HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0906+ 1' # is S. aS f01. ows The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain Sectzan 1. 1b.O3.010 of u Burlingame Municipal Code zs a��ended to xeado ���?�.�®<fi10 Adaption of etniform Puildi'��� Ccacde, The rues, reg�-elations and stanch;-eds pri �wted in faur volume s and published by international Conference of ualding Officials unser the title Uniform Building Cose, 1967 E-ition, Volmnie 1, including she appendixthereto: 1lnifor3 d+Iechani;al Cose, 1967 Edition, volume II: Uniform 3u ilding Code - Housing - Volume III; aiE d the Uniform iva16u Rg Code, 196? Standards, hereinafter collectively called R£d>uildinb Cade', are adopted as and for the rules regulations and standards vaithing this city as to all attexs herein contad.ne+ except as he einafter provided. The mandatory re3uixe_ients of the Appendix to the wild- ing Code scall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the Building Code. ddf-aifarm �uilda,ng Cade standard Pio. 3d-1-67 and in its place the National Fire protection vPctian 2. §18.03.035 as added to the Burl' am is deleted Association standard for 1960' Edition the is Installation of Sprinkler, adopted by reference, NFPA No. 13, 1%Municipal Code to reads 918,08.0 35 Table IVo. 3A Suildit�p'exc�zit Fees. "3`A$L,C NO, .3A '3d7I1,Is11VC FEM1T E`FE Sow TotalValuation. Fee $1.00 to $20.00 :Wane $21..07 to $100.00 5101.00 to $500.00 $501.00 to $2,000mo0 $2s'001.'�57 to z25,0UQ.�S�'l 525,001.00 for to $�0,:3�30,�0 plus $3.03 fox each ad�Mz.tzonal thousand or fraction thereof, to -1-- $2,00 55.x0 $50 00 for tine first $50^0.0,:; plus $1.°70 far_ each additianal 00.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00. $20.00 539.00 for the first $25,000.0 plus $2.50 for each ardlii.d.orz.ol for Lige first $20,00?F.IDO plus $3.03 fox each ad�Mz.tzonal thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.O0 thousand ox fractian thereof, to and including $50,000.00 Total valuation i'ee $50,0;01.00 to $100,000,0® $100,001.00 end u� $151.54 for the first $50,"j00,00 flus $1,50 for each additional fraction thereof, to and including $100,000°00 $�26e430 for the first $100,00=0 us $1.00 $1..00 for each additional tlzousa.nd or fraction thereof." Section 3® §18.08.110 of the Burlingame Municipal Code is amended to read: §18.138.110 Section 306 Cf) added - Approval of C of Occ? ancy. Sec, 30 of the Building Code is ame by adding sub section (f) to read° {'f) P.pproval of other Officials Required, In Certain Cases. In the case of a proposed occupancy and use, except for an "I" or "J" occupancy, the bui V57henever at any time the planning commission or the city council shall have reclassified, or granted a variance with respect to real property for the p purpose of any other than residential use the property so reclass® hied, or for which a variance shall have been granted, shall automatically be included within Fire Zone No. II provided that if said property is contiguous to Fire Zone I at any poi rIII 11111INI• •.... is0 fir ion ipame n e •.• reserva. oundations. Sec. 2517(c) is amended by a ing the following entence to e first • i Creosote or other equally sed on the mudsills a. for six inches above •n the studdingr- • t.fr .••- • - •f the Building r.de is amendedby adding •following a. Minimum thickness of reinforced concrete, three and b. Membrane water�proofing or waterproofing acceptablesne half inches. o the building official shall be provided. Extend to xterior walls or beyond the limits of habitable rooms and urn up to the •r of 0 co A granular material shall be placed under concrete labs and shall be of proper consistency and thickness to etard capillary action and shall be approved by the building 1 .. •... • • . p and is further amended to •. the followingrom paragraphs: The water fthe roof of any building and from any •aved area which would flow by gravity. • - carriedhall be means• conductors .s.under the sidewalk nd through the curb into the gutter. No storm waters or underground waters draining from any ot, building, or paved areas shall be allowed to drain to djacent properties nor shall these waters be connected to the ity's sanitary sewer system. These waters shall all drain to ither artificial or • by ravity or pumping regardlessof -• of the property. Every sleeping room in Groups H. and I occupancies shall hall have a sill height of •. more than thirty�six inches above3611) ♦•r and shall provide not Section 14, §18.08.380 of the Burlingame Municipal "§18.08.380 Section 3801 amended - Fire Exti.uishin System. Sec. 3801 of the Building Code is amended by adding a third paragraph to subsection 1, to read: Gdhenever3 in such story, basement or cellar of a building, partitions are built or installed so that a single room area over fifteen hundred square feet is created which is not accessible directly from the openings in the exterior walls, any such area shall be protected with an approved fire -extinguishing system.°P Municipal Code to read: '°§18.08.383 Section 3804(1) added--Buildines under Construction. Section 3804 of the Building Code is amended by adding subsection (i) to read: (i) In every building requiring a dry standpipe by that code, and while in the process of construction, there shall be installed either a temporary or permanent standpipe system. The standpipe system shall be installed before the building has reached the fourth (4th) floor. 1. Adequate fire department connections shall be provided. 