HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0911dZLUIN7INC�' Nd. ill �� d��IN�7C�r Ai�T�ING a��25.7d.01d, 25,70.024, AND 25o70.030 AND ADDING 03925,70,050 AND 25 o 70 e 060 TO CI AIPTER 25.70 "OFF- - STREET 3IARZ SII G" OF THE BURLINGA14E MTNICII�AL CODE. The City Council of the City of Iurlingane close ord.air as follows: `�eotion i. �25o7dadl« of th.e t�I+gin-°s_ci�a1 Code of the C�.ty of Bytrlingarne is amended to read. and provi de as fotloe�as '"�25.70.d1d Autasnobile parking syzaces to be y�roviclecl. At the time of erection of any building or structure, or at the tine any building or structure is enlarged or increases in capacity, there shall be provided off®street parking space v°ith adequate and proper provision for ingress and egress by standard size automobiles, Tw'c'zen any building is rez"zodeled., reconstructed or changed in use by the T'he regulations which follow are addition of dwelling units, grass :door area, seating capacity, change in type of use or intensified use, such additional garage or parking facilw rties as inay be required must be provided. the minianaaz?s rerlui stents and additional spaces may be provided;" flection 2, §2507�",°od20 of the��tznzcipal Code of tine uaia�y of �aarlingame is amended to read and pr ovide as follaTAT:: 11§25<70o020 Dimensions of pari.iny stjaees, Access o (a) The ninimum dimensions for open parking spaces or for garages or carports, except in single-farr:ily dwellin shall be nine feet in width and twentg7 feet in length with. a vertical clearance of seven feet, exclusive of access drives. The minirnuxa inside dimension fo:' garages or carports in single� farrily dwellings shall be ten feet in width and twenty feet in length.« -1- (b} Required spaces in parking lots, parking areas, garages or carports shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and convenient access and egress for the vehicle. marking of one car behind another (tandem parking) will not be con- sidered in the computation of required, parking but additional tandem parking spaces in excess of code requira- Rents will be permitted." Section 3. §25.70.030 of the Municipal Code of the City of turlingaxae is aanended to read and provide as follows° §25,70.`330 Ilequirernents for particular uses. (a) Single®family dwellings,. There shall be at least one permanently maintained garage or covered carport for c-ach single-family dwelling with the further requirement that any single-family dwellings hereafter constructed which contain three or more bedrooms shall provide garage or carport space for at least two vehicles. No e ;fisting single-family dwelling which contains two or more bedrooms and less than two garages or oarpo�" t of legal_ dimensions shall be enlarged or remodeled by the addition of one or more bedrooms unless at leasttwo garag or carport spaces of such dimensions are provided., except that the requirement Tor additional carport or garage spa may be waived for such enlargements of existing dwellings where a driveway of sufficient dimensions, measured from he legally established front setback line to an existing garage, will accomodate the prescribed. number of automo- bYles. In any such case, tandem parking will be permitted., 2rtment apartment hotels. TPaes:e shall be a.t least one perm anently maintained parking space in a. garage or covered. oarport on the same Zot with the buil�s- ing for each dwelling unit in the building. In any buolding containing more than six dwelling units, there anently maintained parking space in a. garage or covered. oarport on the same Zot with the buil�s- ing for each dwelling unit in the building. In any buolding containing more than six dwelling units, there shall be provided at least one additional parking space for each two dwelling units in excess ofsix units. Such i additional parking spaces need not be covered or within a' garage or carport. Parking spaces shall not be situated in the front or side setback areas, {c) Lodging houses, rooming houses, There shall be pro_, vided one parking space for each two lodging rooms plus one parking space for each two persons employed on the premises, including the owner or manager, (d) cfotelsg hotels, There shall be provided one parking) space for each dwelling unit or lodging room. (e} Group residential facilities for elderly aeople, � There shall be provided one parking space for each three residential units where such facilities are designed as separate units, if designed as lodging rooms, one space for each four lodgers, plus one space for each two people! I employed on the premises, (f) General hos itals, There shall be provided one car space for each 105 beds. (g} Convalescent and extended ca.re hospitals. There shall be provided one car space for each 3,5 beds. i (h) Churches, lod(es,laces of public assembly, There shall be provided parking spaces in the ratio of one spac for each six permanent seats or, if there are no fixed i seats, one space for each sixty square feet of floor i space in the assembly area. (i) Commercial and industrial uses, Parking spaces on the same lot shall be provided for commercial and indusn trial buildings as set forth in the following table of requirements° P�edical or dental offices, clinics or similar uses 3 spaces for each offi practitioner or suite provided for practice of one doctor or d�usiness offices, real estate 1 space for each offices, hantcs, office biildingse 300 sq. ft. of City gross floor areao k.etail stores, 1 space for eaeh rexeby X00 sq, ft. cf i�iunicipal gross fi.aor a?~eae Establishments for the Sale and 1 space for eaoh Consunrptian on the p�eznises of 2¢30 sq, ft. of Bros bevc-;rages, £ooc; and ref resi�nzents. zloor ax°ea. Furniture stares, appliance stores, i spaee foY ea.c�-a balk r�rerchandisee 600 sq, �'t, of gross floor areao -'ae pelt ShapS, SC''1'vSCe S�7.a pS, L1aCh" 1 SpssCe lax' eaCi"A ine shops, a:-�y shop engaged -in xe® 800 sqm fte o.f paarin'�9 testlag, rnaaufaCturing ox grass Haar area, 'proCeSS1I1g matei^lalS o?' pxoduCGS, �ndUSC. +"?a.l. hL7i 1d1ngS, W�:2O leSale --. . �. Space far e'aC'. ii establishments, t�raxehauseso 1000 sq. ft. o'° gT°OSS Hoax are c`k., Ca.soline sexvice stationso at least 2 part=add; Spa.CeS fol: employ- ees shall he p_"®_ vlded on the �dL®lip"' e rty. (;} dither uses, For uses not listed in the shove schedule of requited parking, spaces shall be supplied on the sacae basis as provided far the most simi3.ar use, ar as detertnin%d by the City Planner, For such determinatio suc'rsialatters as type of use and user, number of employees number of visitors and similar factors shall be Considers Cn any case, whets the dscision of the City Planner is Contested by the applicant, ills decision tray he appealed to the Planning Co�ldmission. '1`he Commission may app rave, disapprove or mo<iify the decision of the City Plannea�," Section fro §25e70o050 is rexeby added to the i�iunicipal Code of the City of Burlingame to read and provide as follo�•rsa f°25.70.050 Computation where result is a fractional s' ace. i^;rhea the detertz�ination az the number of required spaces results in a fraotional svaCe, ane parking space shall be prcavidecl. Section 5e §25.70.060 xs "rtereby added to the Mianicipa? �i of the City of Burlingame to read and provide as follows; '125,70,060 Computation of s2aces for mixed uses, The ratio of required spaces to floor area shall be computed by measuring and including all of the floor area within the building. Where a building is used or intended to be used £or a combination of purposes, the parking spaces shall be provided in relation to the proportion of the building assigned to each use and shall be the total of the combination of uses," :lection 6, Severability= if any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph., sentence, clause or phrase of this ar any part thereof is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining por- tions of this ordinance or any part thereof, The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irre- spective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 7, a�ublication> This ordinance shall be pub - lisped as required by law, Fayor C, �ierbert K, i -shite, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 2nd day of �"��r� , 1�a yC , and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of February 1970 by the following votes AXES: Councilmen AzFnst.�up®Crosby ohnsc of Martin. NOES: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: None t3' -5W