HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0968QaT3Ia�xt'gizE k; . 968 . ? J ve + : ' ;. ;MLt PXLA CCz is 014'Iit � s yAN D PRADIVTIDIIN� Tt ?Etsa OF TH 1'"Cq ASSIFIE 3 SERVICE as z�lloE's ; Stict.=r.,ra l: �3.52.Ci13 4f ttsa "�ni�.�n�l. G;�� �.s G.nz';d to read "Ind provide as :ell wI,3: `he ei e=il serv�.e�e a thw city sh�i.l be di � deci ; st�a th;: i�tsc3.�i>si}'icd �:xd the c3.z:^s:�.f�wd serva.c=�. {�j �c�ci�.xF�,eci S -wae.^ mhe ur_•�ia�s�t�^c2 se�-�.�zLp oyf�.cea, cnd n ositaocns: 2. City ana�er and one private secretary to the City Uallaer. 3. Positions on appointive boaxds, commissions ox' co"ittees. 4, he hezd of each derartmntp and one private secretary to the head of a department. 5. or volunteer firemen and ,other Depamrtment employees paid can an hourly or per diem basis. 6. Special police officers and rather Police Dpepa~`t , mvrst e ploy�es paid on an ho rly or Per d'i bas? s . Casual +`3r seasonal ci« jloare.es 211n any office cr this i is c le, casual or s-3aaox al eMIJOyer. sn n. =ja ' e. ed to h=ave sy to yz Qu gin.=a $ erg and shall .be trvuted ali i . Such c:aamal...,:. period longcr than: six (6) months, and no person shall be eligible to serve as a cas® ual or seasonal employee for more than V^q a grel ate period of six (6) months in miy one fiscal year. 8. Part-tirr� eeraaloyUes ire u.�sy e�fice or c+epartm merit of the city. A partati e em-ployee is hereuy dvfined as an e �ploy2e appointed to a position uhich requires service of four (4) hours a day or less, - — -- 9. Hourly or per clien, ewployees are any office o,A �lupart~;�t of the city. �n hourly ox r=y'" dies ee= p loyee shall be deead to be any pwa or phial on an hoirly or per diem b�a5 i•s, employed in any position, but such seA vic€ or employment ,hall in no came exceed nor continue for a lunger period .LIzan six (5) months in any one fiscal year. lid. Officers and employees of thee Saa .t teo County Department of Public I-ealta and Velfaze en� gaged in the enforcement of all public healfa regulations in this city. 11. Emergency c:loyees in any office or dtipE2'tw+' =id of the city. I?or the purposes or trus art .g cle, ars emergency employee is defined to b3 -olovmen t, the ncce�sity forTlhieh has 'v�.e a created by reason of riot, insucrectio_l or other extraordinary emergency. 17o positio a sh�?I.l ��� cre�t�=c3, csr �r��s2cs�rent eau�e. F:�:z•�r ?:a���3vr a?aa�.il the exasi.erace ca;� a stste o� ��;:ar�ea�cy tx s ���.ert p-xocl.�i�a3ri try tb � .���yar ca€ t¢ae �� ty. dill scrh ga�^�.t�sns � u�l e�rpl��a �«xts ska�ll be �sr the ��sr�t:e:caa� �s� the e:.=3ay�r,�;�y a��e� s��Li ��r.:�.a?���. ir��n��.�^�.s�Y i�} Cl<�s�,.fr zP S��a.L�ce: i'n� ��.�ssi��.�� sere��. ;x��.l ccanprise x+13. p:�s�.ti�na r�zt sp��ia�c�i.ly ira��.ud��ci :-ayr �i�i:.s sv�� t�.oa� a.ra tine aancl�s��iii.e� ssr�ce, {c} $�:<^,t:as t5^; �`FEne:�s`.ve; i���e c�i 4�r1iz���`1r-:: Aray p;?�sc3.�z h���.