17 Section 4. Section 25.12.010 is amended to add the 18 following district, after commercial-residential districts: 19 "Office-manufacturing districts (office-light industrial 20 park) hereinafter referred to as O-M districts." 21 Section 5. Section 25.12.017 is repealed. 22 Section 6. Chapter 25.43 is hereby added to said code 23 to read: 24 "CHAPTER 25.43 25 O-M DISTRICT REGULATIONS 26 25.43.010 Scope and purpose of regulations. 2 I It is the purpose and policy of this chapter to designate an 2 Office -Manufacturing District (O -M) an office/light industrial 3 park area which will serve as a transition between the Waterfront 4 Commercial District (C-4) and the Light Industrial District (M-1). 5 In its uses this District shall be consistent with the intent of 6 the General Plan to provide professional and administrative 7 offices, distribution, service, light industrial and other uses 8 supported by access to San Francisco International Airport and the 9 adjacent hotel, restaurant and other bayfront commercial) 10 activities. These proposed uses shall further enhance the 11 economic and aesthetic advantages of the adjacent bayfront area. 12 25.43.020 Permitted Uses 13 The following uses -are permitted in the O -M districts: 14 1. Air courier, delivery or other trans -shipment services, 15 including freight forwarding, which provide on-site parking for 16 all fleet vehicles and on-site parking for all employees; 17 2. Any light industrial or manufacturing use such as 18 electronic, furniture, drug and printing conducted wholly within 19 a completely enclosed building, including associated laboratories, 20 which: 21 a. does not use impact presses of over 20 tons rated capacity 22 and machine operated drop hammers; 23 b. does not process fish products, sauerkraut, vinegar, 24 yeast, rendering and refining fats and oils, including canneries 25 and bottling plants; 26 c. encloses compressors and generators so that no increase in 01 I ambient noise level occurs at property lines; 2 d, does not create an obnoxious or offensive presence or 3 emission of odor, dust, gas, noise, bright lights, smoke, 4 vibration, harmful sewer waste or have a detrimental effect on 5 permissible adjacent uses; 6 3. Non-retail service businesses, including contractors, 7 which provide on-site parking for all company vehicles, on-site 8 parking for all employees and adequate on-site space for loading 9 and unloading goods, equipment and materials; 10 4. Retail sales and retail service uses, except food 11 establishments, less than 5000 gross square feet of floor area; 12 provided, grocery and drug stores shall operate within the hours 13 of six (6:00) a.m. to eleven (11:00) p.m. and shall not sell 14 alcoholic beverages; 15 5. Free standing food establishments located only on j 16 properties with at least one frontage on Bayshore Highway and with 17 a floor area ratio of .15 (FAR .15) and with parking as set forth 18 in section 25.43.080(2); 19 6. Class or school use in office structures over 20,000 20 gross square feet and with parking as set forth in Section 21 25.43.080(1); 22 7. Incidental food establishment within a multi-use 23 building which meets the following criteria: 24 a, is not the primary use of the building or structure;. 25 b. is open no earlier than 6:00 a.m. and no later than 5:00 26 p.m., and closed Saturday and Sunday; I c. has a maximum size of one thousand five hundred (1500) 2 square feet; 3 d, is at least 20 feet in length and 15 feet in width; 4 e. provides parking as set forth in section 25.43.080(3); 5 8. Laboratory and clean room facilities for research, 6 testing 7 or creating products and goods; 8 9. Office uses, including health services and medical' 9 clinics in office structures over 20,000 gross square feet, with 10 parking as set forth in section 25.43.080(4); 11 10. Outdoor storage of materials incidental to permitted 12 uses with a maximum storage area of 10% of the gross site area, 13 provided outdoor storage without such limitations and contractor's 14 storage yards shall be allowed on properties with frontage on 15 Beach and Lang Roads; all contractor's storage or outdoor storage 16 areas shall be limited to side and rear yards, shall be paved, and 17 shall be enclosed by an opaque fence or wall eight (8) feet in 18 height; 19 11. Warehouse, storage, and distribution of goods, 20 materials, liquids and equipment conducted wholly within an 21 enclosed building; 22 12. Accessory uses which are necessary for the permitted 23 uses under this section and section 25.43.030. 24 25.43.030 Conditional Uses. 25 The following are conditional uses requiring a special 26 permit: I 1. All development and structures which exceed the Specific 2 Area Plan land use densities and the design guidelines for 3 Bayfront Development, except that front setbacks shall be as set 4 forth in Section 25.43.055; 5 2. Automobile lease and sales businesses wholly enclosed 6 within a warehouse structure; 7 3. Automobile rental businesses which meet the following 8 minimum standards: 9 a. the use is the sole tenant and only occupant of any 10 building or area on the site; 11 b, the site has a minimum size of .7 (seven -tenths) of an 12 acre; 13 c. parking is provided on site for storage of at least 25 14 percent of the cars rented monthly, based on an annual average for 15 the site; 16 d* parking is provided on site for all employees and 17 customers; 18 e. the use meets all the other requirements of development in 19 the district, including peak hour trip generation at critical 20 intersections as defined in the Traffic Analyzer and Specific Area 21 Plan for the Bayfront/Anna Areas; 22 4. Class or school use in office structures with less than 23 20,000 gross square feet with parking as set forth in section 24 25.43.080(1); 25 5. Commercial recreation, including health clubs and 26 gymnasiums; 0 1 6. Conference and exhibition facilities; 2. 