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C 11:v��sNCL IdC0 X13 OF THEE BURLIi`3GAr/LE i,•II NICIPAL LODE ANIS Fu GULATING DISCHARGES :INTO THE SANITPaY SEWERAGE SYSTEM, ?.ie City Counoil of the City of Sort angair�e declares �UP�CS� The City of Lithrlingaitle maintains a sanitary sewerage sys'teia and a V;�astewater reclamation �1ant far the disposal of dow«estiec sewage and a�.�ro��ria.te liquid izad�?strial wastes, the i2i�al I�roduct of which n.ust Ea�eet imposed standards of water fur°ity, Ttae sanitary sewerage system. serves nit oealy the Cit}= of Hurliraga�ie, b4Yt also the Town of riillsboroagh and that gartion of the unincoHarated area. of 'the Ccunty of San 1.lateo eartrnonly known as t3arlangan-ae Hillsa Tiie regu? anon o -r prohibition of ciischa.rges S.i7to the sanitary sewerage system, and so ultimately into the wastewater treatment plant is necessary and essential in order that 'there may be no disruption of sewer service to the geographical areas serve, i in order that there may be no interference with the normal functio:d inn of both the system and the plant, and in order that neither the wastewater°r treatment plant nor any of its stages or any phase of its processes shall be dirnlnished or by-passed, and in o eler that the effluent which is discharged into Sats Francisco Bay may i contLiue to ineet the standards of the San. Francisco Bay "water i Quality Control Board or any other public agency which may novo or hereafter have jurisdiction over the quality of water d,isChar-ge i into San Francisco Bay, The City Council of the City of Burlingame does there ordair2 a.s fallaGas Section 1. Cha, ter l5elil is hereby added to 'Title l5, s;,1A'Tvi4�S >�51'IH 3 of the Iriuniei,�al Cade of ti -se City of Isurlinaaae and shall read and provide as follows: uLaater 15.10 S1itQI".�.Aia?' S�UP'u' a IJSE ��ULt1�'1t�N5 81591�0�°1 't p 5li . L z� �TVaE G CiJvT tdA'1'EI S t7o storm wanr, roof or yard drainage, foundation or underdrainage shall be discaarged into the sanitary sewer systetra, nor shall any plumbing or piping be connected in such a manner as to make possible the discharge of storyn, surface and undergroutnd waters into said system, §15,10,+020 GREASE QA OIL i'he sanitary sewer sha.11 not be used as a.inea.a?s of 1.=osal of grease or oil, In no case sha11 the concentration of floatable oil and grease exceed 20 parts per raillion, nor shall total oil or grease concentration (dispersed and emulsified., a.s well as floatable) excee-'Q.-I 200 parts per million, lay s:�op, carrE_:aercial yr s.ridustria,l establ:isa-skaaeiai: wizici. drains or reixsoves greases or oils from machinery, e�uiprssent or veilicles by the use of water jet, heated water, steam or other processes shall provide a trap or other device for the collect]0o,n of such greases or oils. Such traps or devices shall be maintai;e in an operable condition at all times and greases, oils, or other accunrUlations shall be removed. as frequently as may be necessary to prevent malfunction of the trap or other device. §1501001030 Ci-IARF;C'I:�R OF P LLefiTT r,D EI,A,J'1E the i`;ity®s sewerage system S Liquid Industrial wastes acceptable tor° discharge into without special agreement are those described in the limitations which follow, peTinitions of terms and analyses for various waste characteristics referred to i;:z tris title shall Toe in accordance with STANDARD: �''F T'HODS FOR Td :d Vgl'a 'pwi JJIFr�' '.a s'iLNA <<, Twelfth Edition, 196j, publishecl by the "Veer! an Public Health Association, Inca a. Biochemical axt�&en Leuiand (i3eO,.i1.) average B.O.D. o discharged vraste�s shall not exceed 300 ;pairs per ntlllx on ykgx3[ptj� , b. Total Solids. leverage total solids shall not exceed 1500 ppm, and maxirnum 'total solids shall not exceed 5000 ppm. c. Suspends-d Solids. Average suspended solids shall no exceed 300 ppm nor shall the maximum suspended solid coracentz.ation exceed 1000 ppm. r. Solid Particles. Industrial wastes, other than finer° solids, shall not contain particulate matter whrcla will not pass a' inch screen. e. Tem erature< 'Tempe'rature of wastes shall be 1111dted to a maximum of 150'Fahrenheit at the 'point of intro duction into the sanitary sewer system. f. I droQen Ton r oncenLration. The pH of wastes dis® charged to sewerage system shall at all times be wztAn tr_e range or 5.5 to 9,0. 'd'rhere necessary, neutralization facilities shall be provided to maintain an a.cceptaole pH range, if marble crap chambers are used, they shall pp°oy i de approximately one hour detention at maxirrrum flow rate, �15.1C;>e3�F® ,1���3H131i�;�3 G��S'TES Slone of tyre following wastes shall be dascharged into the sanitary sewer system or introduced into tFae wastewater tt°eaL- �zent plant e a, �ninal and Vegetable Greases. E;nimal or vegetable =greases ox• oils which will harden or solia:Iify at teurpexatures below 80°Fahrenhelt shall not be dis- charged into the sanitary sewer system. Such mater ia.ls siaall be retained and collected zn grease„trag,s or by other acceptable devices and shall regularly be removed from such traps or devices and otherwise disposed. The prohibition of this regulation, shall not appi-N> to usual household wastes processed by domestic garbage disposal installations, b. Inert Solids. Settling chambers or other treatment work shall be ma.intaisred to prohibit discharge of inert