HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0904C?RDINANCE Na. ° ANiENDTNG �zzos (a) and (b) €��° zrIE tJNIFC3RM BUTLDTNG CODE, 1964 EDITION BY ADDTNG s18o08,245 TO TI-iB NZ(iNICIPAL C®IDE PROVIDING POR FTRE PROTECTTON OF EXTERIOR irJALLS.AND O:PENTNGS TN TYPE V BUILDINGS s - s Seotion 1, Chapter 18x08 (Building Code) o£ ttae 'Municipal • s a.-. t • Sec, 2203m (a) Exterior 6dalls. In Fire Zone No® z, resistive construction, EnCEPTIONe Exterior walls £routing on a street ha a width ®£ at wast thirty feet (30 p} may be of unprotected ineambustible constructian, ar may be protected on tkae exterior with materials as required £or one-hour fire xesistanee, All structural members shall be fire protected as set forth in Table No> 17-A, (b) Openings in tJal�s. Tn FS.re Zone Noe 2 all openings not on a street front anal. which. are within ten feet (10°) of an adjacent property line shall be r:�ro- tected by a fire assembly having a thxae-£ou�ters-hour fire -resistive ratingo All openings in inner court walls of buildings over one stary in iaeight shall be proteoted by afire assembly having a tiZre2-fourths-hour fire - resistive rating when the least dimension of the court and provided furtizer, that suot-a facilities sinal not es�oeed 45% of the total gross floor area of s, d, Trade, professional and art schools, e4 Com`nercial raoreation ;zses such as, but not limited tog bowling alleys, ice rinks, marinas and. rep fated boat sales and supplies, but expressly prohibiting outdoor motion gioture theatres and gol£ driving ranges, Perzi�-„te.ed uses may inolud the sate o£ merchandise and items which are rem fated to the principal use, f4 P,estaurants, g® Motels, Facilities provided 'may include meal and beverage servioe, barber and beauty shops, smoke shops, convention and meeting facilities, and similar services whicka are eleaxly inciden- tal and avc�s�o;:y- to the provision o£ lodgia?g accommodations® h, Clubs, associations, lodges and similar useso i, Public recreation areas, a= Cither uses which, after a public hearing are found desirable and compatible with [he purposes of The. cotzurission shall not permit suoh use if it £rods that the proposed use is detrimental to ox will adversely affect uses whish are compatible with the stated purposes, §25,�1,t93J - F�rohibited i`s es The following uses are expressly grahibited� a, Manufacturing and warehousing except as designated grad lzmaeted in the permitted uses, that boats and boat trailers may be displayed in connection with permitted marinas, ®2= o. ��sid€�nLia1 uses i.raclatdincr mo;.le homes h�zt oat t.�-ansac:nt ress.;�enc�n ;;.n rcxotel s as o*he.�-.�a se p�z: Ana_ � U�d . c;. ;�i11i3oaras and o£1 -premise adv�rti si�nc� sic�xts. �°�`;.•�,3,�?'k�^ �� pa:�pe�ti.e� �.�� =�l�ich a sena use � � appi.ied -_ �nc�vera�e, ,Se�.lac;csm ak�1y ?ansiscapec? arca ?�iz-eixnum i,ot ,�iaee rnaintaine�l, A landscaping plana sha11 lee submitteca encs a�°ctampara_�t plans f'or �construcua.on o,. axay building or �tru�t�are 'The "oi.1.o�,,*irr� mixaim�xm se�I.�ar�i:a �hal3 apply .o a1I �ui3,.a�- ire?s and s2.r�xc��ur°es or any enlargement. ther�ofs �:`�-ox:�. '3.a::�e� 3� feet �'he.�e shall. kae a minimum ? at size of 2Q, iDpO square £eet anc� nta pro�scrty rti�ay he e�i.�ti.��e:d or subd.ividea into a parcel of ?asses areas 2S��t.l.�5�7 _ i,axtcascapaneq ane �esi�rz Regeai.remenLs .� mirzsanurt cit .i�</ etf the total area oE, eaeh presperty or :-��up �� pa:�pe�ti.e� �.�� =�l�ich a sena use � � appi.ied gall :�� �,ai �^_� ak�1y ?ansiscapec? arca thd� lanascapea porta.ons sYaa11 he px-opea°1y rnaintaine�l, A landscaping plana sha11 lee submitteca encs a�°ctampara_�t plans f'or �construcua.on o,. axay building or �tru�t�are for revin��Y k„�' �vta,� �'iivy %iarrzer. l;aeh haildsna o�- groazp o” wild%nqs open a l.ot ca.r, par.