�.t?,�, a gts�.tas:�a oc eia��3.oysre:xt inclu{}�� a�a ��i� cl�ss���.ecl :a�Y-va.rc� ��h�� sn t>>xw e��ec�:Yv� c��L'e t�£ t��3.s arutne�z.;�, s':a�ll have s�:�v�d c�n�:i:�ztao�ssl.y in sua;°h pasat�_e�:s, rax irF acs::;-: �,�-sx3r pcasiti�rc � _�c3.c�F-�:'� in t�:, c3.assifiet3 servicer ��r a pvri�� QE t��atvv C3-3� r�.�sa-sthc iaE;.;�i�deiy g�io�- �:� szac-� e;.�ectiv� c`,�.re; still �:zxt��a�aF:ic�lky ccaz�i.a�aa-:� ka3-s r���a;S.�r s�.a��s in ih:v ciass��i�� ser�ace i.n ih4 �Sositioa� he1.d va suc�C e�'�ectiv=� d���, end shill cc=�tin�.� t�a�re���er to �e uuu�ee� :%Fa Ali. res�c-rts to tYaY gz�vis.�ns of the rival service systems p�u" ��� far in ttz�t.s ec�cte ui:: it his a� � ice flr posit icsu �ee���=��;� v�c�ttt. (�) R�r�o���l o£ tr�c�l-�3.9if3.e� %;;�ic�r ���rl ��a�d,..__es: 1, l�xy saa4cl�ss:.faeri of�fcer ar e��^layee Qz' �:iae ciiy e�c:�*�: the ��.::y �tto�n�y may be sus; �:a�ded or re,:��vecl fr€:a� o£ice o° e�alo�;a�*'at hFr t��r a�'zicer by a�alttaaa 2ppc�znte�t, t:eif.�.era n�t.:i.c< o?: i�yof�, sa�sgez�.sinaz or r�a�ov�l sensed gerso:x�l3.y ors a�F ��-'".Y .._ y�:� ,..F.».r.f- yg n� ,r�aar���� iyy`'�gq3.�.. ��:,«;. �.`� {AA?���. L.�_�3..?' .. a.';; CFiL> �i'. E.ii'R..A �i}i `*.r �}.9_ �-:.:��:.r t1L.:E �iii%Y2L e:... .: �a ?w��,�:.a.wY�.G R..� �.LS-i.G 8ilj=aT+.::+^!7 �. �;�f3:fYy Sii'3�Y.'f2SI.{:'=A 4i' Y.e i�+3td3ls Lti23e�..+5 >miiu �2%"S:si2 St rot��i��d sxa3_l .r tfaaa� a3.�r� �5) d�y> �.�tpr aorta nc;,i c�, � a-., a �:�� , �te�z st�te.��t of the ressc�us i:Eaere�tir �a,�� :tae r�.��, a L.s be izearcF pub�.iely before tiav o€fieer by t�iao�e such noa.i.ce was �av�Lxa. t��-aon such ciend the of€icer na'�;ir��, tl-k las€af?=, sus- peaasio>.a oa rexaoval shall deliver to the perscan notified thereof � u°ritten state:.sat of the reasons thexefoz and shall fix � tiaae grad p? aen £ox taae public hearinv. I'o? lo.: - in tixe put�llc laarin�, the raffice�- ortlerira� the layoff, sus- ` gr.��asioza or ro�o5aal s:a=nll oy a decisioaa it3 tritin�, raa? e sucta dispo,ition of t?ae case as, in his o3inaa:t, the food o€ tine s2rv.3,c2 u3y rewire, grad ssach decision sh��l be final. � ceps of the st�te�nt o€ reasons for aszy layoff, susl�ensi o:z or removal, a cosy of the krritten reply tYaereto by the o£fics r car eployee involved, wnd a co;�y a€ the final cleci- sio�a of the of£icor tsy whom tha layoff, suspvazsi on or reU°so�;�i utas �zazie shall tae fated. as public a-oeo.cais in size office o€ the City Cler'�c. 2. the Cats �ttorx;ey say b surded or removed fxca>az of€icc fay afaun-fifths (4l5taas) vote. of the City Cou�9cil." Sec:; iczn _2: T'nis o-rdinaaee s'aall iao published as re- quix-eci by lain. Prior existing Sect%i�po�n 3.52.010 is hereby repealed.. L' 3 t yor I, iP,3�� Y. Ie,t�li�, City Cle�-�, � hereby cerci€y that. the. €4xe,�oin� ordin��ace a:as intro:luce.? at a re��tlar �aotin� o€ tf: City Go:ancal helca on the �lst�;._ day of _��--ugust. �:�.�,._ l'y'j.��, $nii iiopted th::r�.�ter ct � rVlar ix?2etiT_3�. t9% ti1ti:. Cat:;" Coutzcil held on the 5th day oF_ secatember l9_ 72 _, by the Poll®i�Tin� votes: AY�.S; Courcilra. A�nstrup-Crosby-Cusick-?�iangini= Martin t��'ruS: i:� .is37.a...:=. None t`�by-ti.at. CLatt�aa^.ilz,sa'eat: None Gtp Clark