7. Free standing food establishments on parcels without 3 frontage on Bayshore Highway and with a floor area ratio of .15 4 (F.A.R. .15) and with parking as set forth in Sections 25.43.080 5 (2), 6 8. Incidental food establishments which are not the primary 7 use of a building and do not meet the criteria of section 8 25.43.020(8); 9 9. Health services and medical clinics in structures less 10 than 20,000 gross square feet of floor area with parking as set 11 forth in section 25.43.080(4); 12 10. Hotels and motels; 13 11. Outdoor storage of materials incidental to permitted 14 uses which storage exceeds 10% of the gross lot area and 15 contractors storage yards; any such use shall be limited to side 16 and rear yards, shall be paved, and shall be enclosed by an opaque 17 fence or wall eight (8) feet in height; 18 12. Retail sales, retail service and retail/wholesale 19 businesses, except food establishments, less than fifteen thousand 20 (15,000) gross square feet of floor area; provided, except that 21 grocery and drug store uses shall operate within the hours of six 22 (6:00) a.m. and eleven (11:00) p.m. and shall not sell alcoholic 23 beverages; 24 13. Single family dwelling in association with a permitted 25 or conditional use, to be used by a night watchman or to provide 26 security for the site; 7 1 14. Structures over 35 feet in height; 2 15. Theater for live performances; 3 16. Any use with a structure that covers more than sixty 4 (60) percent of the lot; 5 17. Any commercial or industrial use similar in nature to 6 one for which a permit is required in this or any other district. 7 25.43.040 Prohibited uses. 8 The following uses are prohibited: 9 1. Automobile rental uses in office, office/warehouse or 10 warehouse structures; 11 2. Automobile sales lots; 12 3. Automobile wrecking, junkyards, storage or baling of 13 scraps, paper, rags, sacks or metals; 14 4. Free standing food establishments on properties fronting 15 Beach and Lang Roads; 16 5. Gas stations and auto repair including auto body work; 17 6. Public advertising billboards; 18 _ 7. Residential uses and buildings, except as permitted 19 under section 25.43.030 (12). 20 8. Roof signs; 21 9. Adult entertainment business or massage, bathing or 22 similar establishments; 23 10. Any use determined to be obnoxious or offensive. 24 25.43.050 Ambiguity of use. 25 If any use is for any reason omitted from those specified as 26 permissible in this district, or if ambiguity arises concerning 8 I the approximate classification of a particular use within the 2 meaning and intent of this chapter, it shall be the duty of the 3 Planning Commission to ascertain all pertinent facts concerning 4 such use and determine into which classification such use shall be 5 classified. Such decisions are appealable to the City Council 6 pursuant to section 25.16.070. 7 25.43.055 Lot Coverage and setbacks. 8 The following maximum lot coverage and minimum setbacks shall 9 apply to all parcels located in the 0-M district: 10 1. All buildings and structures or portions thereof which 11 are hereafter erected, constructed, established or enlarged shall 12 be limited to seventy (70) percent of the total area of each 13 property or group of properties; 14 2. There shall be a minimum setback of fifteen (15) feet 15 from any street or right-of-way to all buildings and all 16 structures, except signs; provided, however, that on lots adjacent 17 to either side of Bayshore Highway, there shall be a minimum 18 setback of twenty-five (25) feet; 19 3. There shall be a minimum ten (10) foot side yard 20 setback. 21 25.43.070 Landscaping and design requirements. 22 The following landscaping requirements shall apply to all 23 parcels: 24 1, A minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the total area of 2.5 each property or group of properties shall be suitably landscaped 26 and the landscaped portions shall be properly maintained; 7 10 1 2. When construction plans are submitted to the building 2 department for a building permit, a landscaping plan and 3 specifications shall be submitted for approval of the park 4 director; 5 3. The landscape requirements of the Bayfront Design 6 Guidelines shall be met. 7 25.43.080 Parking space requirements. 8 Except as set forth in this section, all uses shall provide 9 parking space in accordance with the applicable provisions of 10 Chapter 25.70 of this code; 11 1. Class or school use shall provide parking on site at the 12 rate of one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area; 13 2. Free standing food establishments shall provide customer 14 parking on site at the rate of one space for each one hundred 15 (100) square feet of gross floor area; and employee parking on 16 site at the rate of one space for -each one thousand (1000) square 17 feet of gross floor area; 18 3. Food establishments which are not the primary use of a 19 building shall provide parking on site at the rate of one car 20 space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area; 21 4. Health service and medical clinic uses in structures of 22 more than 20,000 gross square feet shall provide parking on site 23 at the rate of one car space for each 300 square feet of gross 24 floor area occupied; health services and medical clinic uses in 25 structures smaller than 20,000 square feet of gross floor area 26 shall provide parking on site at the rate of one car space for 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 each 250 square feet of gross floor area." Section 7, Subsection 10 of section 25.44.030 is amended to read: "10. Establishments for the retail of food or beverages; such establishments shall not be the primary use of a building or structure and shall meet the following size minimums: eight hundred fifty (850) square feet of gross floor area, twenty (20) feet in length and fifteen (15) feet in width." Section 8, Subsection 8 is added to section 25.44.040 to read: "8. Automobile rental." Section 9, Sections 25.44.42 and 25.44.045 are hereby repealed. Section 10. Subsections 2 and 3 of section 25.44.055 are amended to read: "2. There shall be a minimum setback of fifteen (15) feet from any street or future street to all buildings and all structures, except signs; provided, however, there shall be a minimum setback of twenty-five (25) feet from the property line of all buildings and all structures except signs, or any enlargement of existing buildings or structures or signs, constructed on lots adjacent to the west side of Rollins Road from the northwesterly city limits to Mills Creek. 