2. at each floor level there shall be provided at least one approved fire department outlet. 3. Standpipes shall be carried up with each floor and securely capped at the top. Top hose outlets should, at all times, be not more than one floor below the highest forms, staging and like combustibles. 4. At the highest outlet there shall be maintained a substantial box, preferably metaP, in which is kept a sufficient amount of hose to reach all parts of the floor, and a nozzle with a 1-1/8 inch tip. 5. Temporary standpipes shall remain in service until the permanent standpipe installation is complete. 6. Where fire department connections are not readily visible from the street, a sign shall be posted in a conspicuous place directing fire department to the connection." ection 16. §18.08.395 of the Burlingame Municipal §18.08.395 Section 4706(b) amended - Ex�sanded metal and metal lath. Sec. 4706�b is amended to read: All expanded metal and metal lath as set forth in Table No. 47C shall be galvanized and fastened with gal- vanized nails.°P ®g- Municipal Code to read: Section 4706(c} amended - Exterior lath - SackinZ. The first paragraph of Sec. 4706 c) is amended to read: (c} Backing. Backing for vertical surfaces sha11 consist of sheathing as specified in Section 2202.44 Section 18. §18.08.40a of the Burlingame Municipal Cose is amended to read: '°§18.08.400 Section 4708fg� added - Sheathing for exterior plaster. (g) Sheathing required. Anything in Section 470 or elsewhere in this Bode to the contrary notwithstanding, in all cases where plastering or stucco is applied to the exterior of a wood frame building, the building paper required shall be applied on sheathing or similar backing." Code is amended to read: '°§18.08.410 aL (ix) Exterior stucco shall lap the to Section 4708 (h} foundation. Section 4708 adding subsection (h) to added - Exterior nlasterin� of the read as Building Code is amended follows: by of the foundation by two inches but s 11 not come closer than four inches to finish ground," is hereby repealed, Section 21. §18.08.425 of the Burlingame Municipal mended by adding thereto sub�paragraph (d) which shall eade. d) All vents and ducts work joints are to be Section 22. §18.08.430 of the Burlingame Municipal Code is amended to -read: '°§18.08.43a Section 1801 IKechanical Code amended - `�itchen ventilation. Seo. 1801 of the Mechanical Code Ls amended by a ding subsection (c} which sha11 read° (e} Kitchen ventilation. There shall be installed in the ceiling, approximately over the cooking facilities, a ventilating opening with a minimum area of eight by six inches, connected by an incombustible ventilating duct free to the outside of the building. The ventilating duct for each kitchen shall have a minimum cross- sectional area of twenty-eight square inches. An approved forced draft system, in either wall or ceiling may be substituted for the natural draft ventilating system. Combination type gas and solid fuel ranges and trash' burner ranges must be vented to a type.(A) chimney con- structed in accordance with the provisions of this code for use by trash burners. Solid type gas ranges and built in gas circulator type ranges shall be vented to an approved Type (B) gas vent or Type (A) chimney. Gas ranges having a griddle and open type burners are not classed as solid top ranges. Gas ranges which are equipped for unvented use and approved for such'use by an appli- cable, nationally recognized testing agency may be in- stalled without connection to a flue provided that the room in which the range is installed is ventilated in accord- ance with this section and approved by the building official." Section 23. If any section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction,; such decision shallnot affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance: and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, or portions may be declared invalid or unconsti- tutional. Section 24. required by law< This ordinance -shall be published once as I, Herbert K. White; City Clerk of .the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 906 , which was introduced on December 15 , 1969, that thereafter a public hearing on said ordinance was scheduled for ,7anuary 5 ; 1970, at 8:00 o'clock P.M; in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 267. Park Road, Burlingame;,that the notice of said hearing was,published twice in the ADVANCE -STAR, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Burlingame, once. on December 20 , 1969, .and once on December 27 , 1969, the first -8- publication being at least fifteen (15) days preceding; the hearing; that said notice stated the time and place of the hearing; and that not less than three (3) copies of Volumes I, II, and III, 1967 Edition, Uniform Building Code and of Uniform Building Code 1967 Standards, all certified to be true copies by the City Clerk, were on file in the office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection at least fifteen (15) days preceding the hearing; that said notice contained a description of the purpose and subject matter of Volumes I, II, and III, 1967 Edition, Uniform Building Code and of Uniform Building Code 1967 Standards; that said hearing was duly held at the time and place stated in the notice, and that at the meeting of the City Council held on January 5 , 1970, said ordinance was duly adopted by the following vote of the members thereof. Ayese strop-Crosby-George-JoYanson-Nlartirzm Noe s Norse Lbsent Councilmen: None, City Clerk