��3 ca£ laraci slkall pr:r�vide a properly= feracect and sczeened area :Eon. efu,>ti ane; c�ar�ago cortaixaers and such enclosure may Yee placed on?y at. thca si.e�es ox° r+.�ar of Fha principal. l�uildisaa4 �o�aing ao��� ane t�u�x loaning a����� �h�n r��ui��a �na11 ?;e piaceca raz:ly* at the sides or rear of the L7ua.ldang w�<Lh the fii]"th�3: r'�C:�€k%�"�PR�.R"C ��'&a "W� sn tl�*n p�.. r�.�@C� i71 �.�°d i' iE.'a� 4f �i:;'1P �,?tl:I, lf�l.I'4ej th*�y she? l 1;r� praperly screened �}P the installation of per�a5anenf:. E+:szc=iz�c?, izoagose or some appropria�.e comksz.nati®nP Detas.l.s of tzao' %:t -_,posed �€�-,ci-ae?ca of sc°ceeni.n�r steal._ t -ie zatac7e a part of e.i�� lane; scapisscf planes tQ 7�e pzeserixaeca. �.5.=±1.;t;yaJ � Fsu�lic A�,ess Rs a conditic;n "o the issuance of a �ui.lc3ing perassit for *he e.rcc:ta.an® e,ranstr-uction� alterations repaa.r® imps®v�tttent ca:; eonversi.on of any building or structure within the Waterfront Commercial District, or of the removal and relocation of any iauilding or structure within or from without said district, t,jA�' owner of the land for which a building permit is required shall c]e dicate to the City of Burlingame public access to San Fraxcisco Bay or to lands bordering it within the ownership. possession or control of the City of Burlingame as the latt.e:l:- may require in accordance Frith the recreational element of the; general plan adapted, or to be adapted, by the City. 25.41.0 7u _ Sjaecia3 Sign le Mations iia sign employing flashing, rotating ar ialznking ligh+:.s caill ue pe rmitted excel+t tkaose reeiuirec3 by laor fear the ccantrol. of traffic or naMgatian anc3 any permitted free-standing sign anesst: care fi�esi Arad i. a�raiaTe . AtKtacheel signs shall not groject akrove the raaF lzne ear caa`nice of the building except when in t.2ae apinzon of the pla€aW nxag Commission the sign is an acceptakale ax-ehitee:tural. part or feature of the building, The length of any sign attached or painted an the wail lding shall not emceed 20t of the length of the wall or 20 feet, whichever is the lesser. The height of any sign painted ar attached to the wall. of a building shall not exceed 25% of rhe height of the wall. or 15 feet, whichever is the lesser. The aliox.sed sign area provided by these limitations shall be incl.u -- five of any and a.13. signs can each wall, An appeal. far a variance .from the pro€risians of ;his may las made in accordance with the procedure of sec�.ian Chapter 22.�rJ, ePoraeanfcsrming signs and v ar_iances®" of thfs code �2u. ;1..0€cGSpace ?tecirements Al. t. :as€as shall.. 1aro�racie parieing spaces in accordance �riih t:t>.a appl.i^atwl.e pzovisions of �'.aapter 25.70 of this ^Deis. s< Seotiora 2a All 1}rcavisions of ehis code in confli.r�. herewith are herek>y repealed. Seer®i an 3a i[i any sec',�ian® suh®sects on® sazkac3ivisaan, pa:ragr.api;, sentence, ciacxse ar phrase of this ordinan+we or any r�� pa.-.: thereof is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each secrior:p s�absec�tion, suhdivi.sion, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the tact that any one or more sections, subsections, sazbciivisionsp paragraphs® sentence.^, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitcat.ioraal, Seetzon �. T1ais ordinance shall. be published as re;�uired by lawA MAYOR 1, �iE;B�12T I{. n1iilT�p 13 69 and adopted Gary clerk, do hereby certzfy that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held can the 20th day of October thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council }geld on the 3rd day of November 19 69 by the following votes AYx�Co Cfl�T�TCZiP�SFs'I�e Amstrup - Crosby - George-Johnson-Alart�n NC�ES: C4GNC13M EIv*: None AESENT C4t%NCILM E;Nm None Cz�.ji Clerk