HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0907r"�?V Oh.LiINAP7�`.-�, APLiIFIC CI�.xii�T�a 12,17 TO T'ITLE; 12, STREETS A,NO SIDE`` -TALKS, ON THE TskiJNICTUAL CODE OF TFUE CITY OF BU LINGAtE RF:CITLATINC STREET FTRIBERING AND PROVIDING PROC DUP.CS FOR TETE REF®-JNAMING OF PUBLIC SIPEET.S. The G�ty Corancil of the City of Ltzrlangame does arvdain as follows: Section 1. Chapter 12,17 is hereby added to Tztle l2, Streets and �daghsaays, of the Mui�i� ipal_ lode of tts.�: C�_ty of Piarliztgarne and. shall read and provide as foilo�:as e city. °`Chapter 12..17 Street Nr3riiberirag and ?de-nainin;� X12,17.010 `yst4�r,,a of }sualdir,� raumberzn� esta?�l�sh.�d. e_. system for the numbering of buildings and structures In t:al s city is hereby established and shall be rnat17ta3.ned in and for the X12,17.020 ;tactinry �oieats and base lines, The base L:i, for all raucrtbering shall. "sae Barroa.l het Avenue, Per3i tits;3la A4,>enve, Humboldt Avenue the easterly le of Airport boulevard as ite<te northerly, and an extension of a line northerly along Airport Boulevard to the city limit line. Numbering shall increase in a. westerly and northerly d=irection from the base line, 512.17,030 Allocation of Numbers. 0>Ze hundred numbers sha17_ Fie alleted to eac?-z rtorrnal block a.nd shall be evecaly Vi c: in units of street frontage. n the event 'th.a't a street �.s ri.ot intersected at regular intervals by other streets and is not there® fore a. normal block, numbers shall be altotecd in the samic manner as if it were intersectedat such regular intervals. Numte: s of. the right side of the street from the point of beginning shall be even numbers, and the numbers on the left side shall be odd numbers, §12.17«040 Maintenance of record maps by the City Engineer0 TL shall be the duty of the City Engineer to prepare a maintain a map or maps showing all premises, the fronts of all structures thereon and the entrances thereto requiredto be num- bered, the number assigned to each entrance, and sufficient numbe to be reserved for lots or parcels not built upon. §12,17,050 Use and maintenance of numbers. a, No owner, tenant or occupant may place, maintain or allow to remain on a property any number other than such numbers as herein assigned or and required, or permit an, building or structure having an entrance from a public street to remain unnumbered. A street number shall be assigned and recorded by the City Engineer before it may be used as the designation for a property. b. It shall be the duty of the owner, tenant or occupan of any building or structure to place at each street entrance thereto the proper number for each entrance as assigned by the City Engineer. Such number shall be so placed and shall be of such material, color and dimen� cions as to be readily observed and easily read from the street by persons approaching such entrance, §12,17.060 Limitation on numbers. Only one number may be §12a17.070 Changes alloted to each single®family dwelling and one number to each dwelling unit in a duplex. Apartments and multiple dwellings steal be alloted one street cumber and may use any convenient internal numbering system, In commercial and industrial zones, numbers may be assigned each entrance facing on the street, from existing numbers, Whenever, by raisin of new buildings being erected or new entrances being added to existing buildings, it becomes necessary to change allocated i numbers on a block, the City Engineer, may request such change or changes® Tvlhen such a change is proposed, the City Eng'neer shall notify all property owners affected at least 30 days prior to the daL e of the uroposed chanae ,.. Conme:t'ts of the 3uilding 3fficiai and the Fire Chief shall be requested. If it appears that the change or changes are essential, t.'ne changed rczmbers shah be recorder. an the nap, �'he change may be effected at that -time or at a future date to be determined, �i2a17,fl3fl :street nadne change �roceciure, id�aen a request for a change in the name of a public street previocasl}T recorder. is made by any city department or by a property owner, the request shall be referred to the City Council which, shall set the matter for public hearing. The request shall include a name or a, choke of names proposed to be substituted for the existing name, tiotificatiof� of the 'nearing shall be :sailed by 'tcae Cit,J Ciera: to all property owners of record on the street, In addition At that titY2e, 07= a't such f"u?:`t4.2E'r time to inuhiCi: t'L"ie to ,.. requests for comments shall be made to the `Planning Commission, one by resolution, sire Chief and. Postmaster, and any others whose aci.vice is desired by the City Council. The hearing shall be set for the second any succeeding regular meeting. resolution shall be forwarded to the ?Board of Super.iisors may be continued, the Council shall rd.aRce its decision and its decision shall be fina3_0 § 12,i74fl35 Notificatian to hoard of �au�aervis�rsQ �,ny ta,�en by the pity Council Section 2. 'lisle ordinance shall be published as required to cha,.sage the name of any public street shall be one by resolution, ?pon adoption, a. cert leo. copy of any such resolution shall be forwarded to the ?Board of Super.iisors of San lista. County by the CI lert�> Ndayor I. nerbert K. t,llate, City Cleric do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of December 1969 and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of January 19 70g by the following votes: iJalza3: Council�aeE�: None �^�bseaft %otatZcili�aen a None City Clerk