solids such as sand, glass, metal -_chips and bone. Plastics or plastic treated material shall not be discharged into the sanitary sewer system but shall be screened and removed at a point prior to introduction. c. xi3losiyeso Solids, liquids, or gases which by themsel+des or by interacta.on with other substances may cause fire or explosion raazards. d. Noxio:zs or malodorous Substances. Substances which Ly themselves or by interaction with other wastes may create «public nuisance or hazard oc• make hu;rean entry into the sewers extraordinarily hazardous. Toxicity. Wastes containing concentration of toric substances sufficient to inhibit biological process° employeaa at the wastewaCer reclamatian plant sh:,.11 not be discharged to the sewer systems Toxic sub- stances include, but are not limited to, salts of mj_ the heavy metals, cyanides, chloroform, certain organic solvents, phenols, bacteriocides, anti- oiotics and insecticides. 'This restriction is not intended to prohibit the discharge of Incidental laboratory quantities or minute carryover quantities,I of toxic substances. In general, such incidental or minute discharges shall be limited to 0.1 kilo- gram per day for each ppm determined to be the min.i� mum toxic concentration of the subject substance, Determinations of permissible quantities of toxic substances will be made by the City Engineei, In th absence of such formal determination, the followj0 ng gill be considered toxic concentrations: Hexavalent ch.romiurr. cyanide, phenols �1 Fpm9 other heavy mietals- 5 ppmorganic solvents, chloroform --50 ppm; anti- biotics, bacteriocides --trace, f. Other. Additions to the above list of unacceptable wastes may be made from. time to tune by the City Engineer as necessary, 15 , lD. x;50 r_:?OANTIT' OF iWASTES 4 The rate of discharge of industrial wastes to the sewer systeRn shall be limited to tie capacity of the lateral and rnaen sewers construction of facilities producing industrial wastes or at tn £lowing as open -channel conduits, Faoilites shall be pro- vided for dampening or edualizi ng 'rslug" discharges in order to comply with concentration restrictions as defined in§15.10.030 above, 315.10,060 REPORTING OF iNDUSTRIAL ,iTASTL DISCHARGES, At the time of application for a building permit for time any existing building is proposed to be used or remodeled in similar circumstances, applicant shah submit a detailed analysis or estimate of industrial waste production, treatm=ent and dis,osaJ. If, after beginning operation of a new plant or operation, the data. submitted are round to be in error by more than G°J per c=Int, a revised industrial waste data sheet shall be submitted to the City Engineer within 90 days. From time to tine, the City Engine e may re<1aAiYae revision o resubmission of detailed indust.ial waste inforrmationo (?.11 waste sampling and/or analyses needed to pro- ,ride urge required data shal`I be perrore:,aed by the industrial waste discharger with certification by a certified. laboratory, X15„10.070 ILLEGAL SEWER USES. A:ny use of the sanitary sewer system whic€`c does not coy form to the regulations herein established is hereby declared illegal. Within 30 days following notice by the City Engineer tha an illegal use exists, corrective measures to eliminate the illega use shall be made by the owner or responsible party except that in cases where extensive or exceptional repairs or replacements to existing installations are required, the City Engineer may grant extensions of time or consent to temporary remedial arrangements. X15.1+ ,080 AGRI.'El'tli:NIPS IN EXCEPTIONAL CASES. Discharge of wastes not meeting the requirements staked in this title map be yiae�°��itted by special agreement between. t��e discharger and the City. 'the City shall Three conies of the reference book ``"Tr?NI)Ah71 cETHCIiS FOR have the right to disallow exceptional discharges, prescribe pretreatment of some types of industrial wastes, and to establish surcharges based on the cost of handling exceptional wastes in the City's sewage collection and treatment system. §15.10.£S90 RFEP NCE ON ILE, THIE E_XLMINATION OF WATER AI'IU WASTEWATER. Twelfth Edition, 19.55, published by the American 'public Health Association, Inc,, shall b available for public inspection at all tines during office hours, one each, in the offices of the City Clerk, the Director of Public GorFcs and the wastewater Reclamation 'Works." Section 2. Severahility If any section., subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th is orrli- mance or any part thereof is for any reason helms to be unconstitu® tional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remain- ing portions of this ordinance or any part 'thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence., clause or phrase _5w thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. ection 3. U llcation. Is ordinance shall be pub lished as required by law, 1, Herbert im, i.�Yhite, �^ity �;ler�, do hereby certify t�".at the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the �.ity Council '-geld on the x��h da.y of F°�tar+��ar}= , lg7d, anz'. l" ourped adopted thereafter at a regu3 arxlvfieetrn® of the Cl ty Council held the nth day of �3arch 117G, bg% the followa.ng -votes: AYES: C.ouncilmen ;.-:..:. rosby�johnscnMartin. N9;E S : Councilmen: wr on� r�bsezat Cozanci�r�era: �ita��r4.ap y _d_