113. There shall be a minimum ten (10) foot side yard setback on all buildings and structures constructed on lots in the following M-1 district subdivisions: Millsdale Industrial Park 11 1 No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5; and Ingold Industrial Park." 2 Section 11. The first paragraph of section 25.44.070 is 3 amended to read: 4 "The following landscaping requirements shall apply to all 5 parcels located in the M-1 district:" 6 Section 12. Subsection (i.) of Section 25.70.030 is 7 amended to add laboratories as a specific category for parking 8 uses, to read as follows: 9 10 Repair shops, service shops, 1 space for each 11 machine shops, laboratories, 800 feet of gross 12 any shop engaged in repairing, floor area. 13 testing, manufacturing, op 14 processing materials or products." 15 Section 13. This ordinance shall be published as 16 required by law. 17 18 r�-... 19 MAYOR 20 21 I, JUDITH A. MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of 22 Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was 23 introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 24 6th day of December, 1993, and adopted thereafter at a regular 25 meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of January, 1994, 26 by the following vote: 12 1 2 AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: HARRISON, KNIGHT, O'MAHONY, PAGLIARO, SP 3 NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE 4 ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE 5 6 City Clerk 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CITY OF BURLINGAME SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING OFFICE MANUFACTURING (O -M) DISTRICT Pursuant to Government Code Section 36933(c)(1) the following is a summary of proposed Ordinance No. 1495 Establishes the Office Manufacturing (O -M) District and describes the permitted uses in the district, the uses requiring conditional use permits, prohibited uses, lot coverage, landscaping and parking requirements; reclassifies East Millsdale Industrial Park Units 1 and 2, Burlway Industrial Park, and Anza Airport Park Units 1 and 2 from Light Industrial (M-1) district to Office Manufacturing District. Said ordinance was introduced on December 6 1993; a public hearing thereon will be held January 3 1994, at 7:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, Burlingame City Hall, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California. A copy of said proposed ordinance is available in the City Clerk's office, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California. Dated December 7, 1993 Prepared by JEROME F. COLEMAN City Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OFFICE MANUFACTURING DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND REZONING FROM LIGHT MANUFACTURING TO OFFICE MANUFACTURING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Monday, the 3rd day of January, 1994ff at the hour of 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California, the City Council of the City of Burlingame will conduct a public hearing on new zoning district regulations to create a transition office manufacturing district between the waterfront commercial district (C-4) at the bay edge on the east side of Bayshore Highway and the light industrial (M-1) zoned area on the west side of State Highway 101. The new office manufacturing (O -M) regulations would encourage office uses by simplifying the present restrictions on office use and moving the review of manufacturing uses toward performance criteria to encourage industries based on new technologies. The area encompassed by the properties on the south side of Burlway Road, the properties fronting Gilbreth Road, the northerly city boundary and Bayshore Highway are proposed to be rezoned from light industrial (M-1) to office -manufacturing (O -M). The properties zoned light industrial (M-1) fronting on Beach and Lang Roads are also proposed for rezoning to office -manufacturing (O -M). At the time of the hearing all persons interested will be heard. For additional information please contact the Planning Department, City of Burlingame at 696-7250. JUDITH A. MALFATTI CITY CLERK PUBLISH ONCE: SAN MATED TIMES CITY OF BURLINGAME SUMMARY OF ADOPTED ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING OFFICE MANUFACTURING (0-M) DISTRICT Pursuant to Government Code Section 36933 (c)(1) following is a summary of Ordinance No. 1495 adopted January 3 1994: Establishes the Office Manufacturing (O -M) District and describes the permitted uses in the district, the uses requiring conditional use permits, prohibited uses, lot coverage, landscaping and parking requirements; reclassifies East Millsdale Industrial Park Units 1 and 2, Burlway Industrial Park, and Anza Airport Park Units 1 and 2 from Light Industrial (M-1) district to Office Manufacturing District. AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: fh¢gRISaN K/UIGItT NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: n/D N F ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: A)PI EF A certified copy of said adopted ordinance is available in the City Clerk's office, 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, California. Dated: January 4, 1994 Prepared JEROME F. COLEMAN, City Attorney