HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1565ORDINANCE 1565 "NEIGHBORHOOD COP1PATIBILITY" INTRODUCED BUT NOT ADOPTED 1 2 3 4 9 10 ]. ] ].2 ].3 ]4 ].5 16 1.7 18 ].9 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 EROME F. COLEMAN in �tnonr+kr City OF BUAL4HQAME 60I PRIMROSE "Ur 's I-�K 6dOME�G1Q ORDINANCE No. J6 ORDINANCE LIMITING DEMOLITION, 1 REQUIRING REVIEW OF SPECIFIED CONSTRUCTION IN L 7oNE5, The CITY COUNCTL o£ the CITY LI GAM7+1 does hereby ordain as follows: k/ Section 1. Section 1 7 05 is hereby added to the Burlingame Municipal Code to d s follows: 1118.07.055 Demolition in R l [ e dential) zones. 1. A building perp th demolition of or ny portion of any structur�in die shall not be issued unless at t-17zone (all reei8ent al one j de/ast one of the rollowin s applicable: �q (a) a. building per4 t ha been issued a ho iz'n cork to a bd performed c�j�i.eh requires, the prior 7al of an existi.ng truoture orf, portion of a� structure cco lisp the new construcrio�; or (b) f th e building officialhas detlermi.ned t17at Lhe reques d remov 1 of a portion of a=itability not to exceed 300 quat fe t, wli 1 not effec t of the struct r (c emoliti.on h een o Bred by the building official becuse of major damage or a con ition resulting in imminent or ed'ate danger to public he 1 h and safety; or the building official has determined that demolition 3 A 2 3 4 a 6 7 8 9 )0 1] 12 13 7.4 1.5 16 1.7 1s 1.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 COLEMAN cm GrronxCP G'n' OP 6URLiNOAM1! HIIW 9R WNY'6AMCNn,m "CTAP �rUF• 04DI0 is necessary in order to perform appropriate soil, or other tests test for a proposed project; or (e) the demolition proposed if for an accessory structure of 150 square feet of less, or (f) demolit on is required as a condition of. approval. of a planning applicaa on under Title 27 of this code. 2. All demolition permits shall. comply with the following conditions:'' (a) the site shall, be fenced when full or partial basement excavations remain or when, the building official, determines that hazards exist or that fencing is necessary to-ensure-mai.ntenance of the site; (b) all debris, weeds and other. nuisances shall. be removed from the site." [Plan A - oompatihility findings in'the R -i ¢on® only) Section Section 25.281.067 is hereby added to said code to read as follows: 1+25.28.067 Findings for variances and use permits. in addition to the findings and conditions set forth in Chapters 25.52 and 25.54 of this code, 'when granting a conditional use permit or variance for a property in this zone, the planning commission shall consider and make findings concerning compatibility with the blend of the mass, scale and dominant structural characteristics of the existing structures of the street and neighborhood, including roof lines, facades, 7. 2 3 4 5 G 7 B 9 10 11 1.2 7.3 14 1.5 16 1.7 I.B 1.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 iBROM� F. COLEMAN. cm Attcaeav GTY OP BURl.IN6AMH WS(-�rA1 ILCA ptlAD W gllNaMH. CAI.I FvbAOro exterior finish materials and elevations." [Plan S - the above section plus a section on compatibility findings in the R=SV through R-4 zones] Section Section 25.30.055 is hereby added to said code to read as follows: 1125.30.055 Findings for variances and use permits. .In addition to the findings and conditions set forth in Chapters 25.52 and 25.54 of this code, when granting a conditional, use permit or variance for a property in this zone, the planning commission shall consider and make findings concerning compatibility with the blend of the mass, scale and dominant structural characteristics of the existing structures of the street and neighborhood, including roof lines, facades, exterior finish materials and elevations." Section t Section 25.32.035 is hereby added to said code to read as follows: 1125.32.035 Findings for variances and use permits, In addition to the findings and conditions set forth in Chapters 25.52 and 25.54 of this code, when granting a conditional use permit or variance for a property in this zone, the planning commission shall consider and, make findings concerning compatibility with the blend of the mass, scale and dominant structural characteristics of the existing structures of the street and neighborhood, including roof lines, facades, exterior finish materials and elevations." 3 1 2 6 7 8 9 1.0 1.1 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 l8 7.4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 :RQME F. Gp(. EMAN PITY ATfGBNGY :ITY OP RURLINGAMf ®DI PRIMROSE ROAD /IT4iNG4ME, CAIJF 94010 S,_ection Section 25.34.045 is hereby added to said code to read as follows: "25.34.045 Findings for variances and use permits. In addition to the findings and conditions set forth in chapters 26.52 and 25.54 of this code, when granting a conditional use permir variance fora property in this zone p p Y ., the planning commission* shall consider and make findings concerning compatibility with the blend of the mass, scale and dominant structural characteristics of the existing structures of the street and neighborhood', including roof lines, facades, exterior finish materials and elevations.,, ,5ecti�n �, Subsection (i}:, is hereby added t -o subsection (1) Section 25.55.010 of said code to read as fol lows & "(i) Any new structure, partial replacement of or addition to an existing structure where the total gross floor_ area of all structures on the site exceeds 55 percent of the lot area shall be reviewed for neighborhood compatibility using the criteria set forth in section 25.28.067 of this code." Section Lxisting subsections (2) and '(3) of Section 25,55.010 are renumbered as subsections (3) and (11,) Section Subsection (2) is hereby added to Section 2.55.010 of said code to read as follows: 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0 lA 1:5 16 1.7 1.8 1, 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �WAM6 R. AN I "n eunuHEnnMe 't4i01 PRIMROSE ROAD WNUNGAMA CAURi dojo "(2) In the R-3 and R-4 zoning districts: Any new structure, partial replacement of or addition to an existing structure where the total gross floor area of all structures on the si exceeds 55 percent of the lot area and. all apartment houses and multifamily dwellings shall be reviewed for neighborhood compatib lity using the criteria set forth in Section 25.28.067 of this code." Section 5. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. T; ,7UaITH A. MALFATTI, Citiyr Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the f�regoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City`Pcuncil held on the day of 1996, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of 1996, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEKBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMRMBERS: 5 City Clerlc.